Brett: “Elvish is the language of the nerds.”
Fletcher: “So is Minion.”
Brett: “…that’s more like the language of the doofuses.”
Jade (opening the door of the soaproom and bellowing): “IT’S LUNCH TIME!!”
Hewitt (as he comes racing out of the breakroom): “FINALLY.”
Indigo: “That customer thought ‘siblings’ was a big word. I say it all the time though!”
Fletcher (while leading a tour): “This is the office… all the boring stuff happens in here.”
Fletcher: “Indigo, don’t massage your teeth! From my experience, it makes it hurt more.”
Indigo: “Fletcher, you haven’t had braces. You don’t HAVE experience.”
Jade: “It’s lunch time!”
Colter: “What are we eating?”
Jade: “Sloppy Joes!”
Colter: “Are you serious? Sloppy Joes are my FAVORITE.”
Brett: “Okay, I’ve done enough adulting today. I’m going to take a nap.”
Colter: “Is it just me, or is the internet being really slow today?”
Greyden: “Maybe you broke the internet.”
Indigo (coming into the office): “Colter broke the internet??”
Brett: “Dad, do you still need your Instagram picture for the day?”
Jim: “Yup – why?”
Brett: “Because there’s a HUGE moth on the window here. It’s almost freakishly big.”
Emery (whispering instructions to his friends) “When Brett comes over to say we have to leave, you guys go get in her way, and then we’ll run, so we don’t leave yet!”
A friend: “Are we supposed to do that? That doesn’t sound good….”
Greyden (laughing): “We do it all the time.”
Jade (as Brett comes in the house): “I made lunch!”
Brett: “Oh my gosh, you are the best little sister EVER.”
Jade (with a smirk): “I know.”
Hewitt: “Hey, guess what?”
Greyden: “What?”
Hewitt (cracking himself up): “Monkey-butt!”
Greyden: “Really? That’s not even that funny. If you’re trying to be funny, say something we would think is funny, like goat-butt or chicken-butt.”
Indigo: “You guys are weird. I don’t think goat butts or chicken butts are funny either.”
Jade: “Are you okay, Brett?”
Brett (flopping down onto the couch): “You’re lucky you’re still homeschooled.”
Jade: “You’re still homeschooled.”
Brett: “No, I go to college, which means I have homework.”
Jade: “Isn’t that just like regular schoolwork?”
Brett (shaking her head): “Nope. Not at all.”
Greyden: “I could bounce on a trampoline for five hours.”
Emery: “Your legs would fall off by then.”
Greyden: “No, yours might, but I have better calves than you. See?”
Emery: “Well….”
Greyden: “Hah – you’re not saying anything because mine are better than yours.”
Colter (while rubbing his stomach): “I feel fat.”
Jade (pushing her stomach out): “You’re not fat – look at me!”
Colter: “I didn’t say I was fat, I said I feel fat. I just had four hamburgers, some baked beans, some macaroni salad, three cookies, and some pecan pie.”
Jade (after thinking for a minute): “Okay, I didn’t have that much, but I’m still more fat than you!”