Dear Diary,
Remember how I was upset because the cousins were coming to visit us, but we had to move it back two months because of a wedding? And then after we postponed the cousins’ visit, the wedding was changed? (And Mom didn’t even tell me?)
Yeah, I was a little upset.
Well, on Friday night we watched The Wizard Of Oz as a family. (We kids had never seen it before). When the movie was over at 9, Mom and Dad told us to get our goat chores done as fast as we could, and then get to bed.
So I fed the babies, and then got ready for bed. I gave Mom and Dad a kiss, got a drink, and went to the bathroom. Then I went and climbed into bed.
I was feeling a little sad b/c if we had not canceled, I would have been playing/talking with my cousins instead of going to bed.
I decided that I was going to pray for my cousins. I started praying for Tyler, then Victor, and was just about to start on Lindsey, when I heard voices and the front door opening several times. I was swinging my feet off off the bed to investigate when the door opened. And Katrina was staring at me!
I ran to the door and grabbed Trina and started hugging her, then Emily, then I think I hugged Uncle Pete… I’m not really sure. I just remember hugging everybody. 😀 I was so excited!!
I had no idea that Mom and Aunt Shannon were planning it. I think I was almost more amazed that they could keep it from me, (I find out almost everything) than the fact that my cousins were standing in front of my bedroom!
So I went back into my room to grab my pillow, and blankets (it’s COLD upstairs!!) and climbed up the stairs. Oh, I also grabbed my little flashlight that I keep under my pillow. It really helps Lindsay find her way to the beds after turning the lights off without stepping on anybody.
I decided to keep on praying for the cousins, but I could not think of anything to say. All I could think of was “Thank you Lord for letting them come, Thank you Lord for letting them come, Thank you Lord for letting them come”.
So I gave that up. By that time it was 12:30 and the adults went to sleep. I could hear them getting ready for bed. Then I remembered/realized that we had a wrestling meet in the morning and I should probably fall asleep. So I did!