Snuggly Sisters and a Famous Forehead

One morning the two little girls climbed into bed with Dad, wanting some snuggle time before they had to get ready for the day.

snuggle sisters

At some point, they started talking about how Jade has bangs and Indigo doesn’t. Jade said, “Indigo wants to have bangs.”

Dad said, “Well, bangs look good on Jade, and no bangs looks good on Indigo.” He measured their foreheads with his fingers, from their eyebrows to their hairline. It turns out that Indigo has a much smaller forehead than Jade does.

After they figured this out, Indigo started laughing. “If you didn’t have bangs, Jade,” she said, still laughing, “you’d look like Peyton Manning!”

jade peyton



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14 thoughts on “Snuggly Sisters and a Famous Forehead

  1. I was amazed at how wonderful u r raising your family. saw u all on Huckabee. u r teaching them not only about business but how to use resources around u to help. but the best is you r teaching them to be kind to animals. I love that u designate responsibilities to all….everyone pulls their weight. good luck.

  2. I actually have a large forehead but I hate bangs so I just deal with the big forehead comments. I think I once retorted that I had a big forehead to hold my big brain. 😀

    • Brett waited 10 years for one – she was so excited to finally have one. Indigo and Jade totally take it for granted. 🙂

    • The really funny part is that is “Jade’s face”. Jim spent a while searching til he found a photo where Manning looked the same way! LOL

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