We were at the Kentucky State Fair today selling soap and demonstrating soapmaking. Brett was also demonstrating making bath bombs.
We wanted to show the people how bath bombs work, so Jim took Hewitt to go get some water. The family bathroom was closest so the two of them went in there, got their water, and left.
Jim told me that Hewitt turned around, ran back to the restroom, turned off the light switches and proudly yelled, “Two POINTS!!!”
Now, that might not make much sense to you until you understand that here at the house, you get a point if you turn off a light that isn’t being used. The person with the most points after a certain time period gets a surprise. Our most recent winner was Emery (much to Brett’s annoyance he beat her by 1 point). He won an extra scoop of ice cream during a recent celebration.
Anyway, Hewitt was REALLY proud of himself.
I also have to share with you that I call Hewitt “tactile boy”. That kid has to touch EVERYTHING.
It’s very frustrating at times, and very funny at others. I’m always telling Hewitt to stop touching things. When I call him “tactile boy” he asks me, “What does tactile mean again?” I answer him, “It means you touch everything!”
So, when we were at the fair today, Hewitt went up to our neighbor’s cash register (they’re very good friends of ours – you can check out their website here: www.littlepinkladybug.com) and opened their cash register drawer. He knows how to work the cash register because we have the same one.
I immediately said, “Hewitt!! You can’t do that, close the drawer!”
So he closed the drawer, put a huge grin on his face, and ran back to me to proudly announce, “I’m TOUCH Boy!”
Oh man, it’s so hard to discipline when they crack you up!
Since we’re talking about Hewitt and his desire to touch, I’ve got to share a photo of somebody that sent Hewitt into absolute raptures!
This is “Chain Mail Guy” (at least, that’s what Brett calls him). I think he’s from the Frasier Arms Museum in Louisville. He is wearing authentic chain mail (that weighs 25 pounds), a spear (4 pounds), a dagger, a helmet (4 pounds), a pouch to hold his food and fire lighting equipment, a shield (made of leather and wood), and a sword (2 pounds). All of this information is courtesy of Brett’s memory.
So – can you see Hewitt hiding in there?
Any guesses where his hands are?
If you guessed rubbing the chain mail, you guessed correctly.
It would seem that authentic chain mail is a delicious treat not often experienced by tactile, six-year-old boys. And it is just too impossible to resist. Apparently Hewitt sat there and rubbed Chain Mail Guy’s belly (while his brothers asked how much everything weighed and Brett took mental notes). Then he rubbed his sleeve. Then he went back to rubbing his belly.
Then he managed to sneak the dagger out of it’s sheath without Chain Mail Guy noticing because the belly-rubbing had apparently dulled his senses.
Did I happen to mention it was a real dagger in the hands of a six-year-old boy inches from Chain Mail Guy’s groin??
Chain Mail Guy was a bit surprised when he came out of his belly-rubbing-induced-coma to find his dagger no longer safely in its sheath. Fortunately, he managed to quickly (and safely) reclaim it.
So, the moral of the story is to beware of Tactile Boys around Chain Mail Guys.