Jamaica, Jemima, and Jiminy

I was walking on the treadmill desk in our basement, getting some work done and getting steps at the same time, when my phone rang. “Brett, there’s legs on one of the goats!” my little sister Jade shouted before hanging up on me. I barely remembered to hit stop on the treadmill before I jumped off and bolted up the stairs, heading for the locker room to get my coveralls and boots.

When I got out to the barn, Emery was trying to describe what he’d felt to Dad. Long story short, the first baby was breech, which means they were coming out backwards, back legs first. Dad managed to get her turned around, and a few minutes later we had our first baby – a girl! We were tossing out J-a names, like Jane, and Janet, and Jaicey, when Dad said, “Jamaica.”

Jamaica was unanimous.


I don’t know what Greyden and Emery were laughing at in this picture, but the look on Emery’s face is funny, so I put it in this blog post. LOL


Hewitt took Jamaica from the pen and brought her into the (warm) milk room so we could get her dry and take care of her.


While the rest of us got ready to catch the second baby.


“It’s a girl!”


Several names were tossed around, but in the end, we went with Jemima.

Jade and I were carrying Jemima into the milkroom,


when I looked into the other kidding pen – we had Hazelnut in there – and saw this.


I almost yelled, “Hazelnut’s got a baby!”

And then I realized that the black blob hiding behind her wasn’t a baby goat – it was our barn cat, Jason. Laughing at myself for being tricked by Jason, I left Jade and Jemima in the milk room, where the Indigo was drying Jamaica off,


and went back out to the barn, where Jiminy, a buckling, was being born!


Aren’t they cute?




2015 kid count: 5 doelings, 1 bucklings
2015 doe status (33 total): 2 doe kidded, 31 left to go
0 set of quads, 2 sets of triplets, 0 set of twins, 0 singles

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