Jim: “Keep it in your car.”
Jade: “I don’t have a car. You should buy me a car, and I’ll keep it in there.”
Jade: “Indigo! Congress needs you!”
Brett: “What??”
Jade: “We made our own Congress.”
Brett: “Um…”
Jade: “Indigo, come on!”
Colter: “May the Fourth be with you!”
Hewitt: “You said “force” wrong.”
Emery: “I saw Brett run from the kitchens to the barn.”
Greyden: “It was probably pouring rain.”
Emery: “And it was downhill.”
Brett: “I forgot how much sunburns hurt.”
Jade: “Don’t you get sunburned all the time?”
Brett: “No, I’m the person who NEVER gets sunburned because I’m always putting sun tan lotion on. I can’t even think of the last time I got sunburned.”
Jade: “Oh, wait, I’m the one who gets sunburned all the time. It doesn’t hurt that badly – why are you whining about it?”
Colter (after giving Brett a container of granola for her parfaits ): “That should last you about a week.”
Brett: “I’m thinking it’ll last about three days.”
Colter: “Or a week.”
Brett: “Maybe two days.”
Jade: “I think its a good idea.”
Brett: “Well, I’ve been doing this little thing called life for 10 years longer than you, so….”
Hewitt: “Mom, what does it mean when they say “two worlds, one family”?”
PJ: “It means that even though they’re different, they’re still like family.”
Hewitt: “So it doesn’t really mean that they’re from another world?”
Jade: “What is raw milk?”
Indigo: “It means it’s not pasteurized.”
Jade: “Well what’s that?”
Indigo: “I think it’s where they cook the milk to kill everything in it.”
Jade: “Why would they want to cook milk??”
Fletcher: “Colter, how much does a bag of dirt weigh?”
Jim: “Well that was interesting. A cinnamon sugar bagel with garden cream cheese. I guess that’s what happens when you tell Jade you don’t care what bagel she makes for you.
Jade: “What do you mean, there aren’t any more Wizard of Oz books?”
Brett: “You finished them all.”
Jade: “There weren’t enough though!”
Indigo: “We only have two bike helmets.”
Greyden: “Don’t worry, I’ll build another one.”
Brett: “So what was your favorite part about your farm tour?”
A kid on the tour: “This isn’t a farm!”
Brett: “Why not?”
Kid: “Because you don’t have pigs!”
PJ: “Where’s Greyden?”
Hewitt: “He’s in the garage, drilling something again.”
PJ: “What’s he drilling?”
Hewitt: “I don’t know, maybe his foot?”