One of our chickens hatched a few chicks!

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Busy Mom Podcast Episode 06 Transcript

Getting Rid of Clutter Part 1- Blog Post

Audio File

You are listening to episode 6 of the Busy Mom’s Survival Guide.

Welcome to the Busy Mom’s Survival Guide where we discuss making the most of your family’s health, time and money. I’m your host PJ Jonas and I’m here to help you make the most of each day despite your busy schedule.

Welcome back, I am very excited about today’s special episode. I’ve asked my friend Lori Lynch to join me today to talk with me about the subject of clutter. I think this is a really important topic because so many moms and women live their lives in a constant state of being overwhelmed, and I think a major cause of this is the fact that we are surrounded by too much stuff, it’s everywhere.

Right now, I am joined by my good friend Lori Lynch, and she is a survivor of the tornadoes that just went through here that you guys have heard me talk about and I’ve asked her to join me today because pretty much in an instant everything that she had was gone and I figure that she’s got a really unique perspective on what clutter is and what’s truly important to her life.

PJ Jonas: Hi Lori.

Lori Lynch: Hello PJ thank you so much for letting me join you here and I just want to say thank you to everyone that’s listening, that just helped in any way during this traumatic experience that we had. We had people ship clothes in, gift cards, cash, we even had farm fresh eggs, one of the 21 year old choose not to have her birthday gifts and she put together a toiletry bags for us and which we are still using right now in our rental house. So we really appreciate all that help. Thank you so much.

PJ Jonas: It was amazing to us the response from people. People really just wanted to do something practical and it is so nice to hear how much that had actually helped.

Lori Lynch: It was wonderful because that first few days you don’t have clothes, you don’t shoes, you don’t have socks, you don’t have underwear, you don’t have belts, you don’t have gloves, and anything like that, that you needed. Tell you what, clothes came in quickly so then we just had to grab and sort through and figure out what each child can wear for the day and got the ball rolling.

PJ Jonas: Yeah it was amazing and we weren’t even directly affected, and it was amazing to watch. You’ve got in your hand your journal and you want to tell everybody what you did a couple of days ago?

Lori Lynch: Yea, I’ve been journaling little bits by little bits after the tornado and of course the first couple of weeks was such a whirlwind I didn’t get, whirlwind that’s kind of funny. I didn’t get a chance to write too much, but I’ve written a little bit here and there and on the month date, the anniversary date of the tornado, that morning, early in the morning I could not sleep. It reminded me a lot of that first, the night after the tornado when I had not seen the house yet, my husband and 20 year old had gone over there to see it, and I’m just imagining, I’m laying there in bed just imagining what it was going to look like, my stuff was thrown all over the field, what was left of it. We are going to have 75 people there picking through my stuff the next day and I wanted to get there so quickly so that I could just take it all in before everybody else got there to help. So a month after when I was not sleeping well, so I decided to write a little bit about the whole thing.

So I entitled this More of What Matters, Less of What Doesn’t: “In my mind’s eye, I see myself walking through certain areas of my home a month and a day ago, opening up cabinets or looking into bookshelves and asking myself, what in here is really, really, really important to me? When compared with the quantity of stuff that I had and the quantity of stuff that most people have, very few items met the criteria and thus got packed. I had journals for each child in which I had written letters to them and jotted down weights, heights and other memorable events and I grabbed baby books; a tote of pictures still on the back porch that we had just been looking through recently and it hadn’t gotten to the barn yet. I packed some family videos David had put together but not all of them. After all we packed up and gone to mom and dad’s before because of the threat of a tornado, we had no basement but they do, only to bring everything back and put it back into place. I had someone get the computer’s brain, I don’t know what exactly that’s called, I got my Bible, an extra set of clothing for each child, and Dave and I, I’ve got a special bracelet that Dave got for me, and I saved my favorite pair of shoes that mom and dad had got me from Pacers and Racers Running Store for my last few birthdays. I made sure the little boys had a special stuffed animal or blanket, I got the case of CD’s that are backed up copies of most of our digital pictures from the last 8 years or so. I got our bills and some important paper work. I got a small pile together of favorite home school stuff which I think I must have left on the bed because I haven’t found it yet. There are more things I would have grabbed had I known that this was not just a fire drill.”

“But over the 4 or 5 hours, I had to leisurely walk through my house, it produced very few physical items I viewed as really important, God was preparing me for that Friday even earlier that week. I went to the barn which contained many blue Rubbermade totes all neat and labeled on steady shelving Dave and the boys made for me a few years back, only to look at the tote of Arby’s Christmas glasses I bought for a dollar a piece at least 25 or 30 years ago but have not been used in about 10 years because I would forget about them and thought, Why am I keeping these?” Another day, it was the three totes of Christmas decorations, I thought to myself, “I’ll ask Dave if we can get rid of these, because a lot of these pieces are broken, ornaments and…” The morning of the 2nd, I was putting away miscellaneous books that were laying in the barn into totes and my daughter Whitney came out to see what I was doing. We both laughed after I said, “I’m getting this books all nice in totes so when the tornado comes, they’ll be neat as they tumble in the wind”. Little did I know what would actually happen. People question our family several times, “How can you be so lighthearted and joke about all this?” You see I’m getting to play out what I already knew but didn’t have the confidence to do myself, clear the clutter, the things that didn’t really matter out of my life. To me it feels like a good spring cleaning, for my physical house, yes, but more importantly for my emotional and spiritual parts. Why do we want more and more of the stuff that doesn’t give you that “ahh” feeling, that stuff that robs us so much of our life, our times, our finances, even our relationships with God and others. They give us no peace of mind, no joy, no love. Next time you are falling over your belongings, saying to yourself as you stand at the entrance of your garage, “I’ve got to get rid of some of this stuff”, take heed. God could always allow a tornado. It’s a sure fire clean out method, but probably simpler in the long run if you just did it yourself, believe me. Then give a heartfelt embrace to your nearest available loved one and cherish the moment.”

PJ Jonas: That was beautiful, I loved that. I can’t believe that you wrote that before I even asked you to do this.

Lori Lynch: Perfect timing.

PJ Jonas: I know. But I said that when I asked you to do it and you said I actually just journaled about that, I thought isn’t that one of God’s coincidences.

Lori Lynch: I feel… yeah it is one of those strange blessings that most people would probably not even understand, but anything that clutters, it’s like other areas in our lives that we need to deal with and we either don’t know how to or we don’t make the effort to do it. Even though most people will not consider a tornado a blessing, I view it as that. Yeah there are sad things too, there are things that we’ve missed and that we will miss along the way, probably 6 months down the road, a year down the road and we’ll say oh, we don’t have that anymore. It was my great grandmother’s, the children’s when they were little or something like that. There have been a lot of things like that and there will be more, but I think that there’s a lot of good that can come out of this.

PJ Jonas: As you are filling up your rental house and you are now purchasing some things, I know you are not buying a lot yet until your house is rebuilt but, what are some of those things that you are saying; no, not going to get that again. Is there something that stands out like that?

Lori Lynch: I think what I have just realized is that you’ve got to have a goal, you’ve got to know what you are going for. If my goal with my children is to raise children that have excellent character, and a heart for God, and a heart for others, then my purchases are going to reflect that. I think we often times just kind of take in a little bit of this, a little bit of that because somebody said it is a really good stuff, or it was a really good deal. There is a number of things but I think until we have a goal set in our mind, what is my goal for my life, for my children, for my house, then we are going to constantly be buying things we don’t need to be buying.

PJ Jonas: I agree. You said oh that it is a really good deal, I think so many things that you pick up, oh I might use this down the line, it’s on sale now, you just have to get past that. But do I need it, is it something I’m going to use today, not down the line, not what if. I call it the frugal clutter, all that stuff that we have just because someday we might need it.

Lori Lynch: Exactly.

PJ Jonas: That can be blessing other people. That can be out of your house, out of your life and if you need it, you just have to trust that it’s going to come back to you then, or you can always go out and buy it then if it is something you truly need.

Lori Lynch: I think it is residual from the depression mentality that grandparents or great-grandparents lived through, so they kept all the Tupperware containers and the pieces of aluminum foil that were cleaned you know all that. And we still do that thing today, and I think there is a difference between being frugal and being wise in your purchases and having stuff because you are afraid you are not going to have it when you need it.

PJ Jonas: Why do you think so many people have trouble physically taking the step to get the garbage bag, put the stuff in and take it out and donate it?

Lori Lynch: I wish I knew, because that was such a hard thing for me. I knew I had so many………..most of ours was probably home school books and papers. That was a thing that we tend to collect more.

PJ Jonas: I’m ruthless, when it comes to the clutter, I am ruthless, and I have no desire to keep it. My big thing is my digital camera is my best friend and anything that the children think that they can possibly want, they get a digital photograph taken, put in their file on the computer and I get rid of it. I am really ruthless when it comes to clutter.

Lori Lynch: Well I have to say that I did come across some pictures that were where we lived in our previous home eleven years ago, I had to go through a lot of things. I had tons of papers, mementos, and all sorts of stuff. And I did resort to taking pictures of some of my five-year-olds, things they would make for me; I grouped together and take a picture of them. I saw some of those recently and I thought they were cute and I was glad I had the picture, and I could not imagine keeping all that stuff. I would have had boxes and boxes and totes of all this stuff. What I found that were really precious to me since the tornado were things like the journals that my children had done, they had maybe read a book and they had drawn pictures of it, or they had written down how they were blessed that day and drew a picture of it, those things are very special. It is not the coloring book, it is not the work book or anything like that. It’s just the stuff that came from the heart.

PJ Jonas: How have they dealt with having their possessions gone, why don’t you tell everybody how old your kids are so they know.

Lori Lynch: My oldest is 20, Whitney is 20, and Eliza is 15 and they shared a room, and so they were able to recover some of their things. Not a whole lot, all their clothes were gone, some like journals and things like that, but most of their other things were gone. Our oldest son is 18 and he shared a room with our 15 year old, they recovered absolutely nothing from their room. We don’t know where it went, we know a lot of things were in our field, or we found a few things up at the neighbors’ maybe a mile and a mile and half up the road, we never found anything from the boys’ room. Now right outside of the room, I had a bookshelf of antique books, we did find those, they were ruined but we did find those. So it’s like they just went into this black hole somewhere, probably between here and Cincinnati. They have dealt remarkably well. When I think of losing, we have pictures, you know I’ve got lots of pictures of the home and I’ve got some of their younger scrapbook, like, kind of stuff too, but anything from say the last 7 or 8 years that would be personal items for them or anything like that they don’t have. They’ve handled that remarkably well. In fact my 18 year old when I was talking to him a couple of weeks after the tornado, I wanted to really know how he really felt about the whole thing, he had had journals, he journaled every day for like the past few years and all of his journals were gone, and that makes me as a mom just sad. I said to him, “Alex, how are you feeling after this whole thing?”, and he said, “Well mom I really just feel…” and he paused 3 or 4 seconds and he said, “free”.

PJ Jonas: Interesting.

Lori Lynch: Very interesting from an 18 year old who had collected history books and he loved history and just had his room full of things that were his and he said he felt free.

PJ Jonas: You know that right there is such a lesson for all of us because that is what I keep saying, I mean, the clutter in our house it just ties us down whether we realize it or not, it is this weight on our shoulders of stuff we have to clean, stuff we have maintain stuff we have to organize, and it is just…

Lori Lynch: I think that’s a big key, that’s a big thought you know. It’s there whether you realize that it’s there and it’s bothering you or not, it probably is bothering you at the back of your mind. I’ve got 2 other children, Timothy and Ethan. Ethan is 7 and Timothy just turned 4 last week, and I don’t think they had anything from their room either. I had saved a few things when we went over to my parent’s house, but I don’t think that they had anything from their room either. But as a whole, my children have handled this extremely well. My 13 year old was very sad for a couple weeks and definitely not herself, but she’s gotten over that hump and they are excited to be where we are right now and they are excited that we are going to be building a new house. They’ve been very busy especially the older ones at the property, cleaning up and working with all sorts of people from the community and outside the community that have just come to give give give give. And so it has been very interesting.

PJ Jonas: Yeah I mean forgetting the clutter aspect to it, the whole tornado. Not that you would ever wish this kind of thing on anybody but, it has been amazing to me to watch the character building that has gone on in my own children directly because of it. We went, Brett that first couple of days, she just stayed here which was hard for her to do that we were going out and helping people, she just stayed here and literally did not stop typing out email responses and Facebook responses to people who were trying, wanted to do something, she gave out addresses and she just kept saying over and over, “I just feel so good to help, I’m just so glad that we can help”.

Lori Lynch: I tell you what, it’s those little things that really matter too. What I saw was that so many people did so many different things, but it all came together. I had my friend Heather she took upon herself the project of my photographs which a lot of them were wet, muddy in our field and for 4 or 5 days whenever anybody collected any photographs, she would get them and she would clean them up as best as she could, she said she had it laid out all over her house. She had fans all around drying those, she had journals, any journal that she found, and she would dry those out. So that was a precious thing to do.

But there are so many aspects, so many things that people did that in and of itself doesn’t feel like a big thing. You know Brett would have loved to have been out, but she was doing such an important job right here.

PJ Jonas: Yeah. You have to tell everybody about your high school diploma, I think this is a really cool thing what that lady did.

Lori Lynch: Yeah. I guess about probably 2 days after the tornado, we were at my parent’s house and my brother called me and said you are not going to believe this. He said your high school diploma is on Facebook. I hadn’t even missed it yet, it is not one of those things I put on my priority list, but he said it’s on there and for the next few weeks it got on CNN, on Weather Channel, it got just all over the place, USA Today newspaper had it and it was just amazing.

PJ Jonas: But it was found in Cincinnati?

Lori Lynch: Yeah, found in Cincinnati. We have 5 things that have actually been found in Cincinnati, there are some websites, a couple of Facebook pages that you can go to, to see if any of your stuff is there or you can post some stuff if you found it. But it is so cool, just so cool.

PJ Jonas: Just to give those people who don’t live in this area an idea, Cincinnati is what, 2, 3 hours from here?

Lori Lynch: It is about at least 100 miles away from here. We’ve found things; people in Henryville have found things close to 150 miles from here. A lot of papers were up in the tornado winds and then just got deposited that far away in Cincinnati. So with Facebook, some of the things have been able to be recovered and I tell you what, when you see a picture of your child from 15 years ago and it’s on Facebook, and you realize, “oh wow, that’s so cool” and they’ll mail it back to you. And the lady with my diploma, she was so kind, it wasn’t that dirty but it was a little bit muddy, she cleaned it up as best she could and put a picture of their local newspaper article which said “Days of Destruction”, and she framed the whole thing and she sent it back to me along with a donation too.

PJ Jonas: It was such an encouragement to see people coming together; I just keep coming back to that. You can look around at America in so many respects and be so sad at just how selfish so many people have become and how much money people spend on stuff that is meaningless and the waste of all of it, and the “I need the stuff”. And then you see something like this happen and then you see there are people out there who put people ahead of stuff and sacrifice themselves and do things. Like you said, there were people driving down from hours and hours away just to help clean up, just to go in the mud and pick things. One of our other friends had Christmas  tree lights in her yard, and she had a lady come spend hours picking up all the Christmas tree lights out of the yard because it needed to be removed.

Lori Lynch: So many things you don’t think of. You know when you have a disaster like this, there are just pieces of stuff all over the place and you salvage some of it, you through away some of it, but it’s all going to be cleared up. We had lady who is from about 3 or 4 hours north of here and she said when Katrina hit, she just really wanted to go down there and she didn’t and she listed 2 or 3 other disasters that she really wanted to go to and just didn’t so when this hit, she said I have got to go. And she came down and she basically adopted our family for 4 or 5 days, started a blog, her quilting group took part in it too and they donated handmade quilts for our sons and there have just been so many neat things. There is a prison up about 3 hours north of here and one of the churches came down that does a ministry with them and the prisoners they make quilts. And so we got several of their quilting. Now those things you can’t buy at Kohl’s, you can’t buy. They are going to have such meaning for years and you are going to be able to tell that this came from so and so in the prison. There’s a story with it.

PJ Jonas: And that becomes something that, to get back to the clutter, it’s something that you can use. The things that you can use that also have a memory, those are the things that you can keep, and those are the things that are important. We talked about all of these memories like you said before, all the papers and the drawings and the macaroni necklaces, all of that stuff that yeah those are memories, but you can’t keep totes of them overflowing because (a) you just don’t look at it (b) it is meaningless. This is something that combines both of that, something useful and something that’s a memory, that’s awesome.

Lori Lynch: I’m trying to remember what my daughter had written on the outside of my memorabilia tote, it was something like, she had probably written this 4 or 5 years ago when we were decluttering stuff in the garage. I think she wrote “stuff to keep just because we want to keep it”. It wasn’t necessarily meaningful, it was just that we just decided we were going to keep the stuff and it’s funny because half that stuff was still in the tote the next morning when I saw it and half the stuff was who knows where, one of the things was the diploma that landed in Cincinnati. So you know even if you do keep all the stuff, you may never really get to keep all the stuff because of a tornado.

PJ Jonas: And I also found out too that time changes those things that you want to keep just because you want to keep them. You put it in a tote, you go back a year later and get rid of a third of it and you go back a year after that and another half of it goes, as long as you keep going through it and not just continue to add tote after tote after tote.

Lori Lynch: Set a yearly time, some people do this around Christmas, the New Year, when they’ve got a little break and they’ll just go through. That’s why part of our pictures were on the back porch because we had brought them in in January, it is kind of a down time, and so we look through pictures. If you have collected your children’s stuff from the last year, well look through it and see what is actually going to be in some that you want to keep.

PJ Jonas: I’m a big fan too of if it is something you want to keep and see, it should be framed up on the wall so you can see it. We are so busy even in down times to sit and go through 5 or 6 totes that just takes time so I like things that you can stick on the wall. But I’ve already said, I’m the queen of declutter, I like to get rid of all of it, which is interesting for me because Jim is so not, he would keep everything if I let him. It has been a very interesting marriage as he tries to keep things and I try to get rid of them.

Lori Lynch: At our old house, we would go back and my husband would drag things down to the road as we bought my grandparents’ house and some of their stuff was actually stuff that they gave to me, stuff that we really didn’t need to keep and year after year and I would drag stuff down to the road and I would wait until he was at work or asleep and I would drag a bag out of the house, it was bad and yeah, I’m not like that anymore.

PJ Jonas: You had to let it go, especially after this.

Lori Lynch: Yes exactly, perspective changes.

PJ Jonas: When I find that with the children, if I’m cleaning out their room because they are really hard, they don’t like to clean it out so I do it, I’ll just take a garbage bag and fill up the garbage bag and put the garbage bag in the corner and if they don’t ask for anything in the garbage bag in a week, it is out of there. And if they ask for it, I dig through and I take the stuff out and I give them the thing they asked for back and the rest of it goes, because they don’t even know most of the time although I did get rid of Indigo’s Rapunzel doll which I didn’t think she played with but the next day after I got rid of it, she started crying for it and so I felt really bad.

Lori Lynch: Yeah, we’ve done that and saved it maybe for a little bit longer, I don’t remember applying periods, but you know put it out in the garage, if they haven’t asked for it, it’s probably not that major of a thing in their lives.

PJ Jonas: Because I’ve always said that for every 100 things you get rid of, there’s going to be one thing you regret getting rid of. But you can’t keep the 99 things just because of that one thing. You’ve lost everything, you’ll get over it. There’ll be a little pang every once in a while, but you’ve got your family, you’ve got your children and then…..

Lori Lynch: And then we move on.

PJ Jonas: Yeah.

Lori Lynch: Move on without so much clutter.

PJ Jonas: Yes and freedom. I love that, it shows so much maturity that Alex said that.

PJ Jonas: And just really the perspective, I know I love watching garbage of stuff go out of my house. I love it. My kids cry the whole time but I love it. I’m mean, what can I say?

Thank you so much for doing this, thank you for sharing your journal with us and all of that.

Lori Lynch: Thank you for helping us through your business, just to help us to get up on our feet, we really appreciate it.

PJ Jonas: We are so glad we were able to do it. Although I’ll still tell you that she mentioned that before, that one of our customers came to our house and she said, “We don’t have much to give, but I do have eggs from my chickens that are grass-fed and could somebody use these?” and I said, “Absolutely”. I brought them to Lori and that was giving up those good healthy grass-fed chicken eggs was probably one of the hardest things that I had to do, but I said now you know how much I love you that I’ve given you the chicken eggs.

Lori Lynch: That’s the mark of a good friend; she’ll pass on something to you. And there was also the day that I got home at our rental house, and there was a box and it said from Fairy Tale Brownies, and it was brownies. And it was wonderful; it was just what I needed for the day.

PJ Jonas: People know that and God knows just what we need, when we need it. I am so glad you are safe, I am so glad you left the house and went to your parents and it missed, because we, people know that we saw it. We sat on our back porch and we saw the hurricane and we knew it was headed right for you guys and when it was past and we got into the car, we could not get to you because the trees were down and we didn’t have anything, turning around and going the opposite way was one of the hardest things because you didn’t know what was on the other side. We didn’t know if you were there, we didn’t know if you had left, and you just pray and you just wait and you keep waiting and you are checking Facebook constantly for someone to say we are okay. When Alex said the house was gone I was like oh my, because it was, it was gone.

Lori Lynch: Definitely down to rubble. And it is one of those things that I want everybody to hear that you always think it is going to happen to someone else. There is value in not believing that, and there is value in taking some preparations, some precautions. I was glad over the last ten years, I’ve decluttered as much as I did, because your house it looks like a tornado came through, you know, when you have all your stuff just sitting over the whole place, but if I had not decluttered, oh my goodness.

PJ Jonas: It would have gone beyond Cincinnati to Dayton.

Lori Lynch: Oh yes.

PJ Jonas: It’s not something that you ever wish on anybody, but you sure do grow from it. God just really grows you during those trials.

Lori Lynch: And it is definitely one of those things that…you know just seeing our community come together and seeing all the people that have helped initially and that are still helping. There are groups that are setting up long term assistance to try to rebuild the town and on Facebook there is a $100 relief fund that has been started, and there are others too and it is just, those are the people that are going to stay, they are going to do the long haul, the months, and we need all the types of people helping in a situation like this because when you are in a devastating situation no matter what it is, you can’t be the one to rebuild everything. You are just so focused on your own than any other people.

PJ Jonas:  And you guys are going back to your home, to the land, you are going back to rebuild all of that and there are people who have not, they can’t do it.

Lori Lynch: Lots of people without insurance. And it kind of scares people too, there’s lots of scared people that it is going to come back, you cannot live your life like that. You don’t know that wherever you move to, there’s going to be some type of a disaster that can occur and you cannot live your life that, live in fear like that.

PJ Jonas: Agreed.

Well thanks to Lori for taking the time out to join me on my podcast episode today. I’m so thankful that Lori was able to share some of her experiences and what she learned from the tornado. I truly hope that it encourages you to rid your house of all the excess stuff that is weighing you down, because I don’t know about you, but I long to feel the freedom that her son Alex expressed.

Now, it is time for our survival guide tip and that is to get rid of it today, just do it. Gather up some garbage bags and start to collect all of those things that aren’t important and that you are not using, take them to a local donation center and donate them. Get them to the people who really need them, you’ll feel a lot better. You can try and do 2 or 3 garbage bags a day; it is really not that difficult once you put your mind to it.


Thank you so much for listening to this episode of the Busy Mom’s Survival Guide, I hope you’ve enjoyed listening and that you are motivated to start removing the clutter from your home and from your life. Join me on the next episode where I’m going to continue the clutter discussion by talking more in depth on the types of clutter, how to declutter the difficult things that your family wants to keep, and then how to organize the stuff that is left behind. If you’ve enjoyed this episode, please leave me a comment on the blog post at or rate this episode on iTunes. You can also call my feedback line at (240) 230-SOAP. So until next time, I’m PJ Jonas and I’m praying that you take the time to free yourself of the clutter that is weighing you down.

Getting Rid of Clutter Part 1- Blog Post

Audio File

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“Hi PJ and Jonas crew, First I just want to say I love your soaps! And I will be ordering more. I was also quite impressed by how quickly I received my order and the hand written note on my invoice. You all are the best! Thanks for your great product and speedy service”
– Mark 9/27/2011

“Jonas family, While visiting my daughter in Indiana, she said mom you have to try this goat milk soap. I took a shower and could not believe how smooth my skin felt. I ordered 3 bars with my daughters order and am now giving one to my other daughter who I’m sure will also enjoy your soap. I love your product will continue to purchase your soap. Hope to visit your farm sometime when in Indiana again. Thanks for making my visit with my daughter just a little more special.”
– Jan 4/6/2011

“Hi PJ, Thanks so much for the gorgeous soap for my daughter’s shower, I know it will be a hit. “
– Kelly 4/2/2011

“I just wanted to send a quick note to the entire family to let you all know how wonderful your products are! I love that you do this together as a family, even the little ones! I have always suffered with sensitive and allergy prone skin, and after just one use of the OMH scrub soap I have fallen in love. It is rare to find a scrub of any kind that is gentle enough for me, the oats are the perfect exfoliator. My skin feels soothed and smooth. I also appreciate the samples you sent, I am telling all of my friends about you! God bless you all- Sincerely, “
– Anjeanette

”So far after about a month we have been very impressed with your soap and it is all that you say it is. My daughter has been using the Organic Castile and it has taken the Rosacea away. I, Richard have been using the Tea Tree and it has helped to releive the rash in the groin area. Thanks again.”

– Richard 3/25/2011

”Everything is wonderful! The ginger lime smells very clean. Almost sparkling! Thanks again for sharing such great products:)”

– Angie 3/17/2011

”I just got my first order and already taken shower with the honeysuckle soap and WOW. I just wanted to let you all know that I think your product is awesome!!! Blessing to everyone!”

Lisa 3/17/2011

“I love the black raspberry soap! So moisturizing and smells SO good! :)”

– Maddie 3/13/2011

”Thank you for such a great product! I have tried several of your soaps and I love them all. I can’t wait to try what I have ordered. Have a blessed day. ”

– Kelly 3/10/2011

”Thank you! We just love your soap. It is so gentle on our baby’s skin…perfect for Minnesota winters. Can’t wait to try the lotion stick and laundry stick too!”

– Sarah 3/10/2011

”Thank-you!!!! I LOVE your soaps!!! ”

– Debbie 3/9/2011

”Hello. I just wanted to say that we LOVE the soaps that we ordered. Thanks so much for making a great product. I will definately be ordering more!”

– Tami 3/8/2011

”Thanks….my soldier son is home right now, and he is using a sliver of the soap samples you all sent…he says he has to try them out to make sure they are safe for his soldiers!!! He loves how they make his skin feel and I find him just holding the bags SMELLING. Think I am going to make my 3rd order in less than three weeks, get him a grownup bar, him a lotion stick, me a lotion stick and maybe laundry powder…to start. I am addicted!! ”

– Sara 3/8/2011

”Awesome! I can’t even begin to tell you all the good things your soap has done for our family…so glad to have found you all. ”

– Stacey 3/8/2011

”The soap smells fantastic and lathers up nice and soft. I got it for my elderly friend for her face. I am using the samples on my face and hands. Hoping to see results. ”

– Deborah 3/8/2011

”I used the tea tree on my face last night and this morning and already see a difference! Thanks!!”
– Nicole 3/5/2011

“I got my soaps yesterday, and I’m already in love!!! :-D”
– Nicole 3/4/2011

”PJ and family, Heard you on WBCL and wanted to give your products a try. OH MY GOODNESS!! I will be telling everyone I know about your products. Many years ago I kept getting stys. The doctor told me to wash my eyes with baby shampoo. I have done this for 15 yeaers or more. When I got my bar of soap to try I thought I’d put it to the test. Thought if there are no chemicals it shouldn’t burn my eyes, and it didn’t. Plus, I typically use lotion after a shower. I’ve only used lotion on my face but not the rest of me and have had no itchiness. Wonderful, wonderful! May God bless you all!”

– Deb 3/3/2011

“Hey PJ, I got it today and everything is there. I have never been so excited to take a shower; I’m dying to try the blask raspberry! Love your products and the quick shipping. Have a great day!”
– Brandi 2/28/2011

“Thanks, PJ (and family!). My mom is going to use all of the chocolate items in an auction her school does yearly to raise money. I was so excited that she wanted to use your products! Blessings,”
– Krista 2/28/2011

“Hi Jonas Family! I’ve been using your wonderful soaps for several months now, and I love them. Recently I was given a gift that included a bar of soap from a so-called “high-end” skincare line. My parents raised me not to be wasteful, so when my bar of OMH ran out, I used the gift soap. What a disappointment. The fragrance barely lasted a few washings, and my skin felt dried out every time I used it. I just tossed the scrap end of that bar, and I can’t wait to lather up with a yummy Goat Milk Stuff bar! The hard part will be deciding between OMH, Lemongrass and Mandarin Mimosa. Decisions, decisions…. Thank you for your fabulous products and excellent customer service. Goat Milk Stuff rocks! Best to you all,P.S. Mandarin Mimosa’s looking like the winner tonight. :-)”
– Christa 2/26/2011

“I received my order today and I can’t wait to use it! My mom just ordered from you after smelling the soap I received! Thank you!”
– Jessica 2/26/2011

“I just wanted to let you know how much I LOVE this soap! I gave my mother and best friend a bar and a soap saver, they both LOVE them too!! Thanks so much!!”
– Emilee 2/23/2011

“I just wanted to let you know how much I LOVE this soap! I gave my mother and best friend a bar and a soap saver, they both LOVE them too!! Thanks so much!!”
– Emilee 2/23/2011

“Address is correct…thanks..u make a great product”
– Jeff 2/22/2011

“I just got my shipment!! Thank you for the samples!!!! I love Love Spell. And oh my, the Black Raspberry smells good enough to eat!!!! We have a new puppy, a goldendoodle, so I’m excited to see how the Pet Bar does on her soft curly coat. The Tea Tree is indeed strong, but if it helps with my skin, I’m all for it! 🙂 thanks again for such a speedy shipment!!”
– Jilli 2/16/2011

“I still love the soap!
– David 1/31/2011

“I recently got engaged and the first Valentine’s Day gift to him as my fiance? Chocolate goat milk soap! “
– Hee Yeon 1/29/2011

“Love your soap!!!!”
– Kimberlee 1/23/2011

“Hello PJ….I enjoyed meeting you and your son at the Farm Show Christmas Show. I purchaseds 4 bar of your Oatmeal soap @ that time and we love it! My youngest son Colton has many allergies and skin dryness. This product has been wonderful for him. Thank you. We are a christian family and I love what you are doing with your children and your love of our Lord and savior. Thanks again…”
– Holly 1/20/2011

“Thanks soooo much! I absolutely love your stuff. My son just got diaper rash (it only takes one night to make it really bad) and i used the purity on him and it seems to be healing faster. I’m not sure it others have noticed this or not.”
– Tiffany 1/19/2011

“Hello Jonas Family! I recently purchased your soap in the honeysuckle scent. After using it for only a week I needed to write you to say thank you. For years I have had those unsightly and bothersome bumps on my upper arms, and your soap has seemed to clear it up! I purchased this in hopes to start living a more natural and chemical free lifestyle to take care of my skin and have found one amazing soap!! It’s become a happy accident, even my mom has commented on how nice my skin looks. I’ve always been told by friends and family that I “smell like summertime” and with this honeysuckle soap I really do now! So thank you for taking time to share such a wonderful product, I will definitely buy this in the future!!! Thank you again! “
– Lauren 1/19/2011

“Again thank you very much for your wonderful soaps!!! I hope everyone is doing well!! “
– Janet 1/18/2011

“Thanks as always!! Going to try the laundry stick for the first time…and addicted to the Pink Sugary. 🙂 “
– Lynda 1/18/2011

“I received some soap for Christmas as a gift and fell in love with it! Thank you guys for all your hard work! “
– Andrea 1/18/2011

“Thank you so much for your great soaps!! “
– Carol 1/17/2011

“I have bought soap from you for a while now and I absolutely love it! I have bathed my baby in your soap from day one with no problems. about two months ago I ran out of my stock pile of soap, but with the holidays and all, just didn’t get around to ordering any more. To say I will not let that happen again is an understatement! Just a week after starting a store brand soap on Carly, her skin began to dry out and she developed patches of dry skin all over her back. I took her to the doctor thinking she was developing a rash of some sort because it became red and bumps were begining to form. Nothing he prescribed worked to clear it up. To make a long story short, I discovered a sample bar of your soap in my travel bag and used it on her at bath time. Within two days, her rash/dry skin cleared up! It really makes me wonder what they are putting in the “baby” soap that would cause her such irritation. Lesson learned…nothing else is touching her skin except Goats Milk Soap!!!! Thanks for providing such an awesome product!”
– Heidi 1/16/2011

“Thanks so much for your lovely soaps…I can definitely say that I am now officially addicted! Eager to try your detergent now…our 4th baby is due in a few weeks and I can’t wait to get out all the little outfits and wash them so they are ready. Warmly, “
– Karoline 1/13/2011

“Bought tea tree soaps over christmas, love it!! “
– Becky 1/13/2011

“The soaps work wonders…my daughter loves them and her skin too.”
– Mary 1/13/2011

“Hi Jim and pj and kids- so this holiday season i decided to either make presents or buy them from local or small businesses. since i have chickens and no goats and some fun memories of working with jim at the goldenrod YEARS ago i ordered a bunch of soaps for family, friends and teachers. i literally laughed out loud on christmas morning when i opened a present from my sister kristin, also a co-worker of jim’s-we had both gotten each other your soap! clean cotton and hunter for her husband, she got me lavender vanilla. happy to have some given to me as i gave all mine away! am now looking forward to sugar scrubs pj has been posting about, also enjoyed the video top 10 reasons…what a great product and philosophy of work family and life it seems you all have! much success to you! “
– Kara 1/13/2011

“Just thought I would let you guys know how much I enjoyed your tea tree soap. I have been using it to wash my face and in the last month all of my face acne has disappeared! What I love about it is it doesn’t dry out my face like normal acne wash. Thanks for making such great soap!”
– Emily 1/11/2011

“My sister & I both have been using the pet bars on our dogs for a couple of months. I have a long haired dog and she has a curly haired one. We LOVE the pet bar. It does lather up quite richly from the very start. I’ve even taken it with me… when mine has needed grooming. The girl looked at me like I was an alien for bringing her a BAR of soap. However, she sang its praises when I returned saying she NEVER thought it would lather so well and rinse so clean. Needless to say, I was thrilled to have impressed a professional with a product they would’ve never expected such from!”
– Pam 1/11/2011

“We love the pet bar. Everything the previous people said and he stays clean noticeably longer.”
– Karla 1/10/2011

“Thank you so much, I can’t wait! My mother LOVES chocolate but is not able to eat it much due to the caffeine it contains because she has kidney problems. I am planning on getting some for her. She is the one that introduced me to your soap. I have some pretty bad allergies and she is always looking for stuff to help me. It is now the only soap I use and I absolutely love it. I am looking forward to getting some for her since she is always doing so much for me. “
Tracy 1/10/2011

“Thank you so much for your wonderful soaps! Best wishes. “
Nicole 1/9/2011

“Love your soap. May God continue to bless you as you bless others. “
Terri 1/8/2011

“I ordered this a couple months ago but hadn’t really gotten around to using it until today. Don’t know what I was thinking – one word – AWESOME! Lathered almost instantly – no rubbing or using a rubber fingered brush to get a lather as with most pet shampoos. Easy to work through the coat and down to the skin, rinsed completely with little effort. Baths took 1/2 the normal time and much easier on my back. I have two 50# retrievers with long coats so bath time is a bit of work usually. So much easier with this pet bar! I have the unscented because next step is to bathe my cats :). Please consider making a scented pet bar without essential oils – such as Oatmeal Milk and Honey or Pink Sugary. Would love to have those light scents lingering….”
Mary Beth 1/7/2011

“This is our second order, as we love your soap.”
Tim 1/7/2011

“I JUST started using my pumpkin…..soooo yummy – I can’t wait for the almond and chocolate! :)”
– Jessica 1/7/2011

“I think they’re really awesome! Not only do I love the soaps, but the Jonas family seems great too! Also, I love that these soaps have no artificial dyes or fragrances. I’m a big fan already. :)”
– Lauren 1/6/2011

“Just got my first soaps this week. Love them!! Thank you!!”
– Stephanie 1/6/2011

“Neil and I loved a sample of the Cider Press GM soap Julia shared with us. Thanks for the wonderful Soap. “
– Julie 1/3/2011

“Relatives visited during holidays. ‘Took’ my latest order! Loved the soap! Still hoping for new scents in apricot and green apple… Thanks.”
– Lisa 1/2/2011

“Love my new honeysuckle soap!”

– Yvonne 12/31/2010

“Thank you! I can’t believe how great my skin feels since I started using your soap. I’m trying to convince my husband to ditch his harsh soap and try yours. I call it the “goat milk soap challenge” but so far I can’t get him to go for it. I know I’m hooked though!”
– Chris 12/31/2010

“I heard about this from a friend who SWEARS by you and am so excited to get my soaps and try them out! Thank you :D”
– Christa 12/30/2010

“My sister in law gave me a bar as a gift…Love your soap! Thanks for making such a great product. :)”
– Allison 12/30/2010

“Thanks so much. I love your soap.”
– Carolyn 12/29/2010

“Thank you so much! This came highly recommended from Angela Clark for my son’s eczema!”
– Deanna 12/29/2010

“The tee tree oil is doing amazing things for mine and my husbands face! Can’t wait to tell all of my subscribers on youtube about it =]”
– Megan 12/27/2010

“Love the video and the soap! Thanks so much.”

– Deborah 12/24/2010

“Hey! I love this scrub thing I have been using. Thanks!”
– Hannah 12/21/2010

“I tried Evergreen for the first time ever and absolutely love it!!! Earthy undertones of refreshing, foresty fragrance.”
– Kathi 12/17/2010

“BTW I decided to try using the tea tree oil soap on my hair (Jim’s suggestion) its not bad at all- I wanted to see if it would strip it any since I color my hair, and so far so good. Gonna have to get an order in for a b…ar of shampoo goodness.”
– Marie 12/17/2010

“We just received our new soap today and all four munchkins had to smell each bar and sample twice! Now everyone wants to take another bath…this happens every time we get a package from Goat Milk Stuff :)”

– Anna 12/17/2010

“My house smells terrific after each shower. OHH the aroma.”
– Christine 12/17/2010

“My husbands stocking is going to smell AMAZING!!!!! 🙂 I was wrapping last night and the smell was heavenly!”

– Kara 12/16/2010

“I just ordered more of your wonderful soap…. I officially have an addiction to good goat milk soap!”
– Mandi 12/15/2010

“I shared your link with the Northwest Hope and Healing folks, a non-profit that, among lots of other things, provides healing baskets to newly diagnosed breast cancer patients. They love non-scented products, and I love that you have them! I’ll be ordering some to donate after the holidays.”
– Karen 12/14/2010

“I found them!!! Your soap is the MAIN reason I went. I was so exhausted walking down every single aisle. I told my kids to keep ‘sniffing’ until we find it. 🙂 So glad we did because I got to stock up on all the goodies. Your kids are AWESOME!!!!! And tell Ms. Brett we said HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY!!!!”

– Kali 12/12/2010

“My son emerged from his bath tonight smelling “pink sugary”, too. :)”
– Beth 12/10/2010

“love pink sugary. I would get the gals to smell pink sugary. Sooo feminine.”
– Haydee 12/10/2010

“your soaps are the best!!!”
– Jenny 12/9/2010

“I am SOOOO excited that I just placed a Christmas order with you guys! I LOVE your soaps – I have tried “imitations” and they do NOT compare to how wonderful your soaps are!”
– Kara 12/9/2010

“I just ordered some of your awesome Goat Milk Soap for my parents and inlaws for Christmas 🙂 I’m excited to see their reactions when they get the package and smell it before they even open the wrapping paper :)”
– Mandi 12/9/2010

“We love your soap and would not use now other because it is the BEST!”
– Jeremy 12/9/2010

“I bought some of your Purity soap at the Harrisburg show for my son and daughter. So far so good with no skin irritation or problems with breakouts. Thank you!”
– Jen 12/8/2010

“We love your soap! Thanks very much!”

– Kate 12/5/2010

“Love your soap and I will be posting a review on my website soon!”
– Kelli 12/4/2010

“I’m 28 and have been using the Tea Tree for my face too. The results are fantastic even on adult acne. And this is after trying the popular 3 step acne treatments they sell on TV, going to the dermatologist and getting the expensive prescription meds. After just one week with the Tea Tree Goat Milk Soap I saw a HUGE improvement on my skin and acne.”
– Mandi 12/4/2010

“My girls (12) both love the tea tree soap for their faces. We have seen a big improvement in their acne.”
– Lori 12/4/2010

“I’ve been using PJ’s soaps for a long time and I have a skin condition, and the Tea Tree soap she sells is just the literal bomb on the bad stuff that just occurs naturally on skin. Everything improved on my skin using this soap. Its awesome!”
– Marie 12/4/2010

“I just got my first order and am loving them. If I could make a request- peppermint vanilla. I got the peppermint and it is great, but with a little vanilla to sweeten it, it would be awesome!”
– Misty 12/3/2010


“I was given a sample from the PA Christmas Show yesterday and placed my 1st Goat Milk Soap order today! A new favorite thing!”
– Deborah 12/2/2010

“My co worker gave me a bar of your soap and I loved it! So now I am so excited to see you’re in Harrisburg because I live here! My Aunt is going to show tomorrow and buying me some of your soap! Thanks for making the trip here!!”
– Hope 12/2/2010

“I received some samples from our girl in Indians Jennifer Gerth, not only has it improved the quality of the way my skin feels, it has also saved me on using lotions that I may not ever need again. I will have to place an order soon, these samples won’t last forever, but they are lasting.”
– Christine 12/1/2010

“You make the best soap, I love it!!!
– Cecilia 11/29/2010

“I heard about your products from my cousin who lives with Alice in Indianapolis. She raved about your soaps. I am going to have my daughter try it when she visits because she has very sensitive skin.”
– Diane 11/25/2010

“My sister in law in New Zealand just got the package and this is what she wrote in an email. The pink sugary sample smells so good that I could just die from an overdose of sweetness! =D As for the Snow-cone syrup one… man, I wish that “wash your mouth out with soap” still applies for people saying bad words (not that… I like to say bad words). YUMMY AND DELICIOUS!!”
– Jennifer 11/23/2010

“I absolutely LOVE your soaps! Cranberry Spice is my absolute favourite. Keep being awesome.”
– Jessica 11/22/2010

” We got our new order of soap at the beginning of the week, and we all stood around the box smelling the heavenly scent. 🙂 It was a fierce debate over which to use first. Clean cotton won.”
– Jennifer 11/19/2010

“I had to give my youngest furchild a bath Tuesday night and couldn’t reach the pet soap bar so I grabbed the nautical one and it made his fur sooooooooooooo stinking soft and didn’t irritate his skin any! Best part was he smells like a little man!! I was still sniffing him this morning and he cuddles with me at night s…o I can sniff him all night too! I love love LOVE your soaps!!!! :)”
– Rebecca 11/18/2010

” Pink sugary I can’t enough of that stuff.”
– Krissy 11/16/2010

“Love the lemongrass, and the mimosa is fab-u-lous. Great company and great product!”
– Christa 11/14/2010

“Received the best soap on EARTH today! Thanks so much PJ! Introduced you to all my friends I saw today.”
– Wade 11/13/2010

“I LOVE the way it smells & so does my mom & sister whom i bought bars for. Its on my nighttable curing & smells so good.”
– Kris 11/12/2010

“I picked up my order today at the show and am so excited to once again have your soap in the house. I had to try the lotion and chap stick before I even left. It’s great! Thanks again for packing up the order and letting me pick it up at the show! :)”
– Hannah 11/11/2010

“Simply the Best Soap Period!! :)”
Tim 11/11/2010

“Dear Jonas Family, I just wanted to take the time to say that I love your products and your service! My last order included a free bar of Purity soap! Thank you so much! I gave it to my mother, (who has been battling with very sensitive skin forever,) and she loves it! I tell everyone about you and your products! Thank you!!!!”
– Maureen 11/8/2010

“My daughter actually likes the Tea Tree soap (I had called to ask about it because she has bad BO for a 7 year old) and my son loved the nautical. I’ll be placing another order very soon :)”

– Jessica 11/07/2010

“Thanks so much, PJ! Can’t wait to get the soap. I notice such a difference on my baby’s skin when I run out! Have a nice weekend!”
– Carrie 11/5/2010

“Thank you so much for the soap. I really love all the different fragrances and am looking forward to ordering a load of bars very soon! I let my family try them and waiting to hear their happy feedback. Regards,”
– TALLULAH 11/4/2010

“We love your soap!”
– Laura 11/4/2010

“After wanting to try goat milk soap for over a year, I finally switched 🙂 We just received our order today (incredibly fast shipping by the way) and I am in love! I can’t wait to stick all four munchkins in the tub 😉 Now, I’m working on converting my Mom and my sister as well :)”
– Anna 11/4/2010

“PJ and Jim, just wanted to tell you that I LOVE the Almond!!!! A definite keeper, in my opinion!!!”
– Gina 11/1/2010

“Loving the soap…especially the Peppermint Essential Oil and the Organic Castile. Awesome.”
– Abby 11/1/2010

“Thanks. The package arrived last night and the 6 & 3 year old promptly hopped in to the tub. :)”
– Joan 10/22/2010

“Hi Jonas family-I was gone all day and came home to find my order arrived! I’m too tired to try out the detergent tonight but of course I HAD to wash my hands in the green apple soap-WOW does it smell good!! So glad I gave the green apple a try-makes me think of fall apple picking. 🙂 Thanks everyone!”
– Megan 10/22/2010

“Received the package of soaps and so far am delighted with them, cannot believe the suds and makes my skin feel good and clean; also liked the packaging a lot reminded me of the cachets we used to make when I was younger, oh so many years ago. Will be ordering more in the future.”
– Joy 10/22/2010

“Gave a bar to my daughter (Luv Spell) and she loves the smell, even thinks it is helping her acne prone skin. Need a longer test to tell for sure. She is thinking of getting the shaving soap for her boyfriend. I have used goats milk soaps from other places and while I thought they were good, I cannot believe the change in my skin in 10 days since using your soaps. Not sure what is the difference, but I can clearly see my skin not looking tight or dry, feeling soft and smooth and my pores look smaller! Wow! I use a night cream and that is all – used to have to moisturize day and night. True test will be an Iowa winter dry air. Very impressed, planning to also try the laundry soap – expect an order coming soon!
– Mary Beth, Iowa 10/20/2010

“Love, love, love your soaps! Just tried your chapstick – testing out the vanilla.”
– Ann 10/19/2010

“I LOVE the green apple liquid soap. Fabulous and my hands are not dried out from the constant washing in the kitchen. The scent is perfect!”
– Heather 10/19/2010

“I so needed your soap! I’ve tried much handmade soap and none are as good as yours. I am always wishing I would have bought more. I hope your truck was fixed so you can travel. I am having Goat milk stuff withdrawl!!!!!”
– Anne 10/18/2010

” I have a very oily face and this soap is the only soap that has ever helped clear up the oil! 🙂 HTH I use any of the soaps I happen to be washing with at the time.”
– Rose 10/17/2010

” We have used plenty of Goat Milk Stuff soaps…. LOVE them :)”
– Jane 10/16/2010

” I happened upon Goat Milk Stuff almost a year ago and have not used any other kind of soap since, my husband & children use your soap, I even just ordered the pet bar for our Lab and I can’t wait to wash him 🙂 That’s the first time I’ve ever said that! I “like” GMS” because there is NOTHING not to like, it IS in fact …the best soap I have ever used and somebody else should “like” it just because they should have their head examined if they are not using this soap. Thanks Jonas’ :)”
– Julie 10/14/2010

“Hi PJ, I recieved my goat milk soaps about a week ago and am loving them. I have only used the Kool Koala but my boyfriend and I have fallen in love with it. We both love the smell and the feeling of it after we get out of the shower. I can def tell my skin is alot softer after using the goat milk soap for just one week. I cannot wait to use my other two types I bought. Thank you so much again for your great product.”
– Jamie 10/13/2010

” I like GMS because it leaves my skin squeaky clean. It doesn’t dry it out. And it leaves an absolutely delightful after-scent. I recommend it to anyone that’s looking for handmade soaps.”
– Jessi 10/13/2010

“Jonas family, Thank you so much for the soap – I couldn’t believe how quickly it arrived. I love the way it feels, but thanks to a recent cold, I’m having to depend on my six year old for how it smells – she likes the purity, Oatmeal Milk & Honey, and the Honeysuckle liquid soap foamer. My children (11 months, and 6 years) and I have already started using the soap.I look forward to trying more of your products and am looking forward to being able to smell the ones I ordered. Thanks again,”
– Christy 10/13/2010

“I LOVE your soap and I’m super excited to try the lotion stick! Normally I have cracks in my hands as soon as the weather changes ( here in Evansville) but I’ve had nothing! Not a sign of cracking anywhere! I even make my family and friends smell my hands after I wash them or my arm after I shower… Lol I’ve been telling everyone I know to check you out not solely because your products are phenomenal but also because I love what your family stands for… :)”

– Rebecca 10/11/2010

“I love the soap!! I had purchased some goat milk soap at Wisconsin State Fair and I really liked it. I am so glad I found Goat Milk Stuff! I will be a repeat customer of your produts for sure. Thank you for the fast shipping and the great free samples, too!”
– Betsy, Wisconsin 10/9/2010

“First bought your soap earlier this year at Old Court House Day’s in Madison, IN. I fell in love with the scents, and bought much more than was justifiable at the time. 🙂 My skin handles your soaps so well, I have no irritation at all and always feel so smooth with no bumps or dryness. My fiance’s skin is very sensitive, too, and after hearing him complain about the irritation associated with shaving, I thought, “Why not have him try the goat milk soap?”. His face is baby-smooth, and the razor bumps, redness, and dryness have vanished. I figure if you’re OHM soap does such a fantastic job, your shaving soap will really be great! Thank you so much for providing a great product while avoiding all the unnecessary and sometimes even unhealthy additives. It’s wonderful to get exactly what I need and to also support a local family.”

-Calin 10/9/2010

” I love my liquid soap at my kitchen sink and I have a pretty soap dish in my guest bathroom filled with all my little samples that I get with each order!”
– Anne 10/9/2010

” Love my goat milk soap! Awesome stuff.”
– Jennifer 10/7/2010

“We like our soap! I think I’ll be putting in a Christmas order!!”
– Terrell 10/7/2010

“Hello PJ, I just placed my second order with you guys. The soap is the best I have tried and my kids love it too.”
– Melanie 10/5/2010

“Our family is enjoying our goat soap. It smells and feels incredible on the skin. We purchased the purity for my daughter who has sensitive skin and gave a bar to her friend who has eczema. Thanks again for making a great product :)”
– Jennifer 10/5/2010

“I just wanted to compliment you on your soaps, their colors and choice of scent. They look wonderful, and I hope to order some soon.”
– Kathleen 10/4/2010

“Totally LOVE my new soap!!! 🙂
– Rebecca 10/4/2010

“Just reordered 2 bars of the tea tree soap. My daughter and I use it daily. I wear foundation and it has amazed me how the soap keeps my face from getting oily throughout the day…before I was constantly blotting. LOVE IT!!”
– Tina 10/4/2010

“By the way, I LOVE your soap and so do my kids. My 18 month old walks around with the bar all day smelling it loudly (he sniffs it loudly and breathes out loudly).”
– Shauna 10/2/2010

“Hi PJ, This is our second order and my daughter and I love your products. Thank you for your wonderful soaps…they are wonderful.”
– Judy 10/1/2010

“I am so glad I bought that first bar from your family at the flea market at the Indiana State Fairgrounds. I really love your soap. Have a great day,”
– Gretchen 10/1/2010

“Wow. I just wanted to let you know that we are IN LOVE with your soap. I’ve spread the word among friends here in Sarasota (Florida) and at least one friend has already placed an order. Everyone LOVES your website, information, pictures, and videos. You all have done an incredible job with not only the website and business, but also in life. We are very, very happy for you!”
– Elisa, Florida 9/20/2010

“I LOVE the Black Cherry soap and the samples of Patchouli and Pink Sugary smelled so good, I knew I had to have them too! Also, I thought the travel sizes would be great to take on vacation with us in October. Thanks.”
– Claudia 9/30/2010

“We LOVE your soap & are anxious to try out the laundry soap!! Thanks”
– Jessica 9/28/2010

“Got the soap today, and am totally loving all the scents. Gave the Rosebud to my 66 year old Mom, and she loves it! Definitely return customers 😀 Thanks again to you and your hard-working family for such terrific natural soap!”
– Jen 9/27/2010

“We bought a bar of your Purity soap at the Preble county pork festival last weekend for my daughters 8 week old baby, after your daughter gave her a small sample bar. The baby had a rash on her face (first the doc said heat rash, now eczema) but in just the few days we have used it on the baby – the rash is gone! Love your product! You will be getting more of our business in the future!”
– Cindy, Ohio 9/24/2010

“By the way, we LOVE the liquid soap! It has been wonderful for our kiddos. Our boys are famous for putting the soap in the water & pretending it’s a boat. As much as I love their active imaginations, it obviously makes the soap dissolve very quickly. 😀 Anyway, the liquid soap is solving that problem & it’s so much easier to wash their hair with it. We’ve started using your soap for shampoo too. My hair is in better shape than it has been in years! It’s soft & silky and I’m not having to use any conditioner (I loathe conditioner.). Just wanted to let you know how much we’re enjoying our most recent soap! In Him,”
– Becky 9/23/2010

“Hi PJ, I got my package this evening in the mail. My gosh… there are no words to describe how excited I was to get home and open it up! And when I did open it, the smell was incredible! Thank you so much for this wonderful soap, I’ve just washed my face and it has never felt so clean and moisturized! I noticed there was an extra bar of soap.. not sure if this was an error or not, but I am very, very thankful either way 🙂
I can’t wait for tomorrow to come, so I can wash my face again! All the best,”
– Gillian 9/16/2010

“I just have to tell you how awesome your soap is! I have had a hand palm eczema for years, but after I had kids and started washing my hands more frequently it got progressively worse until my palms reached a point where they were constantly bleeding. For about a year I even bandaged my hands and wore gloves so my hand…s wouldn’t bleed on everything I touched. Then my mother ordered your soap for us all to try. It smelled great and I really liked it, but I was completely suprised when my eczema started to clear up. I looked down at my hands a couple of weeks ago, and they are completely cured! My hands were cracked and bleeding for years… I even saw a few doctors and had prescription meds for them! I never thought they would heal, but your Goat Milk Soap did the trick! I thank the Lord for your soap!”
– Elissa 9/15/2010

“I have been using some of your soaps and lotion sticks for the last couple of weeks and I really like them! I would love to host a giveaway of your products on my blog if you are interested!”
– Anita 9/13/2010

“The goat milk soap. Any of them . Cleared it up almost overnight. I have had a terrible time with it ever since I had kids. My favorite is the oatmeal and something like clean cotton…”
– Lisa 9/10/2010

“I also love the soap. I only bought the small bag and it was great.”
– Cathy 9/9/2010

“I’ve got an OMH bar in the shower presently. Love the way the whole bathroom smells of it for hours after my shower. I’m addicted. And I admit it.”
– Anne 9/6/2010

“Thanks PJ for my order update and super fast shipping!!”
– Janice 9/3/2010

“I absolutely love the soaps from Goat Milk Stuff. All Natural, and so many yummy smells.”
– Maripage 9/3/2010

“Thanks PJ. I am so grateful to my friend Nicole Watson for introducing me to you guys.. I would have honestly never tried Goats Milk soap if it hadnt been for Being told about you .. and Your oatmeal milk and honey has done wonders for my sons skin condition.”
– Johnnelle 9/3/2010

“Lovingggg cider press! included it in my august favorites video! :)”
– Wendy 9/1/2010

“All I know is we took the soap to Haiti and now I’m addicted.”
– Katrina 9/1/2010

“On an unrelated note, I ABSOLUTELY LOVE the Rosemary Spearmint soap. It smells so good.”
– Kristen 9/1/2010

“Got my first order of soap yesterday! Love the smell and feel of Mimosa Mandarine!”
– Jenny 8/31/2010

“We LOVE your soap!”
– Shelly 8/30/2010

“I have been using your soap on my face now for about 2 weeks and I can tell the difference. The first day, I noticed white heads just coming out on their own. I am in love with your products. I can’t wait to try the liquid body wash, but I am quite addicted to the bar soap.”
– KiKi 8/20/2010

“I gave the boys a bath with the Nautical soap tonight! Liam “I smell like a guy!” Kyle “I wanna smell like guy too!” So they both smell like the handsome guys they are!”
– Rose 8/16/2010

“Oh and just a quick story. We had our summer vacation a few weeks ago. As I was packing I figured we would use the soap at my mom’s, save space, and not bring ours. Then my husband asked if I was bringing soap. I said no. He said, “You HAVE to bring THE soap. I love that stuff”. So we brought the soap. As it turns out my mom had some already so we didn’t need but I still thought it was funny. My husband is the one with no skin problems but apparently he loves it as much as the rest of us.
– Val, Washington 8/11/2010

“Dear Jonas Family, I am so glad that I found out about your soap from a random blog. It has been wonderful for the sensitivities our family has! Thank you!”
– Angela 8/10/2010

“I am loving my soaps!! And the foaming hand soap I received – I love it! Thanks again :)”
– Linda, Wisconsin 8/9/2010

“PJ, A customer of mine gave me a bar of your soap. It’s the best soap I’ve ever tried. Doesn’t dry my skin, doesn’t give me skin bumps, smells great and lasts a good while. Thanks for making such a wonderful soap. Thank you for the excellent customer service, as well. I appreciate the email from you.”
– Maripage, North Carolina 8/9/2010

“Hi PJ – Seriously, I could hardly stand the time it took to tear open the box and then rip open the bag. This is the most wonderful scent (lemon verbena) I have ever smelled. This reminds me of that lemon soap I told you about that I got in France many years ago. Oh, the memories!! Thank you SO much for doing this for me (and all of your other lucky customers who buy it!!).”
– Chris, Pennsylvania 8/9/2010

“I will be ordering again SOON! I have a bit of a “soap addiction” and I have used soaps as cheap as $1 up to soaps claiming to be the purest thing this side of unicorn tears costing up to $22 a bar…and your soap is by far,hands down THE BEST! Keep doing what you are doing…I will buy more for myself very soon…and look for me to get Christmas gifts here this year! Regards,”
– Michelle 8/8/2010

“Hi PJ and family!! Got my soaps today, super fast shipping by the way!! I just had to say my oh my what amazing soap you make! I have tried other GM soap before and they can not hold a candle to you amazing soap! I have never felt a soap make my skin feel so soft!! I used it on my boys and it made there skin so smooth and soft. I will be buying all my soap from you in the future!! Thank you again for adding the additional soap to off set the shipping again you did not have to do that and it was very kind!! Thank you so much!”

– Rose, New Jersey 8/6/2010

“Thanks PJ! I absolutely love the soap! You and your family do an excellent job! Have a great day!”
– Tracy, Indiana 8/4/2010

“Hey Pj!! Just wanted to let you know that I fell in love with your soaps. They have made my skin feel absolutely amazing! I loved them so much that I want to make another order. I want to get some for myself and for my Mom for her Birthday. Thanks so much! Your soaps ROCK!!!”
– Miriam 8/2/2010

“Hi PJ, Just a little note to let you know I love the Black Raspberry soap ! It smells delish . Actually , the package smelled delish before I even opened it 🙂 My husband even likes the raspberry scent –what a shock ! Sincerely,”
– Linda, New York 7/31/2010

“PJ, Thanks so much! We have already received our order. I love that you put little bitty samples in. My two and four year old daughters love being able to choose which soap to use based on scent, and of course, they have to smell each one every bath time. 🙂 Thanks again!”
– Heather 7/25/2010

“I gave some of your soap to my husband to try . I gave him a goat milk soap from another company I ordered from . He preferred yours as did I . Yours seems to lather much better & are scented well . I’m going to have to order some more soon . Any new scents coming out ?
– Linda, New York 7/20/2010

Dear Jonas Family, Just wanted to say that I absolutely love your soap! I used the black raspberry soap for the first time this morning and I am in love with the way it makes my skin feel! I first learned about your soaps through a blog called “We are that family” and I thought the name sounded interesting so I decided to check out your website. After browsing through your products and reading the incredible reviews, I placed my very first order for goats milk soap on Friday evening. I received my soap yesterday (Monday) and couldn’t believe how quickly my order was processed. You have amazing customer service! I am so impressed with your business that I have already told my family and many of my friends about your incredible products! And, I even gave my mom one of the free samples so she can try it for herself! Thanks again for making this a pleasurable experience for me! Keep up the good work! Grace & Peace!”
– Kayla, Tennessee 7/13/2010

“PJ…you didn’t tell me that I would get hooked. Immediately. First of all everything was packaged sooooo amazingly cute. The smell was so gentle and yet it filled the room in no time! Using these soaps is like heaven. My skin has never had any issues and these soaps just make it as soft as a baby’s behind! Seriously. Hooked. Thanks!!”
– Amanda 6/29/2010

“We have not even been using this soap for a week yet and I can already tell a difference! Her back has totally cleared up and the backs of her arms are looking much MUCH better! I can’t believe it. We are definitely going to be return customers. Thank you so much for making such an amazing product! I didn’t think we were going to be able to find anything to help her skin (which had been getting worse the hotter it got outside). Thank you. Thank you. THANK YOU,”
– Christina 6/28/2010

“Received my soap. Thanks for the fast shipping. Great product…LOVE it!!! Thanks!”
– Christy, Texas 6/28/2010

“Dear PJ, I just had to drop a line and say that I’m delighted with the soaps I’ve received. My sink is lined with them, and washing my hands is an adventure: which soap will I use this time? The smells are lovely but not overpowering, and my hands are feeling softer than usual. I’ll definitely be ordering again – God bless you and your entire family. Please thank the kids for their hard work – it shows!”
– Tammy 6/28/2010

“Hi PJ, We received your order and got to try out the bath soap for the first time today and we love it so far! I’m surprised at the difference in our skin texture after just one use. Looking forward to trying more of your products and will be recommending the soap to our friends and family! Thank you!”
– Ivy 6/26/2010

“I like that! After browsing your site yesterday, I came across a review that
mentioned using your bar soap as shampoo. My first thought was, “yeah, right!” And then I tried it — I
love it! I have very thick, curly hair and it’s a pain to get really clean. It actually squeaked after
I washed and rinsed it – it was that clean! One more reason why I love your products!”
– Becky, Michigan 6/16/10

“PJ -Got my order this morning. Wow – you guys are fast.
Excited to try the laundry soap. Got the soap trays for a new bathroom. They are really nice.
Thanks for the bar of Emery’s Flower Garden. It smells great. Sometimes flowery soaps are toooo flowery.
This one is great.”
– Jan, Minnesota 6/25/10

“Oh, thank you so much. It is always a pleasure doing business with you and
we absolutely love your soaps. They are the best!”
– Judy, North Carolina 6/21/10

“Pj- Thank you! We love your products!! My two year old loves the OMH
soap and refuses to give it to me (he likes playing with the slippery
soap) during his bath so it’s basically gone!! Hehe I have to buy it
with every order bc it’s a family favorite! Corbin, my son, smells
amazing 🙂 Thank you again!”
– MacKenzie, Texas 6/19/10

“Thank you! I don’t think it’s normal for me to get so excited about your newsletters and new products! :-)”
– Becky, Michigan 6/16/10

“PJ – I LOVE YOUR SOAP and my new favorite has become the organic castile. Take care -“

– Debbie, Minnesota 6/15/10

“The package JUST arrived (so fast!)!!! even the mail carrier said something smells good
in here!! They are AMAZING- i waited to take a shower since I knew these soaps were on
their way. Oatmeal Milk and Honey Soap is a Godsend!! I cannot wait to get a youtube
video up to tell the world! (I’ve already told many friends!) HAHA and… i’m already
plotting my next purchase (literally). THANK YOUUUU and your family <3"
– Jessica, Massachusettes 6/10/10

“LOVE the soap!!! Now I am hoping you come out with liquid soap, lotion, and shampoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
– Angela, Arkansas 6/9/10

“I just made my first order a few days ago and after using my soap for a day and a half,
I am in LOVE! I also love the bath bombs. Thank you so much for the soap — it is awesome!”
– Christa, California 6/8/10

“I received my order yesterday and was so excited. 🙂 I used the soap and laundry detergent
this morning … I’m in love with your products!”
– Leah, Texas 6/8/10

“Dear PJ, Brett, and Emery, I got the soap, laundry detergent, and the free samples yesterday!
That was quick! I used the soap last night and it was divine! Thank you so much for the
friendly, personal touch and the quick delivery. I will be ordering again! These make great
gifts for my friends and family and the kids’ teachers and just bout everyone! Thanks again!”
– Liz, Wisconsin 6/8/10

“I have given away my personal stash of soap to friends who are already in love too! You have
one quality product PJ. I have bought goat soap before but it just does not compare…”
– Cindy, Indiana 6/7/10

“Hi there Jim, PJ and Family! I just wanted to thank you guys so much for your wonderful customer
service throughout my ordering process. It has been a true pleasure ordering from your amazing company.
I did a review of your goat milk soaps on my Youtube Beauty Channel ! Here is the link to it!
I hope that this brings some more business your way! You definitely deserve it!
My husband and I are absolutely loving your soaps and cant wait to use them up so we can order more!!! ;))
You truly have a wonderful product here, and a wonderful family! Thanks again and wishing you a blessed week!”
– Wendy, Maryland 6/7/10

“Dear PJ, I got my soaps today!!! THANK YOU!!! I can’t wait to try the peppermint soap!! I like to
use peppermint in the summer!! I love the way it makes my skin feel cool!! Can’t wait to try the Laundry soap!!!
Will be ordering the larger size soon!!! Tell Brett, I saw the little note on the packing slip!! Thank
you and yes, I will ENJOY!!!!! Sincerely,”
-Janet, Florida 5/28/10

“PJ, My order arrived yesterday. This was my first time ordering and I was very impressed. A friend
of mine had given me some of your lavender soap as a gift and I had to order some. I love that you
send samples. The soap saver was perfect for my 4 1/2 year old to use in the shower. I did not have to
worry about him wasting the soap. He really likes the the Oatmeal, Milk, and Honey soap. Thank you so much.”
– Debi, Florida 5/28/10

“I love the new website. It’s much lighter and easier to navigate through. I must tell you how much I
love your soap. I gave it away as gifts with a soap saver this past Christmas, and many of my
family members and friends have since ordered their own bars. Even my fiance is a total convert!
I love that I’m ordering directly from a wonderful family who developed such a special product to use
on their children! Thank you… I’ll keep coming back again and again!”
– Michelle, Wisconsin 5/26/10

“Thanks, PJ. I continue to love your soap, but must say, it’s my husband who always prompts the reorders.
He really digs it! :0) The website’s good. More robust. And the new pics add a lot!”
– Candice, Colorado 5/25/10

“Hi PJ, I am LOVING this soap you gave me! Thank you so much! We are using the Black Raspberry right now,
and it is Heavenly! I can’t wait to try the others! Thanks,”
– Billie, Tennessee 5/25/10

“Hi PJ, I received my order and am thrilled with my little gift bags. I decided to add a lip balm to my goodie bags
for our reunion luncheon. I just put in the order. Looking forward to trying Brett’s lip balms! Thanks for such prompt service!”
– Merylee, New Jersey 5/23/10

“I have gotten my daughter in Indy started on it and now my sister in Highland is in love. Your product
is exceptional and I will never again buy commercial soap.”
– Cindy, Indiana 5/21/10

“Love your soap and so does my dad.”
– Haydee, Kentucky 5/21/10

“I love the soap and give it to my friends. Thanks so much,”
– Edward, Kentucky 5/19/10

“Thanks!! Wish I was rich, I would buy bunches and bunches for all my family too. I don’t want to share mine. Love that stuff!!
– Kaye, North Carolina 5/11/10

“Hello there,
I just received my bath bombs today and I couldn’t wait to try them. I LOVE it!!! Fantastic! My skin feels clean,
fresh, smooth and moisturized! I would definitely recommend these and will do so 🙂
Thanks again and take care!!
P.s. I would like to highlight these on my blog this month, I love to pass on great finds such as your soap products!”
– Jennifer, Ontario, Canada 5/10/10

“PJ, I received my soap and bombs yesterday and the box smelled heavenly! I’m giving them as a Mothers Day gift so I’ll let Brett
know what Mom thinks about the bombs. Mother’s Day must be quite an event at your house! Enjoy the day!
PS – Thanks for the OMH bars-I think that is my favorite scent (honeysuckle is a close second).”
– Rene’, Illinois 5/6/10

“I’m excited to try it, too! I figured I should test it out, because it’s a step closer to a bubble bath! I have to tell you, my husband
is in LOVE with your Peppermint soap. I actually really like it, too. It’s a great way to start the morning! Are any of your other
soaps made with essential oils, rather than fragrance oils? I am really enjoying trying different scents each order! Thanks so much!”
– Megan, North Carolina 5/3/10

“Thanks PJ! I had just bought some of your soap at Amazing Grace in Louisville, it’s amazing stuff … they’re out of stock, so I was happy
to find your website! Thanks for sending it out so fast.”
– Christina, Kentucky 4/27/10

“PJ…have you noticed orders from the Las Cruces area???? I ordered almost 30 of the travel sizes and some of the friends here that I shared
them with have ordered! I am SO addicted to it! I HOPE my soaps can be half as good as yours!! I should be so lucky!!”
– Janet, New Mexico 4/7/10

“i am so glad my aunt introduced me to your soaps. my husband loves them too.”
– Julie, Ohio 4/3/10

“Thank you! I LOVE the soaps and I can’t believe how quickly they arrived. I look forward to trying more of your products!”
– Sarah, California 4/2/10

“PJ – Good morning and thanks for the Purity bar – I am traveling to California with high school friends late next week and they will each
get a bar of soap, as well as our host from CA. I am excited, as I know they will love the soap as I do. Just looked at your site and it is great! Take care and HAPPY EASTER”
– Debbie, Minnesota 4/2/10

“Hi PJ, Got my order today. I bet your house smells so good! Your soap is wonderful! Thank you so much!”
– Victoria, Colorado 3/31/10

“Thanks, I love the soap (if you can’t tell)! My husband says it makes him hungry in the shower because he thinks it looks like homemade fudge…haha!”
– Tiffany, North Carolina 3/31/10

“Hi PJ- My order arrived today, and you should have my payment soon (if not already received). Your products (and your family) are amazing! Thank you!!”
– Wendy, New Hampshire 3/27/10

“Great! We are very excited to try it. Of friend speaks very highly of it and gave me a sample to try and I loved it. By the way you family is adorable!”
– Kristin, California 3/27/10

“Wonderful! We loved our first order so much, the entire family is switching over to your soaps! Do you ever plan to make any bubble bath or shampoos?
We are switching over to chemical free products, and while I know bubble bath is not a necessity, the little guy LOVES it. I’m having a very tough time
finding one that is chemical free, but that actual foams/bubbles up! Thanks for making such great products!”
– Megan, Nebraska 3/26/10

“Thanks! I think the mailman didn’t pick up my mail until today and your check is in it so it will be there but may be a couple of days!! I love your
soaps and my mom will be tickled with her basket! Blessings!!”
– Kaye, North Carolina 3/25/10

“Thanks so much! Your soap rocks!”
– Alana, Massachusetts 3/25/10

“Hi PJ, I just placed an order for more soap, plus lip balm – Tell Brett I am excited to try them. Take Care,”
– Jessica, New York 3/24/10

“Thank you so much! We are really enjoying your goat’s milk soaps :o)”
– Katherine, Pennsylvania 3/24/10

“Thanks, I did place an order today and thanks for the 20% off!!! I’m on a fixed income and every little bit helps!!! Trying some new scents, love them
all so far. Great products and the kids are awesome!!! You’re Blessed!!!”
– Sherry, Ohio 3/24/10

“I wanted a bar of Lavender, Clean cotton and I think cucumber melon….I am not picky, I love it all…….thanks!!!!”
– Kaye, North Carolina 3/24/10

“Dear PJ, Thank you so much for your kindness! I love your soaps! Thank you for making such great products! Best wishes,”
– Liza, Hong Kong 3/24/10

“Thanks! My sister orders from you all and loves it. I am hoping that it works good on my children! Thansk!”
– Becky, Texas 3/22/10

“Hi PJ, Just wanted to let you know that we received your soaps in the mail today…and they smell absolutely wonderful! (In fact, now the whole office
does 🙂 Thank you again and have a great afternoon!”
– Maggie, Indianapolis 3/18/10

“Just got my order yesterday and I am SO pleased with the lip balm and the soap dish. I, too, have been looking for a soap dish that won’t waste one
molecule of my precious soap. I LOVE the soap. I feel so good about using it on my grandbabies. I also wash my face with it; something I haven’t done in
years with “regular” soap. Thanks,”
– Jennifer, Ohio 3/18/10

“PJ – we love your soap and you guys are the best. My son’s girlfriend came back to America to live with him from Bulgaria. She could not wait to get back
here to get more soap. When she was going back home we gave her several bars to take with her. “
– Ursula 3/16/10

“Thank you, PJ! I love your soap and am so glad to have found it. You have a loyal customer in me!”
– Becki, North Carolina 3/15/10

“Thanks for the email. We received our goat milk soap yesterday. We love your product! Thank you so much for all of the personal touches you add when purchasing your soap!
Thank you again!”
– Lindsey, Ohio 3/14/10

“PJ, I was going to tell you that Sunday I went to a craft show. There was a display of goat milk soap. Bars were smaller than yours and cost $1.50 more than yours.
You guys do a good job!!:0)”
– Wanda, Missouri 3/10/10

“Thanks for you note. Now I will begin (as Pam says) the stalk the mailman & watch for my goodies. We all just keep on sharing and bragging about the products
and I think you’ll be getting more bussiness from Mobile.:-) Please thank the children for me!! :-)”
– Judy, Alabama 3/9/10

“Ok – LOVED the Newsletter! I forwarded your newsletter along to all my “girls” here @ work…and I had a few comments I just HAD to share…I was bragging about
how you guys are doing Lotion Sticks, Lip Balm & now Laundry Soap (kudos by- the-by … awesome!) and I got 2 emails… And I think they should find a way to make
a car freshener version (ask Susan about leaving it in her car). Or maybe closet and drawer sachets…my spare closet smelled really good when I had the soap in it.
(So then I got this from Susan…) Just an FYI – the little travel size bars make great ‘car fresheners’! I stopped to do an errand one night and left the kids
(and by “kids” she means her 3 Norwich terrier dogs) in the car for about 15 minutes – Riley got into the soap – chewed through the plastic bag they were in,
took a nibble and decided though they smelled good, they didn’t taste great. Anyway, when I got back in the car, it smelled better than it has in years! Too funny!
– kris, New Hampshire 3/9/10

“Awesome! Thank you so much!!!! I love your soaps and even have family members ordering from Canada! Keep up the good work!”
– Denise, Georgia 3/8/10

“Hello! I have ordered soap from you all for awhile now and LOVE it! I have a blog,, and would love to have your logo on my blog. I am
not asking for anything in return. I just love your product and would like to spread the word.”
– Jessica, Alabama 3/8/10

“Thanks PJ, Brett and Greyden. I can’t wait to get my order. I only have a sliver of my favorite Peppermint soap left! “
– Robin, Indiana 3/3/10

“Hey PJ… I got my soap today… I’ve smelled it 5 times so far. I seriously LOVE it!! I wish I could use one each day so I could have a different smell for
every shower. That would be amazinngggg!!! I wanted to let you know that I did a blog post on it (not trying to copy MckMama… but I had to cuz of how much
I love your soap) My blog is if you want to take a look. I haven’t used the lotion yet besides rubbing it on my hand to see how it smells.
And it smells awesome, too. I’ll use it on my dry elbows and shoulders and let you know how it works in a couple days. Thanks for the quick shipment. I began
planning what scents I wanted over a month ago, and was giddy with excitement when I got to place my order! Thank you for providing us with such a great product.
Have a great night!”
– Brianne, Virgina 3/1/10

“PJ, Thank you SO much for including the lotion stick. I’m sure I’ll love it. Your soap is so amazing… from the smells (talk about heavenly), to how smooth
and soft they make my skin, and how incredibly long they last. I have used 5 bars of soap in a 9 month period of time. I was so excited to use my last bar in
January because I knew I’d get to pick new scents. Will you ever include lemon in a regular bar again? Lemon and Vanilla were two of my favorites, and I was
bummed when you added them to the gift packs only. Or if you have any big bars left, I’ll buy those?!?! :o) (I’m kind of a lemon nut) I also love knowing that I
am using something that is actually healthy for my skin, and am supporting a family instead of a huge business. I’ll be forever greatful to Jennifer McKinney for
her blog post about your soap. My skin hasn’t been the same since! I’ll let you know how I like the lotion stick, because it looks like my order should have
arrived today! Thanks again!!!”
– Brianne, Virginia 3/1/10

“I bought several bars of soap when you had the booth at the Indianapolis Gift Show at the Fairgrounds in the fall. But I gave nearly all of them away as
presents, and I’m down to my last bar now!!!! Love the stuff! Thanks.”
– Jeanne, Indiana 2/27/10

“Dear Mrs Jonas, I have received the soaps and I just want to thank you for making such wonderful soaps!!!! I have never used soaps on my face that would make my
skin supple! Wow, I am really amazed! I will be ordering some to my fiance, who now works in Massachusetts to try. We are planning to get married end of this year.
We are considering getting the goat milk soaps as wedding favours. Is it possible to have these cut into small sizes, something like 3 oz per piece? (the ones
I had is probably around 4.5 oz per piece?) It is because I live in Hong Kong and we are travelling to Japan to get married. We are having 70-80 guests and if
these are all 4.5 oz pieces, they might be too heavy. How would you charge if we bulk order the organic castile soaps from you? We are thinking of having these
shipped to Massachusetts and when I visit my fiance some time this year ( hopefully before the wedding!), I will take them across to Asia myself. Thank you again
for the samples. They are great too! I have been raving your soaps around to my friends! Best wishes,”
– Liza, Hong Kong 2/24/10

“Thank you very much! I love your soaps!!”
– Bernadetta, Pennsylvania, 2/22/10

“Hi, I absolutely love the soaps. They arrived in the mail this morning. Thank you so much for the samples as well. The little cloth bags were a wonderful touch
as well. Thanks again. Blessings to you,”
– Angela, Indiana 2/20/10

“I was wondering if you have a soap that smell’s like goat’s or a soap that you can smell and know that it is goat’s milk soap and if you every travel around and
sell your soap’s because the town I live in hold’s The West Virginia Apple Butter Festival (Berkeley Springs you can check it out online ) and we need someone
like your family here to sell good soaps like your’s ,if you ever are able to make it out here please let someone like me know …I can’t wait top get my soap and
extra goodie’s that you said you guy’s put in the boxes ..May god bless everyone of you and keep you safe. your new customer and friend”
– cubie, West Virginia 2/18/10

“Thank you so much! I’ve heard some amazing things about your soap and I am so excited to try it! Have a wonderful day!”
– Steph, New Hampshire 2/14/10

“Got the great soap once again we are in love with your soaps … Will you be making any peppermint lotion sticks. I think that would be a great scent to rub on my
feet to moisturize before bed . Thanks”
– Carianne, Colorado 2/13/10
Note: Yes, we do!

“Thanks so much…I’m looking forward to trying your soap! My friend, Dani (I saw her review on your site), highly recommends it! Tell Brett and Greyden thanks. Many
– Carrie, Illinois 2/13/10

“You are too kind PJ!! Thank YOU for what you have done for my skin!! I am working in New Mexico for the next 10 weeks and will be ordering some travel sizes to
share with some of my new friends and co nurses out here who have never tried it!!! I can’t WAIT to give it to them!!! You are just the BEST!! THANK YOU!!”
– Janet, Florida 2/11/10

“Wow, PJ, this is amazing! I can’t wait to get the soap. I plan on sharing the good news of your products with friends and family. Thank you sincerely,”
– Denise, New Jersey 2/10/10

“Looking forward to my order…. your packages are always my favorite mail to get. Can the lotion stick be used in the lip area? Around my lips are always dry.
I’ll get the bags that I have in the mail to you by this weekend. Take Care,”
– Jessica, New York 2/9/10
Note: We recommend using the lip balm for lips as they have flavor oils instead of fragrance oils. The essential oil lotion sticks would be fine.

“Thank you so much! I am so excited to get to try some of the scents I have not tried yet. I can’t tell you how much I love your soaps!! Thank you, thank you, thank
you! God bless you all!”
– Kaye, North Carolina 2/8/10

“Hello PJ!! I just wanted to let you know that I am sending you MORE customers from New Mexico!! I am on a Travel Assignment here in Las Cruces and was at lunch
the other day, singing the praises of your wonderful product, and OF COURSE the girls I work with want to try your soap! One of them has used GM soap before and
loved it, but evidently couldnt get any for awhile. So NATURALLY I gave them your web address!! I am sending bars of your soap to friends and
family all over the country!! I am going to have to restock MY stores soon!! Anyway, I just wanted to let you know and to say a big THANK YOU for making such an
incredible product!! Again, I hope my soaps are half as good as yours when we finally get our farm and I start making it!!! God Bless you all!!”
– Janet, Florida 2/8/10

“Love the lilac!”
– Debby, Florida 2/5/10

“PJ, I got my order last week and have been using the OMH. I love the smell and the softness of your skin after using it. I’ll be ordering more when I run out. I
ordered several bars so that should be a little while. Also, the pictures of your family are so cute. I know you are very proud of what you and your family have
accomplished with your business. Sincerely,”
– Sandra, Mississippi 2/5/10

“You’re are so sweet and please tell Brett thank you. I just love your soap and have given some to friends. In this time of tightening belts I have to admit $5.00
will go a long way. I’ll be ordering again. It’s just me and my sweet dog here so we don’t use but so much soap. I was on my last bar and was debating over
ordering more but I can’t bear the thought of going back to store bought soap. I’ll be your customer again and again. I’ve noticed a huge difference this winter
in my skin. I don’t have skin problems but at 60 my skin is drier than in my younger days. Not this winter, though! Thanks to you. I hope you all enjoy your
vacation! I’m sure it’s well deserved. Thank you again for your honesty and thoughtfulness. You’re the best!”
– Beverly, North Carolina 1/23/10

“Was hoping to see you at the Indianapolis Fair Grounds last weekend. That was where I first got my samples from the girls. I gave several friends soap for
Christmas and they love it.”
– Susan, Indiana 1/22/10

“PJ, Everyone that I have given the soap to has nothing but great things to say about the soap. I will continue to share!! Be safe
on your trip & have fun!!”
– Patty, Indiana 1/21/10

“I couldn’t find you….was so sad….did something happen to cancel your attendance, or did they have you hidden somewhere??? My daughter and I were so looking forward
to picking out some new favs….not to worry I will order online. Thank you,”
– Tonie, Indiana 1/19/10

“Thank you so much for the fast shipment. I purchased a bar of your soap at the Flea Market the first weekend of the new year and I love it. I’m sure I’ll be back
to get more. Again Thanks,”
– Kim, Kentucky 1/18/10

“Thank you so much – I absolutely love your soap and as I mentioned before, gave it to so many people this year for Christmas and all are raving about it – I expect
you will get more orders as a result! Some day if we are down your way, I would love to stop and see your business. I have an uncle who just moved back to Notre
Dame – he wants us to visit and I wondered how close you are? I am right, that you are in Indiana?”
– Debbie, Minnesota 1/18/10

“PJ, I emailed you during the summer of ’09 to ask if you would consider making a jasmine scented soap. You were extremely busy during the remainder of the year,
but said you might be able/willing to give it a try after the holidays. Is this still a possibility? I currently am buying your honeysuckle soap for myself and
black raspberry is my husbands favorite. But I still would love to have something with more of a jasmine scent. Please let me know if this is something you are
willing to tackle. Thanks for such wonderful products. We’ve handed out bars to all our family and friends. Our house won’t be caught without your goat milk
soap in our shower! Thanks,”
– Diane, Kentucky 1/16/10

“Btw – my husband just said “I love my goats milk soap” … previously I was hoarding them for myself and then gave him one bar at Christmas cuz he wanted to try it.”
– Lori, Virginia 1/15/10

“I bought some of your soap at a flea market at the Indiana State Fairgrounds in 2008 and think it is the best! It really makes your skin feel wonderful. Some of
the bars I bought will go to other people so they can see what a great product you have. Also I want you to know that one of your sons sold me the soap and he was
so polite and the best salesperson I have ever met. I wish you a lot of continued success!”
– Gretchen, Indiana 1/15/10

“Hello, I received my soap/loofahs today and I love them. I love all my soap. I hope you all have a good vacation in Florida. Again, I just want to say thank you soooooo much for the wonderful soap you and your family makes. It is the best soap I’ve ever
used. thanks again.”
– Mary, Kentucky 1/12/10

“I just wanted to say thanks again for getting it to me so quickly and for adding the small bars! Everyone I give the soap to loves it and Jim’s “Jim etc” signature
made me laugh! I think my new favorite scent is sandalwood. Ty’s skin is looking MUCH better with the Tea Tree, but my skin is still awful, so I thought I would try
the purity and organic castille and see what happens. As I mentioned in Illinios it’s all hormonal……so I might just have to wait it out. Scary thought. I just
keep telling myself that I have no wrinkles, I have almost no fat so I should be grateful that all I have is a few pimples, I am trying to look at it that way.
My whole kitchen smells awesome right now! Hope you are all well, and things are good! Love you guys”
– Donna, New Jersey 1/11/10

“Thanks so much!! We love your soap!”
– Jennifer, Texas 1/10/10

“PJ & family, Got the soap this morning. Mail carrier left in mailbox all nite! My son came in & took one bar right away & headed for shower & husband came
home from work & took another bar for himself to his bathroom. I have been using the oatmeal, milk, & honey most of day since I was cleaning house & preparing
dinner for tonight. Washed my hands probably 12-15 times all day & hands feel great, not dry out & hurting like usual. Thank Brett & Greyden for a great job
putting my order together & the for extra samples. I’m sure we will be ordering soon & often. Thanks again,”
– Patty, Indiana 1/8/10

“Thank you Jonas family – we are on our last bar that we purchased at the Craft Fair in Belleville, IL. We love the soap and my son just loves the travel sizes.
We will continue to order this soap always!!!! Happy New Year!!!!”
– Andrea, Illinios 1/8/10

“Thanks! We received our soap over the weekend! We love it…it makes the bathroom smell wonderful. Thanks also for the samples. I’m sure we will be ordering some
more in the future. Thanks again!”
– Alicia, Georgia 1/4/10

“Hi PJ, I just wanted to write and let you know that my daughter gave me a bar of your honeysuckle scented soap for Christmas and I love it. Sincerely”
– Martha, Illinois 12/29/2009

“Thank you so much for the quick shipping!! I am loving the soap! I bought some for my two boys (ages 5 and 2) as well and I couldn’t be more pleased! Definately
will be buying more in the future! 🙂 Have a wonderful New Year!”
– Arminda, Ohio 12/28/2009

“Hey Mr. and Mrs Jonas…This is Timothy Lanzoni saying Merry Christmas from Mosul Iraq. Just think…Your soap made it to Iraq…lol…I love the stuff myself. Robin
says we will meet soon. Thanks.”
– Timothy, Mosul, Iraq 12/25/2009

“Thank you so much for sending me your soap so quickly!! I can’t wait to give them as gifts AND use the one I bought for me. The little samples smell so good, I
will be getting some of those in the future. I just love knowing that they are made with such good-for-you stuff. Again, thank you. I hope you and your family
have a very Merry Christmas!”
– Teresa, North Carolina 12/23/2009

“THANK YOU! I am so excited b/c I’ll be receiving another pkg N the mail from ya’ll … I JUST LOVE YOUR SOAPS! My mother is AMAZED at how it is “LASTING” ….
she’s always used store bought soap (UGH!!) …. I RARELY use LOTION on my arms & legs b/c the soap is sooooooooo moisturizing to my skin … even in this winter
weather!!! So glad I found ya’ll …. thank you again! AND … I will be calling tomorrow w/ payment! MERRY CHRISTMAS 2 U & your family!!”
– carol, South Carolina 12/21/2009

“We received our order of goat milk soap and we LOVE it! We are giving some away as Christmas presents, but we were tempted to keep it all. 🙂 Oh, and thanks so
much for the free samples….. now we know what we want to try next! We will definitely be back for more. Merry Christmas!”
– Randi, Minnesota 12/20/2009

“great new website design! Loved seeing a pic of your wonderful family! We also homeschool but only 2. Thanks for helping me complete our christmas shopping/creating
this year. I gave a gift bar to each family along with several handknit bath scrubbies. Mele Kalikimaka! Aloha,”
– Wendi, Hawaii 12/19/2009

“Thank you so much for your quick delivery! I am giving your soaps as gifts for my mother & aunt. The honeysuckle I am trying out for myself 🙂 Merry Christmas to you
and your family!”
– Kari, Illinois 12/18/2009

“Hi there! About a month ago you helped me with some questions about your soap and I ordered several bars. I just had to say-I almost didn’t
want to give it away! I considered hiding it behind furniture to use as air fresheners as it is making my house smell SOOOO good! I’m so excited for my family to
open your soaps as gifts, and I did buy some for myself and my little eczema baby. I have not yet tried the purity soap on my daughter, but I will soon. I haven’t
tried my soap yet either, as I thought it was only fair that I should wait until Christmas to use it since I bought it as a gift for myself! Anyway, I just wanted
to say thank you and I’m sure we will all love it-but in the mean time-it smells incredible!! Great work Jonas family!”
– Megan, Indiana 12/18/2009

“Thank you so much! I was racking my brain about what to get for my family for Christmas from my two children. Last year I took pictures and bought frames so this
year I took updated pictures, of course, but I still wanted something more! Then MckMama from said your goat milk soap was so awesome she wanted to
eat it (ha ha) so I had to check it out for myself! I know my family will love it! You have a scent for everyone! Anyway, sorry for rambling! Thanks so much for
the quick shipment! Merry Christmas!”
– Shelle, Pennsylvania 12/16/2009

“So excited about your new venture with television!!!! We loved trying all your travel size soaps to see which ones we really liked!! Now we know!!
I was going to order some through the mail, but thought I’d ask first if you were going to be in the indianapolis area at a flea market any time soon?
Just let me know! Thanks so much! I know you are very busy right now! Have a wonderful Christmas season!! God Bless!”
– Terri, Indiana 12/16/2009

“Hello, I spoke with Jim over the weekend at the Louisville gift and decor show. I wanted you to know how very impressed I was with your products – now I haven’t got
to try them yet because what I bought was for gifts. However, I’m looking forward to being able to carry your products in the coming year if that is acceptable to
you. What I am so disappointed in myself about is the fact that I didn’t purchase the 50 bars while I was there. I could have saved you a lil’ packing and it would
have saved me on the shipping. I simply did not have my thinking cap on. Your children were very sweet and pure salesman I might add. So I do hope to maybe do
business with you in the future. May you and your family have a beautiful and blessed Christmas. Sincerely,”
– Cathy 12/15/2009

“Thanks so much! Four of those bars are for my coworker. I keep a bar by my sink at school all the time. I guess she used it or she just liked the smell. She gave me
cash and asked me to order her some. She said they were going to be hers and hers alone. Thanks again and tall hav a very Merry Christmas! Good luck ;-)”
– Pam, Alabama 12/14/2009

“Hi – I hope to order more soap for Christmas and your web site is not up right now. You probably know that, but just in case you don’t, I thought I would let you
know. Your soap is fantastic and I gave 1-2 to everyone I know this year, it’s that good. Have you thought about a goat milk lotion? Merry Christmas”
– Debbie, Minnesota 12/14/2009

“Your soap is fantastic.. my sister and I bought some at the KY gift show this week end and wish we had bought more. I wanted to know if you were going to be at any
shows this week end I want to get some more for Christmas gifts. Thanks,”
– Patricia 12/13/2009

“I have to tell you that this is the second time I have purchased your soap. I am amazed by how smooth it makes my skin. This is especially notable in the cold dry
air of winter. I don’t even need any other product. Fabulous stuff! I am so glad you are making it. I have tried other “homemade” soaps before and none of them
were memorable. This is so good it’s now on my necessities list! 🙂 Thanks for a great product!”
– Martha, West Virginia 12/11/2009

“Dear Ones, How I love to see it when the scripture plays out before us. “You reap what you sew.” I hope this TV segment will do much to prosper your business. God is
so good. Isn’t it fabulous that God is helping so many people heal thru your soaps!! I love your generous heart. Will be placing an order in the next day or two.
The gift packs are definitely a very good buy. Nice of you to offer it. My love to you and yours,”
– Sandi, Michigan 12/11/2009

“Hi Mrs Jonas, I love your soap, i have already received it. Thank you for such a speedy delivery. i have bought bunches of your soap, I usually buy it from you
in person at different sites in Louisville. I met your friend Christine at the flea market after thanksgiving. i hope you guys and gals keep making soap,
i love it. Thanks again and you and your family have a Merry Christmas and a happy new year. Thank you.”
– Mary, Kentucky 12/11/2009

“I received the soap yesterday & tried the OMH this morning. I LOVE it!!! I will definitely be ordering more in the future!! Thank you so much & Merry Christmas
to you & your family!!!”
– Vicki, Indiana 12/10/2009

“Thank you! (and for the samples as well) I’d really like to keep all for myself, but am giving out as gifts as a lot of my daughter and co workers love the soap.
I’ve even washed my hair with it, and it seems to give it some body. And smells good.. (I have thin/very short hair) So, looks like I’ll be ordering more in the
near future. Thanks!”
– Marilyn, Indiana 12/10/2009

“Hi! I’ve ordered your soap twice and I love it. I have a quick question for you. I’m a member of a mom’s group and we have our “Favorite Things Meeting” in December
for Christmas. I was wanting to have your soap be my favorite thing. I was wondering if I could get or purchase about 30 of the samples of soap and also was going
to order the small yummy gift pack. Our meeting is next week on the 16th. I live in Indianapolis so I think it would only take a couple of days for the soap to get
here. Let me know how much the samples would be. I look forward to hearing from you soon! Thanks,”
– Gayle, Indiana 12/92009

“Thanks again. I have been looking for a good bar of goats milk soap for 2 years. I bought a couple of bars from you at Pierogifest (over the summer) and it is
everything that I hoped for. You have a customer for life! Thanks again”
– Roseann, Illinois 12/4/2009

“Mrs. Jonas, I just received my soap today… I bought the soap for stocking stuffers- I will have to be short 1 though… They smelled so good I took 1. Thank you
for shipping the soap quickly. Have a Merry Christmas. Sincerely,”
– Kris, South Carolina 12/2/2009

“Hi PJ, I just got back from getting something from my garage, imagine my surprise when walking back to my front door seeing a box left by the mailman (who did not
knock btw, shame on him) it was the soap- ALREADY. I could smell them before I even picked up the box, my house now smells like heaven and if my son was not trying
to eat we would be in the bath trying out every single one. I hope he hurries. ^.^ Just had to let you know, you guys are awesome.
ps- you should definitely check out Austin some time, its lovely most days. I understand about your blog, I only have one child and can’t keep up, I’m just in awe
of you :)”
– Valerie, Texas 11/19/2009

"Hi PJ, I’m hooked on your goat’s milk soap! I’ve used other gm soap in the past and also handmade soaps without it, but I do believe that yours is the best. You have a precious family and I love how you all work together in the business teaching the children responsibility. Thanks! God bless and keep you"
   – Lisa, Texas

"My daughter, usually orders for our family. However, I think I’ll order some extra this time. Just love the soap & almost feel like y’all are part of our family. Thanks to ALL for making our soap!!! God bless you all and the new kids due soon."
   -Judy, Alabama

"I have used so many different scents! I love the Oatmeal milk and honey, vanilla, raspberry, and Fiji. I just ordered some of your castile soap as well for my dad. He has cancer, and the treatments he is taking make
his skin itch and peel, so I am giving that to him. I no longer use any toner or harsh chemicals on my face, just your soap and Badger Balm for a night treatment. You also have great service, your kids do an amazing job!!!! :)"

   – Jill, Ohio

"The soap has worked better on my son’s skin
than any other store bought/chemical filled
product!  I can’t say that it has worked
miracles, but we see more improvement than we’ve
seen with any other product that we’ve tried. 
My husband and I love it too, and are looking
forward to trying some new scents.  Thank you so

"Hi PJ, today on your wonderful
web site I placed an order for another 5 bars of
your soap. I love the soap!!!!! Your family is
an inspiration."
Pat, Massachusettes

"Hi Jonas family!
Just placed my order and can’t wait to
try out the new (liquid) soap. I’m also giving
the lotion sticks and lip balms to my
sisters as party favors for my
daughter’s first birthday next week.
(they are 24 and 12, but hey – can’t have
them feeling left out when the other
kids are going home with a little
Anyway, thanks again for making great
products-my family loves them too!

   – Megan, Indiana

"Thank you PJ. I love your soaps! You are making
my Christmas shopping easy this year too! I will
be back again."
   – Erica, Virginia

"Received today and am still sniffing!!
Wonderful stuff! Thank you!"
   – Brenda, Mississippi

"Hello! I recently received my first order of
soap from you and it is great! I love the fact
that your entire family has a part in
production, from the kids to the goats to the
   – Renee, Illinois

"Thank you so much! Can’t wait till it gets
here. Am on my last bar and making last as long
as I can!  Love, love, love your soaps!"
   – Cherry, Kentucky

"Thank you, I love your soap!!! "
– Rosie, Indiana

"Let me tell you first, that I really like the
gift packs idea. 
Perfect for Christmas gifts. 
I have many on my list that love Evergreen at
Christmas and I will place one order now to try
myself, and I hope you don’t run out before I
order more.
I love your soaps and they sure last a long
I also use them for room fragrances.
Stay well and safe !"
Donna, Indiana

"I have bought a couple of bars and love it. My
brother was visiting and liked it so much that
they bought 2 bars at the Flea Market this last
weekend. Looks like you have a couple more
regular customers. I am always talking it up to
our friends too. We always look for your booth
when we go to any festival. Thanks for a great
Vicki, Kentucky

"Hi Mr. & Mrs. Jonas!
I bought some of your soap at the KY State Fair,
and I love it so very much! For a few years now,
I have been using only natural, handmade soap.
Yours, however, is the best soap I’ve tried! My
skin is so soft and smooth, and the scents are
wonderful. The lather is creamy and rich, and
your prices are very fair. I look forward to
placing my first online order with your company.
I was initially summoned to your booth by Colter.
What a wonderful young man! He was
knowledgeable, friendly, and, frankly, a
wonderful salesman. And I love that he and
Fletcher are knitters. Men who knit are few and
far between, and I’m thrilled that you do not
look at knitting and crocheting as "woman’s
A very happy soap customer,"

"Good morning PJ-  I just wanted to let you
know that I am currently using one of the soaps
from a previous order. I left it in the muslin
bag and just scrub up with the whole shebang. It
works great and the soap is wonderful.
   Thanks for making a really nice product and making the
samples a part of your packaging. The personal
touches make all the difference.  Have a wonderful day-
and be well. :-)"
   – Jackie, Oregon

I can’t wait until the North American – hazelnut
has become one of my favorites!! I love all your
soap. I think I have 10 bars or more right now.
Thank you,"
   – Mary

"Hi – my sister sends me your
soap which I absolutely love. I finally made
time to look you up on the Internet and start
purchasing it for myself and also wish to carry
it in my massage therapy office. My clientele
are always looking for healthy alternatives to
the soaps that are full of toxic additives."
Karla, Florida

"I really appreciate your customer service, you
always get everything out so quickly and I (and
now my husband) love your soaps. 
Thanks again"
Anne, Maryland

"Hello, I just wanted to drop a line to let you
know about my recent experience at the Blueberry
Festival in Plymouth, Indiana. i was not looking
to purchase anything in particular, my daughter
and I were just having some "girl" time! We
stumbled across the booth which I believe your
husband and 2 sons were operating. I absolutely
love goat milk soap, so the young man informed
me which were his favorites. I purchased the 3
pack with oatmeal & honey, pink sugary and cider
press. They smelled fabulous.
   This morning, when I went to take my shower, I found that I only
had 1 bar left! The pink sugary was "borrowed"
by my daughter and my son "borrowed" the
oatmeal. They both raved about the soap. I
absolutely loved the cider press, the scent is
so pure and fresh.
   Seems as though you have definitely sold nearly my entire family…
my husband hasn’t found them yet, but when he
does the fight will be on!
   Look for our order soon, I think this will make wonderful gifts to
the rest of our family!
   P.S. your boys were very well behaved and very informative… shining
examples of homeschooling and great parenting!" 

   – Kim Deel

"Dear PJ, I JUST LOVE MY SOAP!!! I am getting
ready to place my second order! I can’t believe
how my skin feels just after a couple of uses!!
I can even shave with it!! Plus, no more razor
bumps under the arms!
    I gave a bar to my Mother
who has Rosacea on her face and she LOVES it
too!! The Purity soap has made a big difference
for her as well!! I am going out of town this
coming weekend and I am looking forward to only
having to put my Purity Soap in my bag! No more
packing all that face wash and shaving cream!!!

You have got a customer for life!!!
Janet, Florida

"Wow, you guys are so fast! I love your soap and
consider it my way of pampering myself! Thanks
for including some samples, maybe I will find a
new favorite!"
Cathy, Indiana

"Thanks, PJ, and EVERYWHERE I can, I PROUDLY
say, how much I have been enjoying your soap,
how wonderful they are…how long long standing
they are. How cutely packaged they are…I
really, TRULY believe in your product and think
you have been a pleasure to work with (and
believe me–I have worked with some–not so
good–but MOST have been wonderful). However you
have just outshone them all. I just thought you
would like to know that!!!!"
– Shelly, Nevada

"Thank you for e-mail update and quick shipping.
I’m looking forward to getting my soap and
seeing what I think of the samples (may be
something on my next order)!!
Someone purchased a bar of your soap for me at
the sauerkraut festival in Waynesville, Ohio a
few weeks ago. Very lovely soap! I love it!
Thanks again for the update, I can’t wait to
get my soap! "
Lisa, Ohio

"Dear Jonas family,
I just subscribed to your email list and am
hoping to place an order in
the next day or so. I love your products (my mom
has bought them for me
in the past) and my supply is running out!"

"Thanks PJ, Brett and Emery!
I can not wait to get the order. I just love the
soap. You told me when I bought it at the
Popcorn Festival I would be able to tell a
difference…..and you were so right ……my
skin has never felt healthier. Thank you so much
for such a wonderful product!"
Robin, Indiana

"Thank you. The extra bar is making my house
smell like a fresh cider mill — I love it!"
Becky, Michigan

"Thanks so much! With you shipping overseas, I
can almost guarantee you will get some new
customers. My sister LOVES people that will ship
overseas to her and she loves natural soap.
We’ve been using yours for awhile now and it
lasts and lasts, and the whole family loves it,
so thank you!"
   – Wendy, Illinois

"Thanks PJ. I have loved your soap from the
first bar. I just never imagined my husband
would get hooked on it, too! : )
Now he’s the one who asks, "did you order more
peppermint soap yet?"
   – Candice, Colorado

"Hi Jonas family!  We got out soap
yesterday (so fast!) and I used it on all the
boys last night – their skin and hair are so
soft!! I shared the samples with their
great-grandmother who lives next door, and she
loves it, too.  I’m looking forward to
seeing if it helps my husband’s dry scalp – he’s
always used Head & Shoulders, but I’m hoping we
can break that habit! Thanks!"
     – Amy, Texas

"Thanks I love the soaps. I am a long time
customer now!"
   – Ed, Kentucky

"How funny that you tell me your honeysuckle has
jasmine in it. For the last two days I’ve used
the sample of honeysuckle you sent with my last
order. I loved it. Kept smelling it and knew the
scent was intoxicating, like jasmine, but never
dreamed it contained jasmine. I’ll have to make
sure I order some next time. "
     – Diane, Kentucky

"I loved the first two bars of Purity so much
that I couldn’t wait to order more! Thanks also
for the samples; we have one at each sink in the
house and I am impressed by how long they are
lasting, and how they continue to smell so good!
We love your soap and have recommended it to all
our family, too! 
Thanks for creating such a wonderful product!  
And thanks for the quick shipment – I already
received the package!
     – Melissa, Oregon

"Hi PJ,
Was just reading your blog…CONGRATS ON BEING
you and your family and family of products
certainly deserve such an honor!
I must tell you, it’s been three weeks since
I’ve started using the OMH and Purity bars. WHAT
A DIFFERENCE IN MY SKIN! I cannot believe the
softness and the overall appearance. My hands
and feet finally look like they are NOT 60 yrs.
old!! No more drowning in lotion after a shower
because of that awful tight feeling and, the
best part of all, my bathroom smells LUSCIOUS!!

   I gave a bar to my son (32 y/o). He called me on
the phone asking if I remembered the dime-sized
wart on his index finger. That thing was awful
looking. I told him yes and he said he needed to
stop by that night so that I could see what
happened to it. For the life of me, I could not
figure out what could have happened. When he
arrived, he showed me his index finger and
repeated, “remember the wart?”….IT WAS GONE! I
have never seen him so happy…and over a bar of
soap! He immediately said, “I NEED TO BUY SOME
And let’s not forget using the bar as shampoo…oh
my! I washed my hair 2X on the first go around
with OMH and it was squeaky clean. After
finishing the blow drying, I could not believe
my eyes. It was so shiny and the grey actually
looked good! The more I use it, the better the
grey looks (it looks more like silver). No more
of those awful commercial “blue” shampoos.
We are so grateful to you, your family and all
of your WONDERFUL products. We are now FOREVER
Blessings to you all,"
Joanne, Florida

"Thank YOU for making wonderful goat milk soap!
My husband loved the sample of Oatmeal Milk and
Honey he wanted to eat it! I gave my 8 week old
daughter a bath with that same sample, and 4
hours after her bath my husband was holding her
and kept asking me "Are you sure you don’t have
cookies in the oven?!" Ha! We love the soap!!"
– Krysta, Arkansas

"Absolutely love the soap.  Mckmama recommended
you and now I will too. God bless."
     – Teresa

"Tell the children I said thank you. I really
love your soap and so does my husband and son.
Thanks again, I can’t wait to get it."
     – Anita, Ohio

"Hi PJ –  Thank you again for your wonderful soaps.
My family and I love them and we have been
spreading the word!!! I will definitely be
ordering more in the future!"
Theresa, Massachusetts

"THANK YOU!!!! I have you linked on my blog now-
and after experiencing our first goat milk soap
last week- I had to order some more!!!!! It is
wonderful and I just love that it comes from a
Jesus loving, homeschool family- You all are
Praising Him. Love,"
Jananne, New Jersey

"Thank you!! My Family loves your soap!! I have
to say it was the best smelling mail I have ever
     – Amy, Kansas

"Dear Jonas Family,  My husband and I first
tried your soaps after picking up a couple of
bars, on a whim, from Jacobi/Flanagan Nursery
while shopping for landscape materials. We both
are hooked! We have even made additional trips
from Louisville to Floyds Knobs in order to
restock. I hope to never again have to use
"store bought" soap. I just placed an order for
several bars. I was delighted at the ease of
purchasing your soaps online. I’ve even
purchased extra bars this time in order to
introduce your Goat Milk Soap to my Mother and
daughter. I hope they love it as much as I do. 
Thanks again for such a wonderful product."
            – Diane,

"Got the soap it is amazing!!!"
     – Charlotte, Georgia

"What great soap! I had never heard of Goat milk
soap until MckMama mentioned it in her blog. I
can’t believe how soft it makes my skin feel!
I’ve shown it to several friends – we’re all
impressed. Keep up the good work!"
     – Genny, Ohio

"Just wanted to quick say thanks for the soaps,
they are awesome!!!  Thank you so much!!!"
     – Kirsten, Illinois

"I made my first order through my
mailbox in Miami, FL but I currently live in
Panama (Central America). Your soaps are
international now. When I went to pickup the
box, I could smell the wonderful fragrances and I
couldn’t wait to get home to try them. I love
your soaps. They smell good & feel good. I am
one of your proud customers. 
Keep up the good job!"
Loydeth, Florida

"PJ,  I just wanted you to know that I
have fallen in love with your family’s goat’s
milk soap! I used to be a die hard body wash
girl, but a few showers with the yummy scent of
black raspberry made a believer out of me. Thank
you, thank you, thank you! I will definitely be
ordering again and can’t wait to give a few bars
as gifts!"
     – Lindsey, Missouri

"We are loving your product. We ran out earlier
this week and we are having to use the store
bought soap and even my husband commented that
we needed to put in an order. Thanks for a great
– Cindy, Texas

Hi PJ,  Thank you so much for the quick
shipping! I wasn’t sure how long it was going to
take so I shipped it to my mom and dad’s home-
where I was planning on visiting for a baby
shower (three of the soaps I had ordered was
part of the gift!) I was worried that if I put
my home address as the shipping address, I
wouldn’t receive it on time. Imagine my surprise
when my mom called me just after a couple of
days from ordering that a package arrived for
me! I just used the oatmeal, milk and honey and
I’m in love! I keep rubbing my arms because
they’re so soft. I can’t wait to order more. 🙂 
Thank you again."     

     – April, Arizona
PS- your family is so cute!

"I received my order very promptly! Thank you
for the sample, I love the honeysuckle smell."
     – Carolyn, Kentucky

"Hello! I got my first order on Friday and
loved it so much I just had to order more right
away, including some for gifts! Thanks for a
making such a great product! :)"
     – Susan, Minnesota

"Your soaps are absolutely WONDERFUL!!! 
I have 4 children and they all look forward to
shower time now. They love that they actually
smell good and their skin feels nice after their
shower… The samples you send were a HUGE hit
with the little ones, for they fit their hands
perfect. I was just told this AM, when those
soaps are almost all gone, you better order
more, and that was from my 4yr old!!!
My husband ..well… He thought I was nuts and
he was not using this soap.. but I ordered a bar
for him too… OMG, does he smell out of this
world when he comes in in the AM to say goodbye
as he heads to work… He now grabs his bar for
every shower!!! 
As for myself… I use a different bar
everyday.. love them all…
Oh and reminding the kids to wash their hands…
is a thing of the past with your soap… I know
they will do it because now they love the way
their hands smell and I can smell their hands
are clean from across the room…
THANK YOU for such a WONDERFUL soap!!!! I will
be returning when these are gone for MORE!!!"
Angela, New York

"I love the soap! Thank you so much! I can’t wait
to take a bath!!! I will definitely be buying
more soon!!!"
Jodi, Missouri

"Just wanted you to
Beverly, North Carolina

"Hi PJ,  A huge thank you – I absolutely love the smells
and the soap is wonderful. It was a real wrench
having to give some away as gifts (my original
intention when deciding to buy soap all the way
from the USA!!) so I suspect you will soon be
getting another order from me in the not too
distant future!
I’m amazed at the wonderful enterprise you have
created and manage. It is an awesome achievement
on the part of the entire family and I admire
and applaud your efforts.
With my very best wishes,"
Kelly, United Kingdom

"Hello- Just wanted to let you know that I
received your soaps today, and it is safe to say
that I am in LOVE!  You are right… they
smell wonderful!  I can smell them from 2
rooms away! 
They were wonderfully packaged, and arrived very
THANK YOU!!!!   We will be back for
more, but it looks like these bars will last a
LONG time!!  Thanks!  Have a great
     – Callie, Iowa

"I got it and I LOVE IT! YAY! Thanks I will def
order again!"
     – Amy, Tennessee

"Received the soap today…absolutely love the
smell. Can’t wait to use them! Thanks!"
     – Teresa, Florida

"Hi! We got the soaps last week, and we LOVE
them. My 2 year old cannot stop washing his
hands! Thanks,"
     – Kendra, Louisiana

"Hey,  I finally opened the pkg last night
– I love them! Can’t wait to use them all. 
Thanks so much,"
     – Shalva, New York

"I used the bar of "honeysuckle" I bought in
Madison just this morning and I love it."
     – David, Indiana

"Got the soap yesterday – WOW so quick!! 
I LOVE it!! Thanks so much!!"
Abby, Kentucky

"I am LOVING the soap!! I took a shower yesterday
morning (hadn’t received the soap yet) then
received it in the mail later that afternoon.
After work I headed immediately to the shower
(even though I really didn’t need one). After
just one use of the soap I can feel my skin is
softer and I am loving it.
        I gave the samples and business cards out to
other ladies that I work with and I am hoping
that they will love it too! I just love the
samples and the cards so I can share with others
what wonderful soap your family makes.
This last order is for my parents. They live in
Washington State and will be visiting my husband,
son and myself this next month. I want to give
it to them as (a late) mothers day gift and
fathers day gift (maybe even early Birthday
gifts). My mom and I have such finicky skin and
we become allergic to most anything that we
touch. I am hoping that she will enjoy this soap
as much as I do.
       Thank you
so much for your wonderful product. Too bad you
live so far from Montana to attend a fair  here, I would love to meet your
Thank you,"
Mandi, Montana

"I received my order today and I simply
wanted to tell you that I am in love with your
soap and I haven’t even showered with it yet. 
What a wonderful box to open and breathe in
deeply of the amazing scents.  Love the way each
soap is packaged in its own little bag.  The
generous size of the soaps is wonderful.  I am
excited to try the purity with my 5 year old who
has very sensitive skin, the soft scent is
perfect.  I’m guessing I will be ordering again,
the samples you sent made me want to try those
scents too.  Now excuse me while I go smell
my soaps once again 🙂  Thanks again,"
     – Debbie, Minnesota

"PJ,  I just wanted to let you know that I
got all of my soaps after coming home from
vacation… I think I have smelled them 20 times
so far.
       I also wanted to let you know something.
I ordered some facial stuff from Etsy, and the
seller I ordered that from also makes goat milk
soap. Of course, samples were included in with
my order, and I was kind of hesitant to use them
because I kind of felt that I was unsupporting
you by sampling it. Weird, I know, but that’s
how I felt. The one scent I got was Vanilla
Bean, so I really wanted to do a comparison to
see what the difference was between hers and
       In all honestly, there was no comparison
at all. I am glad that I tried that soap because
it isn’t anything like yours. There were two
different scents, and both of them had a funny,
almost gross smell… one that I definitely
wouldn’t want on my body! So, I just wanted to
tell you that even in a test, your soap wayyyy
came out on top! I think I am going to start
taking 20 showers a day to use all the different
scents in one day. 
       So…. I basically just
wrote this email to tell you that I fall more in
love with your product every single day, and the
competitors are totally outshone by Goat Milk
Stuff soap! :o) Thanks a ton!"
     – Brianne, Virginia

"Hi PJ, got the soap today, and I’m already
LOVING it! Haven’t even used it yet. 🙂 Smells
soooo good and the kiddos love the samples.
Thank you!"
     – Kristyn, Washington

"Our soap came today! Wow that was fast. It had
a wonderful smell through the package. We
started out with the Coconut today. I love the
smell and the lather is wonderful. My little
girl claimed the samples.   Thank you
again for the wonderful product and service.
Keep on keeping on. "
     – Pam, Florida

"I received you package yesterday and was
surprised at how well the packaging was. 
Everything arrived in perfect order.  I usually
cure the new bars of soap for a few extra weeks
before using them but I wanted to see how goat
milk soap compared to my favorite shea butter
soap.  I must say that I am very impressed.  The
bar lathered without much effort and the
pleasant scent lingered far longer than any bar
of soap I had bought before.  Thanks again
for a terrific product.  Consider me a return
     – Robert, Michigan

"The soaps shipped so quickly – thank you so
much! Oh, and just an FYI… in my next order
I’ll be including an order for the pink sugar. 
Oh my gosh I love the way it smells! 
Thanks for the sample."
        – Jeana, Texas

"I just used the lavender this morning in the
bath…and it’s wonderful. We’re going to give
your site the “GRAND Seal of Approval,” and
publish a bit on it with a photo in our August
issue of GRAND magazine."
        – Wendy, California

"Hello PJ – I LOVE my soap!!!! YES, I am most
definitely thanking my mother (Mary Jean) for
tuning me in to your soap. We had a great
conversation about your life and farm – both
admiring you and identifying with life on a farm
(and, for Mother, being a dedicated parent in a
farm partnership, with a passel of kids!). What
a joy to connect.  Thanks so much. 
I’m indulging in ‘honeysuckle’ right now…
thoroughly enjoying it.  Best to you."
       – Angela, Washington

"Hi…I need to resupply my soaps and I saw that
you were scheduled to be at the Wanamaker Street
Fair this Sunday, I just wanted to make sure
that you all were going to be there before I
made the trip out. I love your soaps, my whole
family does! Now its time to restock! :o)"
     – Jennifer, Indiana

"I purchased some of your soap during the
Madison Regatta and my wife and daughter love
the product (honeysuckle). I also spoke to your
three children during the Regatta. This was over
a three day period. Each was very well mannered
and answered our questions about raising goats
and making soap. You should be proud. 
Thank you and continued luck in your interesting
business.  Sincerely,"
           – Mark, Kentucky

"Thank you so much! I am looking forward to all
the wonderful smells. 🙂 I am using a couple of
the soaps for gifts – I just know they’ll love
           – BJ, Kentucky

"Dear PJ and family, I received my soap in
the mail today and wanted you to know you have a
fan for life. Not only do I love the scents
(watermelon and vanilla), but the bars are huge!
I’ve been buying my soap from Indigo Wild but
that will no longer be the case; their scents
and the size of the soap doesn’t come close to
yours. Thank you for being my new favorite place
to shop!  God Bless,"
          – Becky, Michigan

"Love your luffas…love love love them!!"
          – Krista, Indiana

"We love our soap! Blessings to you all-
Praising Him for His majesty inside us!"
– Jananne,
North Carolina

"Hi! We love your soap and our
favorite is oatmeal milk and honey! Keep up the good soap
– Ellen, Alabama

"I received my soap yesterday. Thank you so
much. It smells wonderful, can’t wait to use
           – Holly, California

"After the first two bars we are using I am sold
on your soap. When we walk into the bathroom I
smell them and it’s wonderful. The lather they
produce is another plus. Thank you so much and
have a great week!"
           – Pamela, Michigan

"Love your soap!  I can’t get enough of it
and have been giving it away so I think you will
be getting more orders from the receivers!"
           – Sally, California

"I recently purchased a black raspberry soap,
(thanks to your little girl’s advice on
fragrance:)), and I loved it! I got it at the
Old Settlers Day in Wanamaker. I have to say I
am hooked! If you have any deals or specials
please let me know because now I am a devoted
customer!  Thank You!"
            – Jennifer,

"FYI…looking forward to receiving my new
supply of your soap. It is wonderful on our skin
and delicious to smell!"
   – Judy, North Carolina

"Hi!  I want to let you know that I love
your soaps. A few months ago I ordered a Purity
bar and the quality was great! I’ve tried other
companies and their bars seem to fall apart when
it gets wet (which is obviously a huge problem
for soap!). Also, your prices are insanely
affordable for the amount and, again, the
quality.   Thank you again for the
wonderful products your create!"
            -Betsy, Utah

"We love your soaps! There is such a nice
variety that I have a hard time choosing. My
16yr old daughter wanted to try some of the
fruity ones, so I let her choose this time. 
Thank you!  Have a blessed day,"
Vickie, Ohio

"Thanks! I love your soap. I read about it on a
blog,  and decided to order the Purity for
my three year old and the OMH for me. She has
skin problems and I figured maybe it would help.
Her skin is still troubled but the soap has
certainly improved it. I think the OMH scent is
fantastic and love the fact that halfway through
a hot day I can still smell the scent on my
skin. I ordered the Nautical for the husband
hoping to convert him into a fan too."
Emmeline, New Jersey

"Hi PJ, I started using the Luv Spell soap and
just love it. I looked at your website and just
had to order more right away!! Thanks again."
Alvera, Illinois

"Hi there :)!  I ordered 3 bars of goat
milk soap a few weeks ago and absolutely and
totally love it!! I loved opening the mail box
and already being able to smell the wonderful
luv spell aroma!! I will be a goat milk soap
user…forever hopefully!
I love that the soaps don’t have all the yucky
chemicals that are so prevalent in everything
these days. Also I am allergic to cows milk and
love and do very well with goats milk. The fact
that I already loved organic goat milk even ADDS
to the amount that I love this goat milk
soap:)!!  Thank you so much for making such
a wonderful product and for sharing it with
us!! May the Lord bless you richly as you are a
blessing to so  many!"
Christin, Texas

"Thank you very much. I have tried many different
organic or specialty soaps before. I was even
considering making my own. I purchased our first
bar of your goat milk soap from you at the
Madison Chautauqua.
   I liked to use my specialty
soaps in the bath where I soak (not the everyday
shower). I have expressed my extreme
satisfaction with your soap to my husband who
seemed indifferent to my specialty soaps. Due
to having a bathroom remodel in our everyday
shower, my husband was forced to bathe in the
"soaking tub" and used the small remnant bar of
the rosemary mint goat milk soap. (I would also
like to confirm that the soap remains intact and
useable until it is gone, unlike many soaps that
   I had expressed a desire to order more
of your soaps, even stopping at the Madison Mercantile store (as advertised as a retailer
on your website) but did not desire the scents
that they had remaining due to the season. The
next day my husband asked if I still wanted to
order more of your soaps. Having become ill, he
got on your website and purchased the soaps for
me. He continues to use the small remnant bar and
to express his satisfaction with your soap and
wants to use it as our everyday soap. Having
always purchased very inexpensive soaps, I am
very surprised with his interest in your soaps.

   We are both very pleased with the availability
of using paypal and the prompt customer service.
He also enjoyed reading about your family owned
business on the website. He even seems excited
to receive our order (a man excited about
soap!) I am sure we will be using your soaps for
many years to come. Thank you for making such a
wonderful product. 
Robyn, Indiana

"Good morning!  Thanks for the 3 soaps. 
I am giving these as gifts!  Truly, I can
not wait to share your wonderful and fabulous
                   – Sarah, Illinois

"Thank you PJ, Brett and Emery. 
We still love your soap!!!"

Wanda, Missouri

"Hi PJ, Love my soap – I have enough now so
there is your soap at every faucet in my
apartment. I gave some to my mom and she said
she really likes it, and that it makes her skin
feel great. I love it too, it’s great to have
hydrating soap since I live in the dry desert of

Mallory, Arizona

"Hi, PJ ~ I wanted to let you know that I am
thoroughly enjoying your soaps. Since receiving
them a little less than one month ago I have
gone through about a bar and a half. I just love
the scents and the subtle fragrance that is left
on my skin after a shower; it’s delicate and
there is no need to wear perfume. It may seem
silly, but one thing that I really love about
the soap is that you can use it until it is
paper thin without it crumbling or breaking like
store bought soaps and STILL get a great lather!
Thank you for such a great product. You have a
loyal customer in me. Cheers!"
            – Shelley,

"Thank you very much for the soap. Ever since I
saw it advertised on a blog, I have been dying
to try it. As a birthday gift to myself, I
finally decided it was time 🙂 Not only was the
soap here incredibly fast, it smells amazing! I
have only used it twice, but it already has made
my skin much smoother. I LOVE it & will
definitely be returning to your site when this
order runs out!  Thank you again!"
            – Heather,
New York

"Thanks! I love your soap! My skin has never
felt softer and my little ones don’t have red
marks all over their skin after their bath. :o)
I gave a bar to my mom and she liked it also, so
now I’m buying for her too. Maybe my sisters
            – Sheri,

"Hi PJ, A few weeks ago I ordered an assortment
of soaps from you. I find I love the Oatmeal,
Milk & Honey in particular.  Thanks!"
Penny, Connecticut

"Our family LOVES the soap. I am planning to
give some bars as gifts…even though it’s hard
to share!!! Have a great 4th of July!"
          – Leslie, Iowa

"My co-workers ordered soaps from you guys,
and I fell in love with your stuff and your
family.  From Texas, we wish you luck and
your business will spread out like flowers. 
– Liem, Texas

"Thanks PJ. Wow, that was a quick response. 
I have to tell you, a friend of mine gave me a
bar of the Oatmeal Milk & Honey soap yesterday
and I loved it so much I had to place an order
today. I am really excited about trying the
different scents and look forward to ordering
more from you in the future.  Thanks
– Robin, North Carolina

"Your soaps are wonderful."
   – MaryPat, Indiana

"Hi, Jim and PJ! We love your soap! We’re so
glad Ashley introduced it to us at Christmas. 🙂
Thank you so much for sending us our favorite
scents! You guys have such a neat family! We
enjoy checking out your website every so often!
Thank you and blessings to your family."
                    – Stephanie, North

"Hi PJ and family, I just got my new soap today,
and I just showered with it and had to let you
know I will never use store bought soap again. I
LOVE it! I used the OMH, and I just feel so
clean, I didn’t want to stop washing. I have
tried many soaps, and even made my own, but
yours is far superior.  Also, you have such
a lovely family and thanks for answering my
question on why you bottle feed your goats.
You’ve got a customer for life!"
                    – Nancy, Maine

"Thanks so much! I loved our first order, as has
everyone else, especially Kenz…she can’t wait
to smell the new soaps we ordered this time!
                    – Kris, New Jersey

"We have our soaps and we love them. 
– Wendy, Ohio

"Hi- I love this soap! Thank you for the
great customer service, timely shipping,
adorable packaging and free samples. Could not
be any more satisfied.  Thanks!"
– Noelle

"Hi PJ,  Thank you so much! I received
your mango soap from a friend of mine.  My
family and I were hooked immediately!! I plan to
give one of the soaps, the mango, that I have
ordered to a friend of mine. . .well, that is if
I can actually give it up! Thank you so much for
such a wonderful product!!"
– Cyndi

"I just wanted to say I got the soap the
other day and have started using it. I love it!
I’m going to be posting a blog on it shortly. 
Thank you for the small samples b/c I was able
to appease my girls with the small soaps for
them to use.
Thank you again!"
– Allena,

"Love your soap! It really is amazing that
since I have been using your soap, I haven’t had
to use lotion (which I don’t like) even in the
winter. Also, my elbows feel like skin instead
of sandpaper! Yea!"
                        – Carol, Indiana

"Thank you so much for the soaps – I really
LOVE them – they all smell so good!  I had a
little get together after Christmas and brought
all the soaps I had gotten out – everyone loved
them, so I know what I am doing for gifts from
now on!"
                        – Donna, New Jersey

"By the way Kathy and I love your soap.  I
keep telling folks that I take more showers now
that I have your soap!"
                        – Dorrel, Indiana

"I bought some soap from you guys on Thursday
night and I have already used and love your
product….. now I am thinking about giving some
away as Christmas gifts."
                        – Hope, Indiana

"I absolutely love the oatmeal soap and would
wear the scent as perfume if I could! I find
myself sniffing the soap whenever I’m at the
sink!! "
                        – Sharon, Kentucky

"Thanks so much! Your soaps are absolutely
amazing! I am definitely hooked!  Thanks
for the great service, quick shipping, and
amazing product!"
     – Elizabeth, Mississippi

"I had bought some of your soap and I just
wanted to let y’all know it is GREAT!!! I smell
so sweet and my skin could not be smoother! I
just can’t brag on you and your family any more!
So I hope to see you and your family next year
at the craft bazaar! And your two boys that were
your helpers were great sells men! 🙂 Good Luck
With Your Business!"
                        – Kelly, Kentucky

"My sister bought some of your soaps and raved
about them, she kept telling me how great they
were, and how they made the whole bathroom smell
great!!! Well, I figured they were probably
similar to a lot of other "Homemade" soaps out
there. I was surely skeptical.
     I must say, after using only ONE bar of your soap I’m
hooked!!! I just ordered 3 more, and told my
friends at work about it.  A very satisfied
     – Debra, Ohio

"Thank you for your wonderful product!"
     – Lori, Michigan

"I wanted to let you know that a couple of
days ago I ran into someone I went to high
school with in Kroger. We started talking and
she asked if I homeschool? After replying and
chatting about that for a moment she asked if we
knew a homeschool family in Charlestown who have
goats and sell soap? We said yes that they are
friends of ours. She said she bought soap at the
flea market from you and she loves it!! She said
she has always been into cosmetics and she has
never found any soap like this before. She was
so impressed with the young man who sold her the
soap and discussed "exfoliating" with her. I
thought you might like to know what is being
said about the soap around town. 🙂
We love how the soap is not making us scratch as
usual in the cold dry winter months."
                        – Lisa, Indiana

"Hi PJ,  I ordered several bars of soap
from you last August while I was in Indiana. I
brought the soap with me when I returned to
Israel the last of October. Today I had my first
pottery class since returning to Israel and gave
each of the ladies in my class a bar of the
soap. They were commenting all morning about how
good it smelled in the classroom with all the
little bags of soap sitting around! They all
very much appreciate homemade things and were
happy to get homemade soap. I like the fact that
each bar came with its own little bag, and thus,
did not require gift wrapping! Your soap is
internationally known!"
   – Carla, Indiana/Israel

"My father in-law brought your soap back with
him from a recent trip down south.  He said
he picked it up at a fair somewhere along the
way.  I used up the oatmeal milk honey bar
and ordered three more different bars which are
sitting in my shower as I write.  I am very
impressed by the way this soap cleans you off
after a long day at work.  The soap seems
to re-energize myself after I use it.  I
can honestly say that I don’t think I will be
going back to regular bar soap from the store
any time soon.  I will be ordering more
when I run out.  The product that you have
made should be heard about.  I will be
telling every one that I know up here in PA."
   – Dave, Pennsylvania

"Believe it or not, we can see the bottom of the
box after using and/or distributing our last
order so I am reordering before the end comes. 
I ordered a good variety of soaps last time with
a special interest in the vanilla. It was fine
but, wow, the cider press bar is totally
miraculous! Imagine stumbling into an early
morning shower and awakening in a huge vat of
warm, fragrant, and comforting apple cider. With
your soap, I have done it morning after morning
and the experience never gets old or
   You have a terrific product and you
needn’t take my word for it. Our 5-year-old
grandson wants to know two things about goat
milk soap: How does it get out of the goat? and
You won’t stop sending it, will ya?
   Thanks so
much for making my mornings and my after-chicken
coop life such a great experience. I truly look
forward to the next magic box!"
– Laurence, Kentucky

"Thanks for the bar of soap and all the little
"take alongs" as I so fondly call them. With
the H1N1 virus, I am washing my hands even more
than before. I am so far behind on emails
as well as other things.  Looks like you have some new fragrances just in time for Christmas. :)"
– Rosa, Arkansas

"Thank you so much. I got some of your soap at
the Madison Chautauqua and really like it so
much  I
wanted to share it with my grandaughter."
– Joy, Indiana

"Good morning, I am looking forward to seeing
your booth in person. I have used your soap
before… I purchased from your website. Your
product was referred to me by a friend, so I
have never got to see your booth live. I can’t
   – Julie, Indiana

"I just wanted to say thank you for the 2 bars
of soap.  Glad you got to connect my face
with my name too. You were the reason I came to
the market, I needed your soap! Hugs,"
   – Kathie, Kentucky

"I used the lemon bar today and it is yummy! 
Thanks, again, and I’ll be purchasing more bars
from you soon."
   – Suzie, Nevada

"Hey PJ, Thanks, you’re the best!! As is usual,
I will be sitting on pins and needles til I get
that box of sweet smelling goodness in the mail.
Operation "Stalk the Mailman" will be in full
swing this week!"

   – Pam, Alabama

"I just purchased my second order from your
company. I have to tell you that I have really
enjoyed your soap and I am so glad I found out
about it. 
Thanks again for making such a great product."
Stephanie, North Carolina

"I can’t wait to get my soaps! I ordered the
Small Gift ones for a couple of friends! I tell
you those Gift Packs are going to make GREAT
Christmas Gifts this year!! Thank you so much!!!
I am sure I will be ordering more!!!! I will let
you know how I like them!  Take care and I
will be in touch soon,"
   – Janet, Florida

"I received my soap yesterday- it smells
delicious! I leave for
McMurdo station, Antarctica in two weeks, and am
looking forward to having some delicious
smelling soaps while there!
   – Carrie, Illinois

"I’m going to share the Watermelon with a
friend on a blog swap 🙂 You guys make the most
amazing soap! I’m hooked. "
– Paula, California

"I can’t wait.  MckMama talks highly of
your soups and there is something wonderful
about handmade, great smelling soap. Makes me
feel pampered. Thanks for much."
     – Pam, Michigan

"We’re loving the soap!  I’ll have to order
more soon.  Blessings,"
     – Candice, Colorado

"PJ,  I think your uncured soap is a
marketing ploy as every time I walk by it
sitting on the counter I have to smell it. They
smell so good I want to taste them!! Cruel and
unusual punishment that makes me cry for more!
LOL  I have been giving them as gifts and
now want some for myself!"
     – Sally Reed, Arizona

"Wow!!!! I bought a few bars last week, and I
was back again this week, purchasing 5 more
bars, for my Mom, and brother! I explained to my
Mom, after I bathed my skin felt like it was
wrapped in warm satin. Thank you, also for the
samples, it is thee reason I’m back today for
the Black Raspberry, and the OMH! Thanks again,"
     – Donna, Philadelphia, PA

"I received my soap today. Thank you for the
samples I used the ocean tonight and it was
wonderful. This is my first time using the goat
milk soap. I can not use the bars yet – I have
to take them to work tomorrow. I told the ladies
I work with about them, so now they want to
smell them (lol). Thanks and God Bless your
     – Linda, Indiana

"I just received my soaps yesterday. They all
smell wonderful and I can’t wait to try them
out. Thanks so much,"
      –  Sonya,

I got my soap, and used one of the samples this
morning (clean cotton). My skin has a softer
feel from using a better quality soap. When my
husband held my hand on the way to school, he
even said that my hand felt really soft (not
kidding!). If it is noticeably softer after one
scrub down, I cannot wait to see what it is like
after switching and using this all the time!! I
am excited about trying all of the different
scents, and the ones with the oatmeal in it,
too. As I said before, you will definitely be
getting more orders from me! I’m so excited.
Have a great rest of the week and weekend. 
Thanks again,"
Brianne, Virginia

"I need to order more – people in my house are
starting to fight over them 🙂 I need to order
for another bathroom, I want one in the kitchen,
and then some for laundry detergent.
Thanks! :)"
Holly, Texas

"I just used the OMH loofa disc…amazing!! Thank
you so much & I will definitely be ordering
much more!
Thank you again!"
Krista, Indiana

"thank you for the black raspberry soap."
           – Miley (age 5),

"Thanks for the email. The soap I ordered about
6 weeks ago is almost gone. I really like it and
have given several soaps to friends and
co-workers. Everyone really likes it!"
           -Jan, Indiana

"Thank you for the product it is WONDERFUL!"
          -Patricia, Kentucky

"Thank you!  One of my fellow teachers gave
me a bar of your soap….and now I’m definitely
a believer!"
          – Amy, Indiana

"Hey PJ!  We’re back at home from vacation
and I’m itching to place my next order. In case
you’re wondering( and it will be obvious now),
I’m trying to systematically work my way through
all of the soap scents. I want to sniff them all
and find my favorites."
           – Pam, Alabama

"In over 60 years of daily bathing, I have
never been so pleased with soap.  We will be
gifting some of our order so that our kids and
their kids will know how good life can be in the
goat milk bubble.  Thanks."
– Laurence, Kentucky

"Hi PJ, Thank you so much! I received your mango
soap from a friend of mine. My family and I were
hooked immediately!! I plan to give one of the
soaps, the mango, that I have ordered to a
friend of mine. . .well, that is if I can
actually give it up :)! 
Thank you so much for such a wonderful
– Cyndi, Kentucky

"Thank you so much … I appreciate you sending
the free samples.  I was recently in
Georgia and came across some goat soap but I
think your soap is a lot better so I’m glad I
found your website before ordering more of their
soap.  Thanks again"
– Sheryl, West Virginia

"Hi PJ!  I got the the package this morning
– so 5 days to the UK. Some retailers do advise
5-10 days for international delivery, and I
don’t think I’ve ever received anything in less
that 5 days. So does this mean I’m your first UK
customer? 😀  Anyway, the soaps smell
amazing and they’ve already scented my room
nicely. Thanks for the extra samples too! They
look so adorable I almost don’t want to use
them. Almost. 🙂  Thank you very much!"
– Gemma, United Kingdom

"Oh…….and I have my other soaps out and my
bedroom always smells so wonderful !!!  
I know that will be my next order too. 
I will put some in each room of my house. I will
be placing an order soon. Your soap lasts so
long and the scents smell so good !  God
Bless you and your family !"
                    – Donna, Indiana

"The soap is sudsier (is that a word) than store
bought soap."
                   – Anne, Kentucky

"Jim and PJ and crew…I JUST received my
soap-OMG!!!!! It smells SOOOO good! I’ve smelt
every one 10xs each, and now I’m having a sneezing
fit, rubbed my eye (forgot I had soap residue in
my hand) I’m tearing up, and I’m STILL excited
about the soap! hahaha! Seriously, it smells
insanely good and I can’t wait to use it! I
couldn’t decide which flavor first so I put 2 (fiji
island and ocean) in the shower, I’ll wash the
top 1/2 with one and the bottom 1/2 with the
other! Thank you so much! I told my kids and
their 3 friends that are over the "Jonas story"
soap making family & they think it is totally
cool and will appreciate the soap that much
more! I have no doubt that there will be many
more orders to follow–if all goes well I’ll
have the town of Newport & maybe Sunapee on it
by the end of mud season (sound familiar Jim?)!
So, fire up those goats and get milkin’! :)"
– Nicki, New Hampshire

"My hubby really likes the Kool Koala. I
actually heard him telling someone else how
great goat milk soap is. :o)"
                       – Brenda, California

"It was the most fragrant box of mail I have
ever rec’d! Mason & I couldn’t wait to open it
up when we got home"
                        – Kristin, New Hampshire

"We got the soap. We opened it, and were
amazed by the smell and size of the bars. They
are beautiful and smell amazing. The girls LOVED
the ones just for them. One of them smells like
a strawberry shortcake doll. We can’t wait to
try them out."
                        – Shannon, New Jersey

"I can’t wait to get the new scents and I
forgot to say thank you for the little sample
soaps you added in the last order. The girls
thought they were some kind of candy. LOL I let
them use them in their bath and I told them they
were using milk to wash with. They laughed and
thought it was great. "
                        – Brenda, California

"Got the package just a few moments ago, and
it smells so wonderful! I love the way you
package the bars! Thank you so much. Can’t wait
to try them!"
                        – Deb, Florida

"I received my soap. Thanks SO much. I LOVE
your packaging. It is so cute. Also, your bars
are huge. My husband loved them as well. So,
thanks again!!"
                        – Shelley, Nevada

"Peppermint Soap has been wonderful to my
joints. I have arthritis in my joints-now I
can’t wait to take my shower-the peppermint
makes my skin and joints feel GREAT!!!"
     – Lois, Illinois


Eczema/Psoriasis Relief

"Hello PJ! Just wanted to let you know that we got our soap in the mail yesterday.  Both of my boys have skin problems so I gave them their baths in the oatmeal, milk and honey soap last night and after just the one use my older son’s rash on his face has cleared up and my baby’s eczema is all better!  I am amazed! Also, I am a nurse and I have had chronic problems with my hands cracking and bleeding, but now I am on the mend too. I really appreciate what you and your family are doing. Thanks so much for making such a high quality product. Many blessings,"
   – Jessica, Indiana

"Thank you! I got my order on Saturday!! I just LOVE your soap! We are trying to live a little more "greener", not to mention me and my little Cub have eczema we’re always trying to keep under control. "
   – Nicole, California

"PJ, Just wanted to tell you we are
loving the lotion sticks!! Cat’s skin is doing
so well with them!!!  They make a great
addition to our collection of natural cures for
– Carnley, Florida

"A HUGE thank you! I have been
meaning to write for some time on how happy I am
I found out about your soaps. My son has eczema
and Keratosis Pilaris (tiny bumps on the legs,
arms, and cheeks). We were told to use non
irritant soap and even the mild soaps still
dried his skin out. When I first ordered I told
him he was getting new soap (he’s 3) and now
every time he gets a bath he grabs the soap and
proudly says ‘My new soap!’ We are supposed to
keep his baths short because of his skin. Now he
can stay in longer and play because I know his
skin is getting moisturized (naturally!) by the
soap. As a mom this makes me so happy because
the doctors say we should rub lactic acid
acid-based lotion onto his skin and rubbing any
potentially acid base lotion onto my sons skin
is not something I would like to do.
My husband and I use it and I cannot believe the
difference in my skin! My feet are soft again!
Even my husband loves the soaps. He asks when
we’ll try a new scent even the ‘un-manly’ ones.
     I received my
most recent order today and was shocked to see
you included another soap with the discount from
your newsletter! When I placed my order I was
wondering if you were having a special on the
extra soap but hadn’t received a newsletter. As
soon as I hit ‘submit’ I received your
newsletter and saw the special.
Thank you to your whole family for what you do.
If we lived closer I would hug you all. My God
continue to bless your family. Thank you again
for doing what your doing. You have a customer
for life."
   – Michelle, Minnesota

"Dear Jonas family,
Our 10 month old grandson has suffered with
eczema since he was 3 months old and has been
treated to no avail. My sister brought our
daughter a bar of your soap at a recent
gathering. I went to visit my grandson a week
later and couldn’t believe it. His skin was
clear, and so soft after just one week of using
your soap.  Thank you so much for what you are
doing. Pat your self on the back."
   – David, Indiana

"Just wanted to say what a great product you all
make!! I just bought a bar over the weekend at
the Madison Chautauqua – peppermint goat’s milk
soap.  I had previously bought a bar a few
months back at the court house days in Madison. 
I have psoriasis and had tried every kind of
soap only to find that yours is the best. It
makes your skin feel so clean, and keeps it
clear of psoriasis and acne breakouts.
   I am
going to tell all my friends about you and give
them your website address. Good to know that it
is sold at a store here in Madison where I live
too.  I also like it because it is long
lasting and well worth the money.
Also, I assume it was probably your son that was
the great salesman at the Chautauqua.  What
a nice young man with a great personality.
Anissa, Indiana

"Hi there!
My order arrived Thursday, so I got to pick it
up Friday from the post office. Even the
shipping box smelled good! 
My husband and I are both enjoying the Kool
Koala, and my 18 month old is using the Purity
Scrub. He has eczema and we are hoping the extra
moisturizers in the soap will help us to cut
back on the anti-itch creme we normally use.
We’ve already gone 3 days without having to use
any of the creme, if you can believe that (it
was normally 1-2 times daily).
Thanks a ton for the samples. They’re getting
plenty of use as well! 
I see a reorder in my future!"
Katie, Nevada

"Received my order and have distributed to family
members… we all have Colorado dry skin and eczema. I just love the product and can already
feel a difference. I have twin 16 month old
granddaughters and ordered the Purity for them.
They both have eczema. "
     – Lynda, Colorado

"PJ,  We have quickly come to LOVE using
your soaps, and they have helped my daughter’s
little eczema patch instantly! And I was happy
to find out you all are Hoosiers, as I will
always be one at heart no matter how far away I
have moved. So thank you for a worthwhile and
wonderful product. We look forward to enjoying
your soaps for a long time to come!  Thank
     – Kanda, Georgia

"Just wanted to say thank you for the soap and
the free samples! They look and smell wonderful
and I am really pleased so far with the effects
on my daughters’ eczema-prone skin. Thanks
     – Deborah,

"Thanks PJ.  I am thrilled with you
product. I have struggled with eczema and dry
skin and love your soap. We are a conservative
Christian family raising five kids. I love to
see how you have involved your children in the
business while keeping your focus on Christ.
Wish there were more families like yours out
there. Best of luck to you all!"
     – Dawn, Nebraska

"Hi PJ…..My soap arrived and it smells
wonderful! My husband really likes the Kool
Koala and I’d have to say that Pink Sugary is my
favorite. That’s not to discount the rest
because they all smell great. I also like the
size of the bars. They’re large enough to share
with other family members. I’ve already cut some
of the bars to share with my daughter,
son-in-law and grandkids. We all love things
that smell good such as candles, soaps. etc.
Your soap has a nice, soft lather and leaves my
skin soft. My daughter and I both have psoriasis
and this soap is kind to our skin and
non-drying. Thanks so much for shipping my order
so quickly. I know I’ll be re-ordering in the
future. Have a great day!"
– Claudia in Texas

"Hello Goat Milk Soap Family, I received my
order yesterday and LOVE your product! My son
has extreme eczema and MckMama recommended your
stuff to me.  A very pleased (and smell
good) customer,"
     – Cindy, Texas
p.s. I LOVE the Nautical for my husband and the
OMH for myself!!!! In love…if you can be in
love with a bar of soap….hee hee 🙂

"Hello Jim and PJ…  I just found your
website and love the beautiful bars of soap. I
have severe psoriasis and I have been using goat
milk soap for about 3 months and have seen some
improvement.  I can’t wait to try your
soap! Your descriptions are so vivid, I can
almost smell it through my computer screen.
Thanks so much and have a good evening."
– Claudia, Texas

"Oh Thank you so much. Your soap is like an
addiction. We love it here. My kids skin is so
sensitive plus they both have eczema
and finally I found a soap that will work on
both kids. Before I found you I had to use
different soaps per kid.  And the baby
couldn’t come in contact with his brother’s soap
–  so bath time was a PRODUCTION! Now they
both can have a bath together which saves time &
water. WOO HOO. We love it. Even my husband’s
skin is softer and so is mine – wow had I only
known about you years ago. I’m a customer for
life! Thanks for all that you do."
     – Jeana, Texas

"I just wanted to let you know how happy we’ve
been with our goat milk soap. My baby who was 6
months when we started using it had some patches
of rough skin, not quite eczema but close. I am
happy to report that after switching to goat
milk soap, those spots have cleared up
completely. I even use the soap on his little
face to keep it clear and clean. I’ve almost got
all our soap spots switched over to goat milk. I
know I’ll be a repeat customer! Thanks so much!"
            – Kristy,

"I just wanted to thank you for your excellent
customer service and quality products. I ordered
your Purity soap for my one-year-old in hopes of
it helping his eczema, and it has worked wonders
on his skin. My other children use your Oatmeal,
Milk, & Honey soap and they just love it. I love
how soft their skin is – I no longer use lotion
on them – and how lovely they smell after a
bath. I use your Purity Scrub and Peppermint
soaps for myself and have no complaints
whatsoever; I am so happy I came across your
website. Thank you!"
Lindsey, North Carolina

"I had ordered your purity soap about a month
ago. One of my two-year-olds has had mild eczema
since he was about 5 months old. Since using
your soap, he has no eczema, and we are not even
lotioning! God Bless you and your family."
April, Texas

"Wow that was fast. THANK YOU! I am anxiously
awaiting my order. I love your soap. Your
adorable children caught my attention at the
flea market here in Louisville a few months ago.
What wonderful salesmen they are! I use the soap
on my 5-year-old and 19-month-old and their skin
has never been so smooth (they both have
eczema).  I will definitely be a regular
customer and have passed your site on to several
friends and family.  Have a wonderful
   – BJ, Kentucky

"Quick story…I told the kids this morning that I ordered new soap, which was followed by yelps of glee and big smiles. Sammy then said (completely unprovoked I might add) "my showers used to make me itchy, but now I’m not itchy. This is the best soap ever!" From the mouth of a five year old to your ears–clearly his eczema is better. We can’t wait to try out the new soaps!!!!"
   –  Marybeth, Florida

"My daughter has allergies and eczema and we tried and love your soap.  Thank You."
   – Trish, Kentucky

"I purchased one of your bars of soap (evergreen) at the Louisville Flea Market. Your son convinced me, also told me it was the last bar of this Christmas scent. Had to buy it! Great little sales pitch, also showed me the pictures of the family milking the goats. Love it! Wish I had bought more. Just bought some on your web site. Bought 5 more bars. Can’t wait to get them. I am convinced now. My daughter has bad eczema and this has worked good for her. No more cortizone cream or expensive lotion soap. Would have been much cheaper to buy your product from the get-go. "
   – Bonnie, Kentucky


Dry/Sensitive Skin

"Good Morning PJ, I just
wanted to let you know my soap arrived
yesterday. What outstanding delivery! I have
extremely dry skin and I am allergic to almost
all fragrances — finding a soap that doesn’t
irritate my skin has been a challenge all my
life. I washed my hands with the purity scrub,
and they feel wonderful! Soft, smooth, and no
irritation! Yeah! Thank you for making such an
outstanding soap! And, yes, you are correct —
the half-bar of organic castile makes me very
   – Sue, Arizona

"PJ, Thank you for the very
fast service and wonderful goat milk soaps.
Everything was packaged very nicely, We will
certainly be ordering more soap again. They are
working fabulously on my kids sensitive skin and
they smell so good too."
   – Donna, Pennsylvania

"Hi PJ,  I love the soap and
will let you know how I like the bath bomb and
what my husband thinks of the shave kit.  I
purchased several bars of soap in November or
December to give as Christmas gifts. Everyone
loves the product. Hopefully they will purchase
from your website. The soap helps with my dry
skin especially in the Winter months. Also,
about 4 months ago, I started to use the soap on
my face daily because I ran out of my facial
cleanser and it’s also a little expensive. The
Goat’s Milk Soap really helped with the facial
acne issues I was having. I do get a breakout or
2 every month but it’s nothing like I was
experiencing! I will not go back to the
expensive products I was using, that’s for sure!
Thanks again,"
   – Melissa, Maryland

"I love the organic castile soap.  It
soothes and softens my dry, sensitive skin. It is
exactly what I need!  Thank you.”
– Susan, Arizona

"Your soap is simply
wonderful, I will use nothing else!!!! Just
ordered 4 more bars yesterday. Thank you for a
product that works!!! My acne prone skin is
clear and soft. God bless!!!
– Jill, Ohio

"I just LOVE your soap! I ran out and had to
use other soap. My hands immediately got dry and
cracked. Now I will make sure NEVER to run out
of your WONDERFUL soap!  Sincerely,"
– Amy, Wisconsin

"I want to tell you how pleased I am with your
product. I have dry itchy skin & the soap has
been wonderful. My skin hasn’t itched since I
started using your soap."
   – Pamela, Indiana

"Hi PJ, 
Got our order and we love the soaps! 
My daughter, a beautiful redhead,
has very sensitive skin. She has been using
an expensive cleanser from a medical clinic. 
She can only use that once every two days. 
However, she has used Purity three times in a
row now and can not believe how soothing it
has been to her facial skin. Even little red
bumps she had are disappearing. We are so
happy and excited.
My husband and I love the smell and the
milky texture. And my hands are feeling so
We will be ordering more, but for the time being
8 bars we have will last awhile.
Thanks for making such a good quality product. 
May God prosper your business and family. 
With the Lord’s love and mine,"
Sandi, Michigan

"Hi!!  Just wanted to tell you how much
I love your soap, especially the purity scrub! I
have very sensitive skin, no itchies at all
since I’ve used your soap.  I am passing
along some to my daughter, who has very allergy
prone skin.  Cant wait to order some more!"
     – Mary Anne, New Jersey

"I got one of your soaps as a gift, and I loved
it, thought it would be my special treat to
myself, and then my husband stated how much he
loved it and didn’t dry his skin, so I am
stocking up."
– Elizabeth, Massachusetts

"My package arrived yesterday! LOVE THEM! I have
very sensitive skin. To be able to wash my
hands, have them feel clean without feeling
dry…how exciting! My entire kitchen smelled
wonderful yesterday when they were in there. I
love the OMH scrub. Oh my gosh, it smells
heavenly!  Thank you so much!!!"
     – Kris, Texas

"Enjoying your soap very much. It truly does
reduce the
need for applying moisturizers….will have more
to spend on soaps!!"
– Barbara, Ohio

"I LOVE my soaps. My skin hasn’t been itchy
in almost 3 weeks. Also, thanks for the samples
– I appreciate you sending them.  I’ll
definitely be ordering again soon."
     – Jessica, New York

"Oh thank you (and thank Brett)! I’m still
using the Fiji soap from last month but could
not pass up lilac – yummy!  I really love
your soap – I have always had skin "issues" and
my skin has really flared up over the past year
and a half. I’ve been using your soap for
several months now and my skin seems much calmer
– I really think it is the soap! Good stuff!! 
Thanks again."
– Becki, North Carolina

"My husband and daughter both have extremely dry
skin, they would go through a huge bottle of
lotion (not the cheap stuff either) in a week
putting it on 4 or 5 times a day and it still
didn’t help. My mother suggested I try goats
milk soap. I could not believe the difference it
made. Not only did it help their dry skin (only
put on lotion once a day now) but it also helped
the boils that my husband was very prone to
getting on his legs. He hasn’t had one since he
started using the goats milk soap. We had tried
other brands and although they worked great.
They didn’t have the scents and the bars were
extremely smaller and didn’t last as long. I am
so happy that I came across your website. I will
definitely be a long time customer and will tell
all of my friends and family about your
wonderful soap. Thank you,"
Marianne, Arizona

"Hi Pj,Thanks for getting the soap out so
quickly! I am excited to try it out! I have a 5
year old daughter (and 5 other kids too!) that
has a skin condition that leaves her skin really
dry/cracky/rashy. We just don’t use much soap on
her at all. But as she is getting older, we are
wanting to find products that work for her, and
I have a feeling your soap just might be
something she can use. Also, we are just wanting
to use less chemicals in general, so goat’s milk
soap seems like a good thing for the whole
family.  Blessings,"
– Lisa, Washington

"Hi everyone! Well, you surely have a new
customer who loves your product!  This was our
first Autumn on the River. I met you and your
family there. I bought my first soap
(Peppermint) at your booth. It has lasted from
October until a few weeks ago. I loved it! I
have noticed a big difference since I ran out of
your goat milk soap. The dry, itchy skin of
winter has returned…yikes!!! Please send me
info on how to order more of your soap and the
scents available. I miss my goat milk soap!!!!"
                        – Janis, Kentucky

"My husband forgot to tell you that your soap
has helped his dry skin condition a lot. His
knees, knuckles, and skin in general have been
very dry, scaly, and even white in color for
some time now. Since using your soap, this has
started to clear up. Right at first, after
acquiring the soap, he took many showers, 2 or 3
a day. That’s when I noticed that his hands
looked better, and he said his knees were too.
Thought you’d like to know. Our bathroom smells
wonderful from your soap too. Our favorite is
the cider press!"
                        – Kathy, Indiana

"Your soap is absolutely amazing! I have very
sensitive skin and I can literally see and feel
the health of my skin improving beyond what it
has ever been. I always used to have to use
lotion but not once since I’ve started using
your soap. I am excited to give it out for
Christmas presents to my friends and family. I
hope you never quit making it!"
   – Dani, Illinois

"We are already enjoying our soap. Thank
you!!I found you on the internet. I was
diagnosed with lupus almost a year ago. Since
then my skin has really changed, it is so dry.
Your soap already has made a difference.  I read
over your blog, you have such a sweet family I
can tell.  Thanks again, and thanks for the
samples; next time I am going to definitely
order the black raspberry!
                        – Wanda, Missouri

"Wow, that is a really fast turn around time. I
am impressed. I am very excited to try out your
products. I tend to have very dry skin and I’m
up for trying any soap that will be more
hydrating. I also like the fact of using a
natural product. Thanks so much, "
– Sonya, Pennsylvania

"Thank you! I’ve been searching and searching
for an all natural soap for my hyper sensitive
family’s skin! My cousin sent me the purity soap
bar and we have had no problems since! We love
– Amanda Ott, Indiana

"Thank you so much! I was searching for goat
milk/honey soaps and there are a TON! After much
reading and clicking around I liked yours b/c of
the use of your own milk so you know exactly
where it came from, as well as the ingredients
you listed, or lack thereof…no dyes or
synthetic colors since I have sensitive skin. 
Thanks again."
                   – Dawn, Texas

"Hi PJ, Wow! that order came quick! My husband
brought home the package from the mailbox, and
immediately grabbed the Ocean soap and headed
for the shower. Your soaps are a lot more
moisturizing than the store soaps, and with the
dry winter air, it really helps the skin.
   I really like all the scents I received, and I think I’ll be
knitting washcloths and pairing them with your
soaps as nice Christmas gifts.  Thanks!"
   – Katie, Nevada

"PJ, We absolutely LOVE your soap. Our Canadian
winters are very harsh on our skin and this soap
is just what we’ve needed. I order to share with
my daughter’s family too so you’ll be hearing
from me lots!
   We are thrilled to see that you love Jesus too, as do we, and so we
share a common bond already! May God bless your
business and give you much joy in your hearts
and in your family as you work together!!!
   – Marion , Canada

"Everyone LOVES their Christmas gifts (your
soap) I hadn’t realized that I got soap for them
twice….they must’ve thought that I think they
stink. I even got two bars of Cider Press for my
brother’s birthday and he was thrilled… he
loves Cider Press!
It’s amazing how every single one of us have
found softer skin and less rashes, cracking and
bleeding hands and I have even been shaving my
legs with your goat milk soap! I haven’t been
able to use soap to shave my legs in years and
years. I haven’t been able to use soap on my
body for twenty years! Up until I found your
goat milk soap I was only left with very very
expensive alternatives or skin lotion in the
shower which is dangerous from the oily residue
that was left on the shower floor. But now, I
get to use real soap and feel so much cleaner!
And the shower floor is clean! Yippee!! "
                        – Jamie, Indiana


What Awesome
Customer Service

"You guys are awesome! I placed my order late
in the day and had no expectation of it getting
to me in less than 24 hours, but it did… Your
kids did a great job!! 🙂
   As far as the soap I ordered… WOW! I LOVE IT!! Thank you and keep
up the good work. I will definitely be telling
my family and friends about the "little
treasure" I found in Indiana!  God Bless,"
   – Tonia, Ohio 🙂

"Now THAT’s customer service. Thanks so much."
   – Karen, Washington

"PJ, I got the package in the mail today, I
just love your fast shipping and extra
personalization from the kids making sure the
right things end up in the right package. Thank
you for making such great products, can’t wait
to try the new hand soap!! (my bathroom pump
hand soap is almost out!)
   – Mandi Montana

"Hi PJ,  Thanks so much for all the
help, I really appreciate it. I’ll definitely be
spreading the word about how great your customer
service is to everyone. Thank you again. I’ve
tried several other companies’ goat milk soaps
and you guys are by far the highest quality and
best customer service! Thanks!  Have a
great week!"
   – Betsy, Massachusetts

"Way to go Brett!!  Your family amazes me in
how wonderful you all are.  Thank you for
everything you do! 

Thank you for the (shipping) refund.  I know I’ll be
sending it back your way by buying more
soap. :)"
Michelle, Minnesota

"Thank you! You guys always have the very best
customer service! It makes me wish I needed more
soap than I do :)"
   – Sarah, Texas

"Thank you so much for the astounding speed with
which you handled my order. I’m looking forward
to receiving them and I’ll let you know how they
worked for us. I’ve already signed up for your
newsletter on your lovely website.  Thanks
again and enjoy your day!"
     – Adele, Michigan

"I received my soap
today! That was fast! I will be a returning
customer when I run out. Thanks also for the
   – Rebecca, Tennessee

"Thanks, PJ. It is so good to order from someone
who makes customer service a priority. I
received my soap yesterday. Now that is fast
      – Carol, Indiana

"Thank you for your communication! It’s so nice.
I am really looking forward to switching out all
my soaps!!"
     – Jessica, Texas

"Hi PJ, I received my package on Saturday after
placing the order Wednesday, surprisingly quick.
I was so excited to take out each of the 4 bars
and feel and smell them. (I ordered OMH, OMH
Scrub, Purity and Cool Citrus Basil) They just
look beautiful.
     I had a friend visiting me the
weekend I received the soap and I let her choose
one of the samples you sent. She picked the
black raspberry and after using it that day said
she was going to order some when she got home.
She said she usually has to use a lot of lotion
and was shocked at the healthy condition of her
skin after showering with your soap. (Don’t be
surprised if you receive an order from Buffalo,
NY soon!) I also passed along the Luv Spell
sample to a friend at church and I believe she
is already convinced to purchase the soap just
from what I’ve told her about it.
     The third
sample I retained for hand use at the bathroom
sink and I’m loving it. Now I can’t wait to use
up my 4 bars so I can try out your pink
grapefruit luffa next!! Thanks for the quality
handmade products and great customer service.
Send my thanks to all of your "employees". ;)"
April, Florida

"I have to comment that it is so unusual to feel
like a purchase over the internet is so
personal. And I love it! I’m excited about
trying the soap and hope this is the first of
many orders!"
      – Bev, North Carolina

"Thank you guys ssssoooooo much for the order –
it arrived el pronto and I was moved to share
with my co-workers (by slicing in half) LOL! 
Again, many thanks —I take extra baths now
because of the milky soap 🙂  Best
     – Andréa, New York

"Thanks so much for the personal attention. Your
soaps will make great gifts too. "
      -Jan, Minnesota

"You guys are fast! Thanks so much!!"
     – Melissa

"Thanks for sending my soap so fast.  It
was an Easter basket gift, plus some for me. 
It is awesome soap."
                    – Tracey, Kentucky

"Wow, that was fast! Thank you for the
super-fast response, and for sharing your soap
with people at such a reasonable price. I’ll be
sure to tell my family and friends about your
website, and your "blog". :)"
                        – David, Texas  

"I appreciate the quick service. Ya "done"
     – Max, Indiana

"Just want you to know that I received my
package today – of the Goat Soap! I am quite
excited! Cool packaging!! Love the little bags!
My husband also liked the smell of a couple of
bars… I’ll let you know the feedback!! 🙂 
Thanks again for the quick shipping!! I
appreciate you and your family’s efforts!"
     – Gayle, Texas

"Wow! thanks for the great service."
     – JoEllen, Indiana

"Thanks so much for the quick service."
     – Jessica, Missouri

"PJ, I received your package today in the mail
and wanted to let you know how impressed I’ve
been already with both your product, and your
service! My children keep trying to steal a bar
of soap for their bathroom–the peppermint is
their favorite, and I’m pretty sure they’ve
never fought over cleanliness before today! All
four that I bought from you smell wonderful, and
we’re all laughing that we’re so excited to wash
our hands.  From one homeschooling family
to another, thank you!"
     – Sarah, Texas

"Thank you so much for the soap. It arrived in
the mail today and was packaged wonderfully. I
even ordered a sale soap and it is exactly the
same size as the full price soap! I ordered it
just wanting a surprise soap to try out since
you have so many enticing flavors/smells. I love
how you put a business card with each packaged
soap too. I brought them into the Courthouse
(where I work) and the other ladies loved it!! I
was able to give them the business cards that
were enclosed. I hope that they order from you
and love your soap too. I haven’t yet used your
soap, but I can’t wait!!! They smell AWESOME!!!
     – Mandi, Montana

"Wow! Thanks for shipping so quickly! I am so
excited to try your product…I have read great
things about it!"
– Nikki, Ohio

"Hi, Thanks for the soap and quick shipment. The
bars are generously sized and thanks for the
samples! "
                  – Kim, Minnesota

"Thanks so much for the outstanding service."

Linda, Ohio

"My order w/the luffas and soap
just arrived today! The smell in my office right
now is just amazing!
   Thanks for
your wonderful service and your amazing product!
I ended up giving one of the luffa soaps to a
gal at work once she saw and smelled the product
… hadn’t even gotten it home yet!!! 
   – Marion, Canada

"Thank you very much! I look forward to getting
these soaps! I appreciate the samples, too! I’m
hoping that I can use ALL your soap
scents…they sound so yummy.  Hope that
you have a good weekend, and thank you again for
the excellent customer service. Aloha,"
     – Bobbi, Hawaii


Love the family business

"Thanks, PJ. I met your husband and 3 of your children at the Street Rod Nationals in Louisville in August. We were vendors in the automotive section and I was just strolling through the Woman’s World area on Sunday since t was quieter in our booth that day. I was so impressed with the 2 boys (I didn’t really speak to your daughter) and how easily they spoke to me. I asked Jim if they were homeschooled and he said they were. There was just something in the way they spoke and handled themselves. My grandchildren are homeschooled as well and the 2 boys reminded me of our grandsons.Blessings to you and your family. Keep up the good work."
   -Dorothy, Canada

"Thanks PJ, great site! Love that your family all work together, so few do these days. Mine is like yours and I wouldn’t change it for anything!"
   – Mary, North Carolina

"My husband and I were at the Blueberry Festival
in Plymouth, Indiana, yesterday. As I was
waiting near your booth for my husband, I heard
your son, Emery, asking everyone who passed by
if they wanted a free sample of goat milk soap.
If they said yes, he then asked them if they had
ever used goat milk soap and went on to explain
the benefits. I stood for awhile, listening and
watching, before I went over to get my free
sample. I couldn’t help but take my sample and
then ask questions just to hear Emery answer
with such confidence. I was very impressed! The
expression and smile on his face just captured
my heart. I asked about his family and he told
me all of their names, only to quiz me later. 🙂
Then I asked how many boys and how many girls,
and after he told me the number, I had to guess
which ones were the girls! When I was able to
tell Fletcher his name, he was amazed. "How did
I know that?", he asked. I told him that I had
been a teacher, and that teachers know a lot of
things. I talked for awhile to your husband and
to the boys and needless to say, I purchased
some soap, one of Fletcher’s favorite, a gift
package (for myself) and the second dishcloth
ever that Fletcher had made (due to some secret
prompting by Emery). It must have been those
cute faces!
   I must say that meeting your boys and your husband was the
highlight of my trip to the Blueberry Festival.
I just can’t get those faces out of my mind. Jim
gave me a card with your blog site on it and I
just visited to see the rest of the family. I am
sure that there is never a dull moment around
your household, but you have such a lovely
family. One can feel the love and respect you
have for each other just by being in the
presence of your children and by reading your
blog. Thank you for sharing!"
   – Charlene

"Thanks, PJ!  Just wanted to let
you know that I stumbled upon your site
yesterday, and just HAD to order some soap when
I read that you’re a Christian, homeschooling
family! We are, too. I want to try your soap to
see if it helps our 10-yr-old Adam’s dry skin in
the winter. Sometimes his knuckles crack and
bleed. (CO winters are soooooo dry!) We own a
share of a goat herd to get raw milk, but there
isn’t extra to make soap. 
Blessings to you and your family!"
      – Paula, Colorado

"I can’t wait to get my package and try your
soap. I think that it’s great that you get the
whole family involved in the process."
     – Tina, Arkansas

"I stopped by your table today and spoke with
your youngest daughter and son. What a delight
they were. The youngest had the basket offering
a sample of your soap.  I would like to
compliment you primarily on how nice the
children were. I did purchase the kool koala,
after I told your son I loved mint scents. He
was so helpful and knowledgeable about your
soap. I wish I had purchased a few more bars.
Again, they were a delight. God Bless your
     – Tonie, Indiana

"That was a great article on your family in the
paper this am. I am local and plan to look you
up at the Charlestown days.  It is terrific
to read about a family that is teaching the
values of work ethics. I look forward to meeting
     – Jennifer, Indiana

"I have had two bars of your soap, they
have an
awesome smell and feel.  Your children do a great
job at the markets, they answered a lot of
questions for me and my husband on the soap. "
– Tracey, Kentucky

"I received the soap I ordered yesterday and
am so delighted. The lilac and honeysuckle soaps
are magnificent. I must tell you your family is
enchanting, intelligent, well spoken and just
wonderful. The children’s enthusiasm, knowledge
and honesty would sell the soap even if it
weren’t such a wonderful product. My friends and
I were completely captivated by them. It
certainly shows they are being raised by caring
parents who see to their spiritual, moral,
physical and educational needs. Besides that,
you guys must be a lot of fun because the
children are so happy.  Thank you for
making the goat soap. I look forward to
purchasing many more bars. It just makes my skin
feel so good. "
            – Gail,

"Hi PJ, I was so excited to meet Colter,
Emery and Jim today at the Wanamaker Fair! Your
little ones are the sweetest, most polite boys…
and great salesmen! I had ordered some soap a
few months back when Jennifer McKinney posted a
link to your site on her blog. I saw you were
going to be at the Wanamaker Fair and stopped by
to pick up a couple more bars for my mom. Of
course, they managed to talk me into getting
FIVE more bars! : ) Your soap is great and my
whole family is enjoying using it. I was passing
the soap around to some friends at the fair, and
they were heading over there to get their own!
Hope you all have a good turnout today! 
Take Care,"
            – Kendra,

"My mom and I went to the Christmas craft
show this past weekend.  We bought some of your
soaps and love the smell.  I also wanted to tell
you how helpful and professional your son was to
the customers."
            – Jessica, Indiana

"Thanks so much! I can only imagine how
fantastic your home must smell, always filled
with these gorgeous soaps. I was amazed at the
way my first order’s worth of soap made my home
smell so good.  What a wonderful product
you provide, and what an inspiration your family
is.  Warm regards."
          – Tara, California

"Hi guys.  I just wanted to let you know I
really enjoyed meeting you all and how well
behaved sweet adorable kids you have.  It is
such a joy for me to see brothers and sisters
getting along and enjoying each other.  I just
wanted to pass that along and I enjoyed my
shower this morning with my new soap.  I hope
you all have a Merry Christmas and and wonderful
safe new year.  Really enjoy your trip to
                        – Bonnie, Indiana

"I want to compliment you on one of your sons
that came up to me and told me about the soap. He
was very courteous, informative, sincere and
believes in his product. Of course I couldn’t
resist; I bought the Fiji Island fragrance.
Can’t wait to give it a try. I have viewed your
website, you have a beautiful family."
                       – Karen, Indiana

 "Hi, I met your son at the garage sale last
weekend. He gave me a sample and I am hooked on
your soap, You must be very proud of your
children. I did not get his name but he really
knew his stuff. I was amazed at his professional
language.  I then looked at your web site and
found out you home school your children, that
explains why.  It is a pleasure doing business
with you."
                        – Anna, Indiana

"Hi there!  I just received my copy of the
Creative Knitting Newsletter. As I was reading
one of the articles, I saw this paragraph and
immediately knew who the little boy was:

Here’s a little Knitting In Public story: At the
Kentucky State Fair, I saw a boy, age 9,
knitting cotton washcloths as he sat in a booth
run by his parents. He told me his mom had
taught him to knit. He was working on a garter
stitch washcloth that a customer had requested.
The next day his dad was there knitting. He was
fixing the washcloth that another, younger son
was making. The younger boy had trouble at the
beginning of the rows and needed a little help
with that.

I thought this was awesome since I too stopped and
talked to your little guy because not only do I
love your soaps – I also love to knit. 
Have a great day,"
Cherry, Kentucky


Love Your Other Stuff

"Good Morning, PJ,   I just had to
tell you how wonderful your Laundry Stain Stick
really is!  Living in Alabama we have lots
of red dirt and what kid doesn’t just love to
play in the dirt? My granddaughter got red clay
dirt ground into an outfit that wasn’t supposed
to be a play outfit. After washing it twice and
using two different commercial stain removers,
the stain was still very visible.
     That week we received our shipment of Laundry Soap and
Stain Sticks. Now by this time the outfit had
been washed and had dried several days before
but my daughter decided to try your Stain Stick
on it anyway……….what did we have to lose at this
point, right. Every trace of the red stain
vanished with just one treatment!!!!!
     We are so thrilled with your products! Thank you for
such wonderful items!"
   – Sandra, Alabama

"Hi PJ, hope all is well with you and yours. 
The unscented lotion stick has made an
INCREDIBLE difference in the dry skin on my
feet. I’ve already used one stick completely.
   – Chris, Pennsylvania

"Thanks so much for the fast shipment. I got
it yesterday and used the laundry detergent
today. It worked great!";
    – Sheri, Pennsylvania

"Hi PJ! Wanted to say thanks for sending the
Honey Lip Balm last week, it’s great. I also was
curious if you guys had any plans for liquid
goat’s milk soap or shampoo? Thanks!"
   – Karla, Georgia 
(PJ adds – yep, liquid soap will be ready soon; shampoo will hopefully follow)

"Thank you, PJ! I love your products and like
the idea of becoming more “natural” as well! 
I tried the small size of laundry soap and was
very pleased so now I’m getting the larger size
for my daughter also! She has a family of 5 and
the 3 children have very sensitive skin so I
know that your laundry soap will be great for
them. Thanks again!"
    – Sandra, Alabama

I came home today, after a long day at work, opened my mailbox and smiled ear to ear! There was a wonderful aroma, and my package! I Love your soap it makes me feel happy on the inside and my skin is fantastic! Emery signed the bottom, so I am guessing he packed it- Thanks for doing it so fast Emery!!!! – Kathy

I received my soaps yesterday! What a wonderful thing to open and use after a long, busy September. I already feel a difference in how my skin feels. : )- Kathy

We love the soap in our home! As winter approaches I like to have the soap on hand because of dry skin. The soap works wonders.- Ronda

I love Goat Milk Soap……I just ordered my 2nd round 6 bars. Thanks for a great product made with family love..- Tammy

Started using you soap, we got it as a gift…. Now I have our family and my extended family hooked on GMS products…. The best stuff… It is so wonderful to see family businesses grow and prosper like yours… thank goodness for social media love the pod cast and advise on homeschooling and parenting. God bless- Brandie

I love this soap! I ordered 12 bars a year ago and just opened up the last bar. I will have to get busy and place another order. I even have my sister- in-law ordering now! – Jamie

just got my soap from Goat Milk Stuff in the mail and I have to say, it’s pretty remarkable and affordable.-Jess

I am obsessed with your products! So glad I bought through the MIS group order. Celeste told us how great everything was, but I was amazed by how much I loved everything! Thanks so much! ! -Nicole

My face is very sensitive and this is only soap i can use on my face ty-Polly

I just put in an order for Christmas gifts for my mail lady, my newspaper delivery lady, my doctor, and some family members for stocking stuffers, and also myself, of course…LOL Everyone loves GMS so it makes christmas shopping so easy to order online with fast delivery. Can you tell I am addicted to GMS? Their soaps and candles make great gifts and everyone enjoys getting them.-Cathleen

Great products!-Barbara

Talk about a great product! I ordered on a Sunday evening and received my package Wednesday. I am in love! I ordered several different scents to see which I would like better, but I love them all! My son loves the Dragon Blood I got for him. I will never buy a store brand again. I will be buying from Goat’s Milk Stuff from now on! The prices are decent too!-Danielle

We received our order from MIS and I just have to tell you how much we love your products! My daughter uses her pink washcloth everyday, and I love how soft the soaps make our skin. However, my absolute favorite product is your foot scrubby–that thing is magic! In 10 seconds my feet are softer and cleaner than an hour at the salon. I am giving them out as Christmas gifts! Thanks for such an amazing product that is safe for my entire family. -Rachel

Jade: “I think we should have a pizza party every day.”
PJ: “I think you’d get tired of pizza.”
Jade: “But when I got tired of it, I’d just feed it to the chickens and eat eggs for awhile, and then I’d go back to pizza when I was tired of eggs.”

Farm Children

Since we live on a farm where the children run through fields, woods, work with goats and chickens, (and of course play hard) they tend to be hard on clothes and shoes. Especially the boys. After getting them new shoes, it seems like no time at all, and they come to me like this: I […]

Emery: “I love the way the chickens look when they’re wet – they’re like half their size.”

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*Disclosure of Material Connection: Some of the links in the post above are “affiliate links.” This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will add value to my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Chicken Treats

I was walking past the barn the other day, and I noticed Greyden standing in very wet clumpy mud, digging with his hands. Me: “Greyden what are you doing?” Greyden: “I’m looking for worms for the chickens!” Apparently right after it rains, all of the worms are close to the surface of the ground, which […]