Washing the Beast

We’ve had the Beast for a while now, and it was getting really dirty. Because of the wrap (the pictures) we can’t take it to a car wash – not that it would fit in there anyway. So Dad told the kids one hot summer day that it was time to clean the Beast.

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“First you had to spray the Beast very gently, from far away.” –Indigo

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“When it was wet you took the sponge and wiped it down, being careful so you didn’t wipe the stickers off.” –Jade

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“After Jade wiped it down, I had to dry it.” –Hewitt

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“I got to use the ladder too!”

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“Washing the Beast took a long time, but it looked awesome when it was done!” -Indigo

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They did a great job! The Beast was sparkly clean – until the next day, when it rained. LOL




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4 thoughts on “Washing the Beast

  1. I LOVE the beast!!! What fun to watch peoples’ reactions to the pics on the windows. Enjoy! It looks like an extended van. How many passenger seats?

        • Actually – I’m 5′ tall and Brett isn’t even that tall. It’s easier to drive because you sit so high up and it has a really tight turning radius. 🙂 PJ

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