Greyden’s Birthday

Yesterday was Greyden’s birthday. He is 8 now! I remember the day that he came home from the hospital, on my birthday. That was a long time ago!

The night before his big day, he and Mom went in to the store to get the cake. They came out with this:

The other boys could not understand why Greyden wanted a “girls cake”.

Colter: “That cake is a girls cake!”
Greyden: ” I like it!”
Emery: “It’s PINK!!!”
Greyden: “I know!”
Colter:  “whatever”

It was pretty funny hearing him defend his pink cake.

There were 8 candles (of course), so he had a little trouble blowing them out:

Like the bruise on his forehead? I did not notice it until I saw the pictures. Grey says he got it from when Colter’s watch hit his forehead “in a funny way”.

Then it was time to do presents. Hewitt got him the same thing as he got himself at the show:


Grammy and Gumpy got him a hat and this really cool headlamp:


The boys got him some small stuff, I did not get him anything, (spent all my money on Christmas presents for the whole family) Mom and Dad got him all four shrek movies, and Grandma and Poppy got him a calender. I think he had a pretty good birthday!


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2 thoughts on “Greyden’s Birthday

  1. Hey, MY birthday's tomorrow (13th), too! It's cold and snowy in northern Indiana. Happy birthday!


  2. found your site on today and really liked it.. i bookmarked it and will be back to check it out some more later

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