The BEST Bathroom EVER

Jim was so impressed with this bathroom that he had to take a picture of it.

He also declared it, “The BEST Bathroom EVER.”

Now, those of you with only one or two children may not be so impressed. But when you’ve been taking young children to the bathroom as long as we have been, you may find a sink, soap dispenser, AND towel dispenser at a 4 year old’s level to be pretty awe inspiring and blog worthy. 




Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

2 thoughts on “The BEST Bathroom EVER

  1. So true! I have 6 kids and they all get a kick out of the “little” sinks, toilets, etc. that we may run across in our travels. My favorite was a toddler toilet in the same stall as the mommy one, complete with tp dispenser and all.

    I found you through mom2my6pack and have enjoyed reading your blog!

  2. You gotta love that! I still remember the time I drove to New Hampshire by myself when my first child was 6 months old. I had to go to the bathroom so bad and had to hold her on my lap while I went! Now THAT was quite a challenge. LOL


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