Computer Fun

All of the children have their own computers. They use them both for their Goat Milk Stuff work and for their school work. 

Jade is limited as to what she can do on her computer because she is still learning to read.  I don’t believe in computer games or flashy computer programs to teach children to read (although I’m not criticizing people who use them, they simply are not for us).  Instead, Jade spends most of her allowed computer time watching an approved playlist of youtube videos, working with paint, typing out words, looking at Google Earth, and making videos of herself.

Here are two of the latest videos that she has done: 


The other night I was blogging while Jade was working on her computer.  All of a sudden Jim started laughing.   Jade had been watching videos wearing a head set, so she had been very quiet. I turned around to find her taking photos of herself looking like this.  



Jade Jonas

I can’t wait to see what she comes up with next!




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