Kids Cooking – Beef Stew

I usually decide what’s for dinner, but the children do much of the actual cooking.  When I was food shopping the other day, there was a good price on cut up beef for stew.  Since Greyden and Emery had recently harvested our sweet potatoes (a key ingredient for my beef stew), I bought some. Jim is our marinade […]

Visiting the Nursing Home

Remember when we brought baby goats to our local nursing home in the spring?  The same facility contacted me to see if I could come speak to them.  Unfortunately, I had a conflict, but Jim and some of the children were able to go. The children were going to do some of the talking, but […]

How To Make Homemade Tomato Sauce

I learned a lot about cooking from my Italian Grandmother.  She was a great cook. Unfortunately, she was also the messiest cook I’ve ever known.  I think she used every single cooking item in her entire kitchen everytime she cooked.  I believe this because she regularly left the cleanup to those of us who enjoyed […]

Happy Birthday, Greyden

When Greyden was a baby, his nickname was “fat and happy” because he was such a jolly, chubby baby and toddler.  I’m so pleased that even though he’s outgrown most of his baby fat,  he remains a jolly, happy kid.  His happiness is infectious – he has a giggle that makes me smile every time […]

March Goat Milk Soap

We have about thirty soap types that we keep available year round. Because there are lots of other good scents, we rotate them in and out so they are available once a year. We refer to them as limited edition soaps. January’s limited edition soap is hazelnut. February’s limited edition will be chocolate (for Valentine’s […]

Our Great Pyrenees Puppies!

Thor and Baxter are settling in at the farm and doing great.  Right now they are living in a stall by themselves.  Their outside run is adjacent to the goats‘ run, so the goats and dogs can see each other and touch noses through the fence.  Thor and Baxter are livestock guardian dogs, so eventually […]

Waking Up Early

You may remember that we had a big video thing the other day. (It’s still a secret what it was for, but I’m hoping I can reveal it in the next few weeks.)  We spent all week preparing for it.  We cleaned up, bought new clothes, and got new flowers for the front porch hanging […]

A Little Levitation

Jim and I ran errands right before Christmas (including getting the boys’ Christmas present). When we came home, I wanted to know where everyone was so we could get the present inside. I called out, “Where is everyone?” I heard Emery’s voice yell from the boys’ room, “We’re levitating!” To which I replied, “You’re what????” The […]

The Importance of Free Wi-Fi

We love living in the country. There is only one problem – the lack of high speed internet. Right now we have satellite internet, which is better than dial-up. Most of the time. The biggest problem is when we have several days of stormy weather, like we’ve had. So what’s an entrepreneurial family with a thriving business  that requires […]

Flag Football

My camera keeps disappearing. And then I find all sorts of photos on the disk that I did not take. Recently I discovered this group of flag football photos. Brett is actually taking some really good photos. Unfortunately she takes hundreds of them to get those good shots. And guess who gets to sort through […]


The day after Thanksgiving, we had a choice to make – go shopping for Black Friday sales  or… Go hiking in Sugar Creek Metro Park in Dayton, Ohio with my brother and his family. It was a very easy decision. It was a beautiful, warm, sunny day spent with family.  It was a day that […]

Picking Apples

If you have been reading this blog for a while, you probably know that every year we go apple picking! We have gone every year that I can remember. We always have a lot of fun, as you can see in this post from 2010, and this post from 2007.  I could not find blog […]

Second Choice

A couple of weeks ago, the family went apple picking. When we got there, I took the little girls to the bathroom and Jim sent Colter to find out what kinds of apples were available for picking (fuji apples are our favorite ones to pick). Colter returned with the news that there were no more […]