I Called It!

This morning as I was walking in from feeding the babies, I looked at the goats in the stall. Dayton was in there, with her tail up in the air (they don’t usually keep their tails up).  As I was cleaning out the lambar (a bucket with nipples that we use to feed the babies), I told Mom that someone should go and check Dayton, because I thought she was going to have her babies.


Mom said that it was time for breakfast, and I should remind her after we ate. After we were done with our blueberry pancakes, I said, “Mom, you need to send someone to go check on Dayton, remember???” So she sent Colter out.

When Colter came back, I asked him if there was anything… Nope!

Fast forward a couple of hours.

I was doing my schoolwork, when Dad came in and told me and Mom that Dayton was kidding. Mom and I got on our kidding clothes and headed to the barn. Fast forward about 1/2 an hour (for all you queasy people) and Damsel in Distress (We call her Damsel) enters the world butt first (not a normal delivery – Dad had to assist).  This is Damsel:


Fast forward another 10 minutes and Deputy is born. (He is a boy).  This is Deputy: 


This is both of them:


And this is one of them getting loved on by Jade and Indigo.




So now we have 10 babies!  And you know what? I totally called that Dayton was going to kid!!  I’m getting good at this goat thing!

Brett Blue Signature