Feeding My Dairy Goats

When I was new to owning goats, I agonized over what to feed them. I poured over the internet finding out what everyone did. I read everything I could and the only thing that everyone agreed on, was that goats need to eat. But it seemed nobody could agree on anything else! Everybody did it […]

Zaria, Zebedee, and Zilch

I grabbed a stack of towels, leaving Baxter, Bedford, Raphael, and Renaissance in the milk room, and ran back out to the stalls. Zenith was halfway out of one of the regular kids, pushing her head against Colter’s legs. Instead of trying to get around her, I just climbed the fence, landing on the other […]

Goat Collars

My mom has great ideas.  Actually, she has A LOT of really great ideas.  So many in fact, that she can’t implement them all.  That’s where my dad comes in. Dad jokes that ever since he and Mom have been together, she dreams it – he does it. One of those great ideas was that […]

Baxter and Bedford

I ran over from catching Reluctant’s kids, Raphael and Renaissance, to kidding pen A, where Belle was pushing. Jade had towels waiting for me, and was letting Belle lick one of them while we waited for babies. It wasn’t long at all – maybe a few minutes at the most – before we had our first […]

Raphael and Renaissance

The weekly GMS meeting had just finished and I was working on writing Kidding Season blog posts when the call rang out through the soaproom – “Babies!!!” Everyone abandoned what they were doing and we rushed to the barn, where we found two goats in labor – Belle and Reluctant. After deciding that Reluctant needed […]

Hades, Hellion, Hidden, and Honey

Someone pounded on my bedroom door and announced, “Hummingbird’s kidding!” For the second time that morning, I rolled out of bed and pulled some clothes on, shoved my feet in my shoes, and ran. When I reached the barn, I almost ran into Mom, who was standing around a corner watching Hummingbird, who was in […]

San Francisco and Serenade

I rolled out of bed to turn my alarm off, stiff and sore and still exhausted.  I picked up my phone and stared at it blankly – it wasn’t my alarm, it was my phone. “Brett? Siren’s kidding and no one else is answering their phones and I need help!” Emery said when I answered, […]

Tackled, Tebow, and Tickle

I abandoned Varsity, Vereena, and Parcells, knowing that Indigo and Jade would continue to dry them off, grabbed a stack of towels, and ran to kidding pen A. I was just in time to catch our first baby – a buckling that we named Tackled, in honor of the Super Bowl (which was still going […]


About two seconds after I’d finished putting Varsity’s collar on, someone threw open the door to the milk room and announced that Persephone was kidding! Unfortunately, because I was with Varsity and Vereena, and Mom was busy doing what I usually do, we don’t have any pictures of the birth. But it wasn’t long before […]

Varsity and Vereena

We had just finished watching the Super Bowl half-time show when we got the call from the barn. The Super Bowl was forgotten – well, maybe not forgotten, but abandoned – as we rushed to get to the barn. The locker room was crowded as nine of us pushed each other around, trying to get to […]

Sabor, Second, and Sicily

Not long after Jamaica, Jemima, and Jiminy were born, we were called out to the barn because Payton was in labor. Dad was trying to figure out what was going on – according to him, the kids were pretty tangled up, which is typical for Payton babies. They have a mind of their own. Dad […]