When people come to our house and see our eggs, they are generally very surprised by the variety. We have different colors and very different sizes.
Most of our chickens lay brown eggs. Some of the brown egg laying breeds we have are buff orpingtons, barred rocks, black stars, and rhode island reds.
White eggs are layed by our white leghorns.
Our Americanas lay the green eggs.
And then we have bantams (smaller sized chickens) that lay small brown eggs.
I love having the variety. It makes having chickens and healthy eggs a lot more fun. You never know what size or color you’re going to get. It beats going to the grocery store and buying eggs that are completely uniform from chickens that may not be well fed and cared for!
PJ, I totally agree! We sell some eggs through the local farmer’s market, and I always try to make sure each carton has a mix of colors of eggs… it makes me unreasonably happy to see all those lovely colors together in the carton. We had a hen hatch some eggs yesterday, and one successful hatch was a Partridge Cochin/Ameraucana mix. I’m so hopeful it’s a hen who will lay olive colored eggs for us (and it will doubtless be a funny looking adult chicken!).
We have a broody hen sitting on eggs too. We have a complete assortment of hens and roosters, so I have no idea WHAT those chicks will look like. LOL
We are moving soon, and I hope to have my own chickens and dairy goats!
Fun stuff! 🙂 PJ
Green eggs and Brown eggs taste better than white ones.