Another Surprise!

My Mom is an amazing Mom. She loves us, takes care of us, and even manages to find the energy to cook up, not only one surprise, but two! (Here is the first surprise) On Dad’s birthday, we all woke up at about 8:30. Mom called Ms. Gretchen and she picked up donuts for us […]


Why do boys like to do things the uncomfortable/difficult way? For instance… Why do they like to wear the footy pajamas that have holes in them? (Even though Mom told them they should be put in the trash…and they have others that they could wear). Why do they like to lie down on the bottom […]

How Many Can YOU Do??

This morning, after we were all awake, Mom challenged all of us to a jumping jack contest. The person who could do the most jumping jacks without stopping, would get extra chocolate chips in their pancakes!!! Everyone wanted to win. You see, my brothers are boys. And my Mom is a Mom. So she never puts […]

Meet Colter

Colter at fifteen has become a strong young man. Not only does he work with the goats, but he also has become the soapmaking production assistant.  You can learn more about him and what he does at Goat Milk Stuff by watching his video:   We’re so proud of Colter and all his accomplishments!      


No, this post is not about pizza. This post is about… …Skiing. When you start skiing, the first thing you learn, (if you have an instructor) is how to stop! At least, that’s what we were taught. To do that, you can go sideways across the hill, or you can pizza. Mom calls it snow […]


Woosh! There goes one sled! Woosh! There goes another! That was what several days of our NH visit were like. Woosh! All day! Woosh!  With a few Ooofs thrown in:       Greyden ran off the track and almost ran into a tree: Colter telling Daddy’s cousin, Karla, that his trail was the best: […]

Happy Birthday Indi!!

Yesterday was Indigo’s Birthday! She is 5 now!      I cant get it!  Got it!! Our Birthday traditions indicate that the birthday child (or adult) must give everyone a hug, so that they can get the money hidden under the place-mat of the person they are hugging. No hug, no money! Here she is […]


Mom and Dad had a date tonight. So they left for Louisville, and we finished up all of our work. Afterwords, I called all the kids together to make sure all the work was done. Once I was sure it was all finished, I told them that we could play a game of Charades! Then […]

Growing Up!

Colter and I have started to help Mom with the computer work for Goat Milk Stuff. We have had a lot of fun helping her with small things before, but we finally have our “jobs”. Colter is going to be managing the Distributors, and doing a lot of the background work. Keeping everything running smoothly. I […]

Counting Down!

Colter got a countdown clock for his birthday. Since then he has set it for every big event that has come along. The end of his fiction fast, Christmas, and most recently, our Disney World vacation! So this past couple of weeks, every morning the boys will announce to the rest of us: “only 21 […]

Ulterior Motives

Everyone around here always loves Christmas. But this year, Brett, Cole, and Emery got really excited about it. Most of their gifts were very altruistic and something the receiver would really desire. But there were a few that I think were a little bit selfishly motivated. One of them was the box set of the […]

Almost Christmas

We love the fact that our business is growing. But it has interfered with some of our Christmas traditions. At the very least, it has pushed many of them back from the first half of December to the second half of December. For example, we finally got our tree up this week. We could have […]

A Momentous Occasion

It’s finally happened… The moment that every mother dreads hopes for… Colter is now taller than me! Jim decided you may not be able to tell for sure, so he took this picture: As I keep telling Colter, being taller than me, isn’t a very big accomplishment. LOL  But still it’s a milestone in a […]