Taking the Goats for a Walk

When we first got goats, we lived on three acres. There were a total of 3 pine trees on that entire property for the goats to eat because the property was an old hay field.  The goats had plenty of space, but the  property was not ideal for them because goats are browsers, not grazers. […]

Goat Milk Egg Nog

The reason that I first got dairy goats was so that we could have a source of healthy, raw milk. Later on I would use this milk to create our goat milk soap and launch Goat Milk Stuff. But in the beginning, the goat milk was simply a food source. We drank it, we made […]

Playing at the New House

Construction has been underway at the new house for several months.  We asked our builder to “switch gears” and get the barn done because we wanted to move the goats before they got too far into their pregnancies.   Because of that, the crew is just now getting the roof on the house. The other […]

Jade’s Favorite Soap

You may be aware that I did a video series where everybody (except me) shared which is their favorite goat milk soap.  The problem started when I let Jade be the last person to record her video.  Because I put the videos up on the Goat Milk Stuff website, I only wanted one video per […]

Indigo’s Favorite Soap

We do a lot of videos around here.  Sometimes we tell the children what to say, sometimes we just give them a little bit of direction, and sometimes we let them talk and say whatever they want.   We filmed several of the “favorite soap” videos in a row.  Indigo filmed her video right after […]

When Exercise is Still Fun

I remember a time when exercise used to be fun, and not something to check off my to-do list.  I don’t remember when it stopped being fun.  Probably after I had children. Or when I was pregnant.  Yes, I definitely don’t remember exercise being fun while I was pregnant.  Indigo and Jade still think exercise […]

ZuZu’s Delivery

This year we filmed ZuZu’s labor and delivery and edited the video for you to watch. Fletcher did a wonderful job doing the filming, but the camera isn’t always steady. Pretty amazing, huh? Have YOU ever seen an animal born?    

Playing in the Rain

We’ve had an amazingly mild winter so far. It has only gotten below freezing a few times. The problem of course has been that it has also been an amazingly wet winter. I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised because we had a fairly wet fall as well.  It’s a good thing that wet weather doesn’t stop […]

Stress Reliever

Right now the Jonas Family is even busier than usual.  We’re entering kidding season (which means less sleep for everyone), we’re building at the new property (which means more traveling to check on progress), and we’re losing our employee (which means more work for all). This can cause everyone to be more stressed and less […]

Growing Up

I know that it’s my job as a parent to help my children grow up and reach their full potential. As much as I love holding and snuggling them, I’m not doing them any favors by trying to keep them little. But sometimes it makes me a little sad to see them grow. Don’t get […]


Many of you know that the Jonas Family likes to sing. I mean we really, really like to sing. Jim has a pretty good voice. Me – I’m terrible. But it doesn’t stop me from singing. And singing loudly. LOL Indigo really likes to sing too. Now that she is reading, she’s been asking me to print […]