Tools, NOT Toys

At my house, there are many phrases that are repeated over, and over, and OVER again. One of Daddy’s favorite phrases is, “That is a tool, not a toy.” He’s been saying it for years. Of course, the children would much rather make toys out of tools than out of any toy ever made.

One of their favorite games involves putting Indigo in a laundry basket and racing her around the house. She slides very well on the kitchen linoleum. She doesn’t move so quickly on the carpet, however.

Lately, Hewitt has taken to spinning her around and around in the laundry basket. It wouldn’t be so bad, except for the fact that he usually ends up dumping her over.

Needless to say, Indigo has decided that the laundry basket is a wonderful playhouse. She was having quite a lot of fun tonight until Emery decided to join her. Here she is deciding not to share and telling him to get out!

Good thing Daddy wasn’t around to tell her that laundry baskets are tools, not toys.




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