Remember our monster dirt pile that I made the boys move? Well, since they finished it, there hasn’t been a huge pile for them to move… until NOW!
We now have a source of free mulch! Do you know how exciting that is? Do you know what that means?
It means that when the boys say to me, “What can I do?” I can say, “Go move mulch!” It also means that once the mulch is where it is supposed to be, that I will have to do a lot less weed wacking.
Colter handles a large part of the weed wacking, but I have to do all the precision weed wacking close to all the trees and fruit brambles. But if those all have a protective mulch barrier – then it will be safe for Colter to weed wack them!
Yipppeeeee!!!! I HATE weed wacking! More mulch! More mulch!
(Can you tell I’m a bit excited by this???)