Good and Bad of Youngest Rule

Jim hates long hair, especially in the summer when it’s so hot. He also hates it when the boys get scruffy looking. But haircuts would be on his list for weeks before he finally got around to them (he’s a tad bit busy).

So he invoked the youngest person rule (the youngest person capable of doing a job does it) and passed the job on to Colter:

Cole does a pretty good job. Emery can do it too, but he needs a bit more practice.

In general, the youngest person rule, works very well. But I do have to caution you that there are sometimes when things don’t get done exactly the way they should have.  Case in point.  Our mailbox was stolen (gotta love country living).  Jim just stuck an old metal one we had on top.  I went out and bought numbers for it, and asked Colter and Greyden to put them on.

Here is Colter’s side:


And here is Greyden’s version:


Apparently, this is one case where the youngest person rule went a little awry. LOL


Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

12 thoughts on “Good and Bad of Youngest Rule

  1. I only have two children, but the youngest person rule applied for a long time to the chagrin of my oldest. Now that they are both adults, it isn’t an issue, but they have decided who does what around the house now. I’m not sure what I’ll do when they move out after college! hahaha

  2. I’ve applied this rule with my oldest 2- ages 4 & 2 1/2, the older just passed on her chore of putting away the silverware, and has graduated to sweeping the floor! I get half as much done in twice the time, but one day soon it will pay off!

  3. this is something I need to work on. my house is far from perfect, but it makes me crazy to watch someone do something, then I have to do it again… need to let it go & focus on training them to do it correctly.

    • Yep, you do! It is VERY hard at first to keep that long-term perspective. But once you start to see the results, it gets easier and easier. 🙂 PJ

  4. I like this rule of getting the youngest to help as well. I know my little sister is a tad spoiled because she didn’t have to do as many chores.

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