I’m not a big follower of pop culture. I don’t listen to the radio or watch much television or read magazines. So I’m not very familiar with the newest “stars” on the scene.
But I am aware of the Jonas Brothers. People have been telling me about them for years.
I recently watched a song from them. We have Disney’s The Little Mermaid on DVD. Jim found that if you put the DVD in the computer, you can watch the Jonas Brothers sing “Poor Unfortunate Soul.”
I’m probably about to offend millions, but I wasn’t all that impressed. Sorry!
Anyway, apparently they are really popular. So popular that I recently received the following phone call:
Me: “Hello”
Un-named teenie bopper: “Hi. Are you related to the Jonas Brothers?”
Me: “Excuse me?”
Un-named teenie bopper: “The Jonas Brothers. I’m a REAAALLLYYYY big fan of theirs and I was wondering if you’re related to them?”
Me: “No.”
Un-named teenie bopper: “Oh. Are you sure?”
Me: “Yes, I’m sure.”
Un-named teenier bopper: “Oh, that stinks.”
Me: “Good-bye”
When I told Jim about the conversation, he told me the next time I get a phone call like that I need to say, “Yeah, we have lots of Jonas Brothers here!”
hahahaha people have asked me that too :)…