Homestead Happenings 2/23/2020

This week we’ve been under a lot of construction!

Hewitt's broken nose

Hewitt broke his nose! It actually happened last week, but I forgot to put it in the homestead happenings. For those of you who wondered what happened, he got in a fight with a trash can, and the trash can won! The picture doesn’t show it super well, but if you look at his lip, you can see how swollen it is on the left side.


As I said, we’ve been having loads of construction. Lucky and his guys are trying to get everything done as fast as they can so that it will be ready to open up on March 1st!

We got our pizza oven! It’s absolutely huge, and we will be able to make lots of pizza with it!!

Here’s a little bit of the construction inside the sweet shop.

We got chicks! On Thursday due to construction processes, we lost power on the farm. We knew this was going to happen, and had prepped almost everything. But we forgot that the chicks would need power for their heat lamps! Luckily, dad saw them just a few minutes after the power was turned off, and brought them back to the house (the only place we had power). We had a few generators, but they went to other things. So go daddy, he saved all of the chicks!

We’ve had tons of baby goats this month, and Thor (our oldest Great Pyrenees dog) is so sweet that we let him in with the baby goats. He has fun watching them jump and play, and he also keeps them safe. 

On Saturday, Grandma and Poppy came! I’m super excited because it’s the first time in a while that I’ve had them here on my birthday!

That’s all this week!