Hewitt Stories

Hewitt just turned six – I can’t believe he’s so old!  How did that happen? (Ok, I know how it happened, I’m just struggling to accept it.)


Brett and Emery made him cookies for his birthday.  After lunch they were all allowed to have one cookie.  Hewitt finished his and then came up to me and looked me in the eye.

Me: “Yes, Hewitt?”

Hewitt: “If you give me another cookie, I will ATTACK my jobs!”

Me: “Attack your jobs?”

Hewitt: “Yes, I will get them done SO fast… IF I have another cookie.”

Me: “Will you still attack your jobs if you have half a cookie?”

Hewitt: ” Oh, YES!!”

Since I’m writing about Hewitt, I also have to share this story – warning: it discusses human waste. LOL

When we were at the ocean during our vacation, Hewitt came up to me.

Hewitt: “Mom, I have to go to the bathroom.”

Me: “Pee or poop?”

Hewitt: “Pee.”

Me: “Ok – go in the ocean and pee.”

Hewitt: (aghast) “WHAT??!??”

Me: “Go pee in the ocean.”

Hewitt: “I CAN’T do that!”

Me: “Indigo, tell Hewitt how you pee’d in the ocean yesterday.”

Indigo: (gleefully) “Hewitt, I pee’d in the ocean yesterday.”

Hewitt: (even more aghast) “THIS ocean???!???”

Indigo: (even more gleefully) “Yep!”

Hewitt: (about to fall over he’s so appalled) “But that’s GROSS!”

Indigo: giggle, giggle

Hewitt: “Mom, I have to pee.”

Me: “Hewitt – go over there, where the water is deeper, sit down and pee.”

Hewitt: (shaking his head despondently) “OK”

So he walks into the ocean, kneels down, but instead of going about his business, he pulls down his pants (just as two ladies in bikinis walk by) and proceeds to pee in a beautiful arc into the ocean.

I’m not sure who was more embarrassed – him or me.


Ok – I think it was him.  I was more amused. LOL



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