Jonas Family 2015_05_blog

The Jonas Family is made up of Jim, PJ, Brett (19), Colter (17), Emery (15), Fletcher (14), Greyden (13), Hewitt (11), Indigo (9), and Jade (8).

Jonas Family 2015_brett_280Brett is the oldest of the Jonas children and displays many of the characteristics of a first-born. She is in charge of all the social media for GMS, and manages the paperwork for the goats. She is also taking classes with her brother Colter at the local community college. When not working or doing school, she loves to spend her time reading and writing fantasy novels. Jonas Family 2015_colter_280Colter has become a strong young man who is dependable, and very capable of anything you throw his way. Not only does he help with the milking, but he also makes all the soap. He prides himself on running and exercise, and excels at running on the cross country team. Like all Jonas kids he enjoys reading. He also takes classes at the local community college with his sister Brett.
Jonas Family 2015_emery_280Emery manages everything at the barn. He helps milk the goats and keeps an eye on all of them to make sure they’re healthy. During kidding season, he helps deliver the babies, and oversees the births. During spring and summer he helps plant, weed, and tend the garden. He also has his own flower garden, and frequently can be found maintaining it. When the work is done, he’s usually playing outside with his brothers, reading, or running. Jonas Family 2015_Fletcher_280Fletcher is talkative and always ready to tell you a joke. He’s very outgoing and is the first one to reach out to people he doesn’t know. If you visit the farm, he will probably be your tour guide. He’s the self proclaimed dog boy, and makes sure our great pyrenees have all their needs met, and could spend all day playing with them. He can also frequently be found bagging soap, unmolding, or helping with orders. When the work is done he’s usually found reading a book, playing with his brothers, or running.
Jonas Family 2015_greyden_280Greyden is the quiet Jonas. He doesn’t say much, but when he does it counts. He is also our goat boy, who regularly milks, and cares for them all. He’s the “daddy” to the baby goats, and knows all the goats names, and can tell them apart. When he’s not working, he can usually be found outdoors spending time with the goats, playing with them, and spoiling them. Jonas Family 2015_hewitt_280Hewitt is the youngest of 5 boys, and the sweet one in the family who will run up to you to give you a hug, but with plenty of young boy still in him. He has his own goats to milk, and is also in charge of getting all the soap unmolded and cut. When the work’s done, he likes to spend his time drawing, playing with playmobil, and running around the farm with his brothers.
Jonas Family 2015_indigo_280Indigo is a little princess and tomboy all at the same time. She is frequently found in the retail room where she helps customers find their soaps and stuff as she melts their hearts. She is also in charge of getting the sourdough bread made for the family. When the work is done, she can be found with her nose in a book, or helping her younger sister with her reading. Jonas Family 2015_jade_280Jade is the youngest in the Jonas family, but you wouldn’t know it by her character. She is very self reliant, from helping in the kitchen, to the barn, to the soaproom, she delights in helping her siblings with their work throughout the day. When not working, she can be found reading. She has recently learned how, and devours every book she get’s her hands on.


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Jonas Family 2015_04_blog

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The Jonas Family_blog

The Goat Milk Stuff Family


The Jonas Family

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Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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  1. God bless you all what a marvelous way to raise children. When I lived in NY i had a goat dairy – I just love how smart and funny they are.

  2. LOVE your site and how family oriented you are. keep up the good work and looking forward to watching you and the kiddo’s videos. Love your set up from goat stanchions to the storage/work rooms.

  3. It has always been a pleasant experience when my wife and I have visited the farm. Your family is a blessing to the community of Scottsburg and may HE bless you in 2017.