Jade is our Fourth of July birthday girl! We start our birthday celebrations at breakfast with breakfast birthday cake. Normally everybody has a special birthday placemat, but they have not been unpacked yet, so we made do with dish towels.
Waiting for breakfast birthday cake:
After birthday cake, the birthday person goes around the family from youngest to oldest. They get a special birthday hug, pose for the camera, and then lift up the place mat to see how much money the person has hidden under their place mat for them.
The grandparents were all here for Jade’s birthday, so they were added into the rotation. My mom (aka Grandma) took delight in pointing out that she was the youngest grandparent:
Then Jim’s Dad (aka Gumpy):
Jim’s Mom (aka Grammy):
My Dad (aka Poppy):
Then some cards and presents:
Jade got a big present this year because of the new house:
The other children weren’t allowed to use it until she sunk a basket…
… so Jim decided to help her:
Jim even made a special basketball holder out of the soap curing racks from our old location:
Jim said we’d have the best smelling balls in the county. LOL (Sorry – you get that kind of humor when you have so many boys).
Happy Birthday, Jade!!
What a beautiful big girl!
Yes, she is! 🙂 PJ