My Husband, My Hero

Jim asked me last night why I hadn’t posted to the blog in a while. I told him it was because I had lost all my photos and didn’t have any “inspiration”. (We won’t mention a lack of time).


He reminded me that there were a bunch of new photos on the camera. I knew that, but I told him that the camera card did not fit into any of the slots on the new computer. To blog about any of the photos, I first had to download the photos onto an old computer. Then I had to transfer them to a thumb drive and then load them onto the new computer. While that was doable, it wasn’t simple and I hadn’t gotten around to it yet.

I then said that I wished we still had that “doo-hickey” that you could put the camera card in one end, and the other end was a USB that could go into the computer. I used it all the time when I first got my camera. But then I got the computer (the one that died) and my camera card could be inserted directly into it. So I got rid of the “doo-hickey” because I didn’t need it anymore.

Jim then said the magic words, “I saved it.”

Me: “You did?” (I don’t know why I was surprised – Jim never throws anything away. It is the funniest thing to me that my packrat husband became a garbage man).


Jim: “Yep.”

Me: “But do you know where it is?”

Jim: “Somewhere in the barn.”

Me: “It’s no good to save something if you can’t find it when you need it.”

Oooooooooohhhh those were fighting words. (I didn’t intend them to be, they just slipped out).

Jim gave me a look, got up, and headed out to the barn. He returned in a surprisingly short amount of time, with the doo-hickey in his hand.

I was SO impressed and told Jim so! 

So now my photos are on my computer and I’m able to blog again.

I will admit that Jim’s packrat tendencies often drive me crazy but occasionally make my life easier.

You see, Jim and I operate under two different principles. Let’s say that for every 100 things you get rid of, you will later need 1 of those things.

I’d rather get rid of the 100 things and have to buy the 1 thing later. Jim would rather hold onto the 100 things so he doesn’t have to buy the 1 thing later.

The solution? I throw away a lot of things when he’s not looking. Of course, that has become a lot more difficult since he’s become our garbage man. 




Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

2 thoughts on “My Husband, My Hero

  1. My husband and I seem to have the opposite feelings. I want to keep everything and he wants to throw everything away. It’s pretty funny.

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