Hewitt: “Since Grammy got Indigo that coloring book for Christmas, ALL she does is color now.”
Indigo: “It’s fun!”
Hewitt: “But it’s not as much fun as having a NERF GUN WAR.”

Jade (yelling through the entire house): “NERF GUN BATTLE IN THE BASEMENT! BRING YOUR OWN GUN.”
Fletcher: “Can I bring two guns?”
Jade: “Why would you bring two?”
Fletcher: “One for each hand.”
Jade (with a sigh): “I guess that’s okay. But you can only shoot one at a time.”

We are working on penmanship by memorizing and writing Philippians chapter 1.
Emery: “Oops. I need to caps lock my Philippi.”
Jim: “You mean ‘capitalize the P’?”