Simplify and Organize Your Holidays II

Busy Mom’s Survival Guide Podcast Episode 042.
Many busy moms don’t get to fully enjoy the holiday season because they are stressed out from living the holiday season.  During this episode I share how I completely revamped our holiday experience.  I share with you some practical changes that we made and give you some things to think about.

DCF 1.0

Listener Questions

Erin: Do you do any special baking and do the kids get involved/excited?

Susan: What are your gift giving traditions? How much do you give to each kid, to extended family members, to neighbors, teachers, & others who are special to you? If I could get this out of the way & be at peace that what I am giving is enough, then I could be more at peace with the season.

Episode Resources

 Episodes In The Series


Do you do anything special with your family over the holidays?  I’d love to hear any ideas that you have.

Thanks for listening!  Tune in next week as I discuss organizing your pantry and shopping list. 


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2 thoughts on “Simplify and Organize Your Holidays II

  1. Hi P.J.!
    I just have a question about your Christmas letter – I don’t have a website or a blog, but I like your idea of posting your Christmas letter online rather than printing and mailing it. Do you know of any websites where you can post a letter and receive a link to send to people?

    • Hey Carly, I responded to your comment when you first posted it via my phone. It doesn’t look like my response posted. I’m so sorry to keep you waiting! I think the easiest thing to do is go to and set up a free blog. You don’t have to update it except for every holiday letter or something special you want to put up there. You can also make it private which is a very nice feature. Hope that helps!! PJ

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