Jonas Family 25 Holiday Events

If you listened to my podcast about Simplifying and Organizing your Holidays, then you know that the first week of every October, the Jonases sit down and discuss what we’re going to do as a family for the first 25 days of December.  These events are very intentional and designed to build memories and make us a stronger family unit.  They’re not always big things.  In fact, some of them are quite small because of what we have going on in our lives on that day.


But we decide what to do as a family.  We all sit down at the dining room table together and start filling in our calendar.  We usually start with the more time consuming activities – when will we get our tree, when will we decorate the tree, when will we decorate the house, and when will we paint ornaments.  Then the shorter activities that we love to do get filled in.

People often ask me what is on our list, so I decided to share it with everyone.  The numbers correspond to the date.  So the first activity occurs on December 1st and continues down the list.

  1. Make Jesse Trees
  2. Apple Cider
  3. Watch a Little House on the Prairie episode
  4. Decorate house
  5. Play a family game
  6. Get Christmas tree
  7. Decorate tree
  8. Paint ornaments
  9. Puzzle
  10. Egg nog
  11. Watch It’s a Very Merry Muppet Christmas* (Greyden’s birthday)
  12. Peanut butter cups and Family Hug
  13. Tell others 1 thing we like about each other  (Brett’s birthday)
  14. Sing Christmas carols
  15. List of things for which we are thankful
  16. Family card game
  17. Decorate cookies
  18. Watch Miracle on 34th Sreet*
  19. Make homemade marshmallows
  20. Lights under Louisville
  21. Watch White Christmas*
  22. Christmas carol party
  23. Drive around and look at Christmas lights
  24. Make gingerbread houses
  25. Watch It’s a Wonderful Life*

Our list changes slightly from year to year.  But a lot of it stays the same (other than switching dates).  Our children always want me to schedule “Build a Snowman”, but unfortunately, we can’t plan ahead for that one. LOL

What family activities to you do and what memories do you make at your house?

*Amazon Affiliate links

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

7 thoughts on “Jonas Family 25 Holiday Events

  1. Thank you for sharing this. I think this is a very sweet idea. Me & my family are going to try this. Thanks! 🙂

    • It’s been one of the best things that we do. Because the children hold me accountable to it, so I don’t skip them because life has gotten busy! PJ

      • I spoke with my husband about this today and we are going ton sit down with the kids and plan it out for Christmas, but we are not going to stop there. We are going to plan out some of the other holidays also like passover, Easter and a few we made up like family together month and brother & sister month.

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