Stress Free Holidays – Week Six, Day Three

Hopefully by now, you’ve either started or have completed wrapping your presents, but if you haven’t, it’s not too late! Take fifteen minutes a day, or set aside an hour, and start tackling that pile. It won’t take nearly as long as you think it will.

Don’t forget to package up any gifts that are being sent to family and friends that aren’t local. We’ll send them later, but it will make things so much easier if they’re already packaged in their boxes.

If you’re doing any charitable giving this holiday season with Operation Christmas Child boxes or something similar, we’re going to work on those this week as well. Shoebox Drop off week isn’t for another week or two, but we prefer to get them packaged up and ready to go now – that way if we forgot anything, we still have time to run out to the store and get them.

Operation Christmas Child sends shoeboxes of toys, school supplies, hygiene products, and more to children in third world countries around the globe. It is one of our favorite charities and we love supporting them. If you need instructions on how to pack a shoebox to send to a child, you can find that here. 

If you don’t have the time to build your own box, you can build one online! You can choose what child (girl, boy, and age range), what items to put in, include a message, and send it, all without leaving your house. 

Happy wrapping and shoe-box building!

PJ and Brett