Jade: “Dad always says he’s a middle-aged guy. How old exactly do you have to be in order to be a middle-aged guy?”
PJ: “Why does it smell like peanut butter?”
Jade: “…um….”
PJ: “Well?”
Jade: “I might have had a tiny piece of broken peanut butter fudge?”
Brett: “If you need to start a load of laundry at 4AM, please use the washing machine that won’t shake my bed.”
Fletcher: “Some guys can sing soprano.”
Greyden: “No, they can’t.”
Fletcher: “Well, our cousin can sing soprano.”
Greyden: “No, he wails soprano. There’s a difference.”
Colter: “Remember when all those clowns were running around the country?”
Emery: “Yeah, if one of those clowns came after Brett while she was in a car, she’d legit just run them over.”
Emery as he eats cheese curds dipped in ranch dressing (an unusual treat): “There’s just something about fat, covered in carbs, fried in fat, then dipped in more fat.”
Jade: “Usually the youngesters, as I call them–”
Emery starts laughing.
Jade: “What?”
Emery: “You’re nine and you just called a seven year old a youngster.”
Indigo: “Brett shops in the kid section because she’s so small, so we have the same jeans, just three sizes smaller.”
Brett: “They’re more than three sizes bigger!”
Indigo: “Really? What size are yours?”
Brett: “…no comment.”
(For the record, they’re six sizes bigger. LOL)
Hewitt: “You were born in 1996?”
Brett: “…yes?”
Hewitt: “YOU’RE SO OLD.”
Emery was playing with Missy, our four year old cousin.
Missy: “I’m his princess, and he’s my prince!”
Emery: “Yeah, I have to save her from the evil dragon.”
PJ: “Who’s the evil dragon?”
Emery: “Dad.”
Emery: “What’s disc 6 in the car CD player?”
Brett: “Les Mis, Act Two.”
Emery: “Perfect, I feel like listening to depressing music.”
Brett: “Um… okay?”
Brett: “We’re starting quotes on the blog again, so if you hear anyone say anything funny, send it to me.”
Greyden: “That’s it, no one should say anything funny ever again.”
Brett: “…that’s a quote.”
Jade: “The library had so many Boxcar Children books that I didn’t even know about! I thought I knew about all of them!”
Emery: “Why does it feel like your veins turn to ice when you stick your foot in ice water?”
Colter: “That smells good!”
PJ: “I made your favorite meal in case your ankle was broken.”