Indigo: “Brett, can I borrow one of your blankets?”
Brett: “I’m using them right now… go borrow one from the boys.”
Indigo: “Can I snuggle with you instead? All of the boys’ blankets STINK like goats.”

Indigo: “So what’s wrong with you?”
Jade: “My throat feels like the goats ran over it all night long.”
Indigo: “Well, I’m glad they stayed on your side of the bed!”

Fletcher: “Greyden, come fix the dishwasher. I don’t know what’s wrong with it.”
Greyden: “What happened?”
Fletcher: “This screw fell down and I don’t know where it came from.”
Greyden: “It came from up.”

Jade: “I’m almost taller than Indigo!”
Indigo: “Whoa. You are NOT almost taller than me.”
Jade: “Well, I will be taller than you when we’re big.”
Indigo: “Don’t say that. You don’t know that.”
Jade (smugly): “I’m going to be taller than you when we’re big.”

Jade (while listening to Tubthumping): “This song reminds me of Captain America; because he’s always getting knocked down, and getting back up again!”

Jade: “This hiking trail is really up and down. Actually, it’s mostly down. It’s like up, down, up, down, down, down, down, up, up, down, down, down, down, down. ….yeah, it’s mostly down.”

Colter: “And everybody dies.”
PJ: “You can’t say something like that! They might be hoping that one person survives or something.”
Colter: “It’s literally in the title of the book – And Then There Were None. It SAYS they all die in the title.”

Hewitt: “Why are all the lights off in the house? Aren’t all the other kids supposed to be back there?”
Brett: “Maybe they’re getting ready to surprise us.”
Hewitt: “Maybe… I hope they do. You’d probably scream like a little girl.”
Brett: “Gee, thanks.”

Emery: “Gah, I hate making this maple fudge! It’s either too hard or too soft.”
Brett: “But it tastes really, really good.”
Emery: “But it–”

Jade (at a resturant): “Do we want mac and cheese or pizza?”
Indigo: “Pizza sounds good.”

They waited for a beat before saying in unison, “mac and cheese.”

PJ: “Indigo please go back to the house and make me lunch.”
Indigo: “can I take jade with me?”
PJ: “Will she slow you down?”
Indigo: “Um…. OK I’ll be right back.”