You can tell it’s kidding season when you walk downstairs for breakfast and find someone sound asleep on the couch with his muck boots still on.
Y’know, I think we’ve got plenty of free time and creative energy around here. (Yes, that’s a homemade hammock made with baling twine. Can you say #FarmKids? LOL)
Is it just me or does it seem like our goats are actually smiling for the camera most of the time?
We love quiet mornings on the farm!
Throwback Thursday! Can you name the kids in this photo?
Did you know that Indigo runs our farm store AND answers the phone? She’s a kid of many talents!
Our greenhouse glows, thanks to the new red and blue LED lights we installed!
Photo Bomb!
Greyden’s learning to pressure can (with Mom’s supervision, of course)!
Throwback Thursday – I love this picture of Indigo and Mom at a craft fair!
We love doing puzzles as a family!
Anne is ready to get her babies out into the world!
“I like this stump. This is a niiiiice stump.”
Throwback Thursday – Pollyanna and Terebithia were such cute babies! They’ll be having their own babies soon – kidding season starts in the next couple of weeks!