Crazy Cats

Recently, we changed the sleeping arrangements around here. I have the old boy’s room, (which still smells funny from 7 years of boys living in it).  The little girls are still in the purple room, and all the boys are upstairs.

Ginger and Gypsy have decided that my room is now the best room in the house to hang out in. It is nice and quiet, it is starting to smell nicer, and there are no annoying kids trying to scoop them up without warning.

Since Mom got her new bed, her old mattress is in my room. It is also the tallest thing in the room, since it is up on its side in between the wall and the bunk beds. Ginger thinks that it is the best spot to be, since no one can get her from up there 


 (Can you see her in the corner up there?)


 But both of the cats  like hanging out on the bookcase: 



Either that, or they like kicking each other off of shelves that they want:



And then deciding that the top is the best spot after all.


I will never understand cats – all I know is, I love them! 🙂



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